Pato has been my biggest flop, bought him for £56mil and the lad couldn't score to save his life. Sold him for £50mil after 2 seasons
ive had a few flops, i usually buy lots of young players in the first season and then one marquee signing a year after.
ive had otamendi screw me around too, spent 5 mil on him but he kept getting carded and was pretty much usesless, ended up spending big on Kjaer to replace him. did get 12m back for him though from liverpool
fabregas has been a flop a few times, usually have to pay 60-80m for him and he only ever put in average performances.
i had rooney be a flop too, he cost me 64m at inter and he scored 8 in the first season, starting nearly every game
Özil. He never settled, kept playing bad not one single goal and no good passes in 40 games:'(
Had pretty much the same story, tried playing him in different positions and different roles all season and nothing worked
For me..... Lucas Biglia to Celtic for £10 million!
He had a couple of good seasons and i beat off stiff premier league and Spanish teams to him and he was ****. Played so badly for his first 5 games including 2 o.g's i dropped him! Realised that he was my 5th choice behind Brown, Ki, N'Guemo and Guti. Then Didn't play for the the rest of the season (bearing in mind he signed in Jan.) then sold him for 6 mil in installments at the end of next season afteronly 9(9) appearances
Akos Buzsaky on my Celtic save...20 games with an average rating of 6.10
Signed him for 40M
Played 24 games
Scored twice
Eventually loaned him out to Genoa hahaha suckers
Same here...he never settles in England

Actually Rafinha did quite well with me at Barcelona, rotating him and Daniel Alves.

Ibrahimovic never settled though and went on a goal draught through the first half of the season, only for Barcelona though, he scores for his national team.
Tactics do play a part in flops too. Try to scout them before signing them.
chinedu obassi

i bought for 20M.. but play like a noobs :S
Silviu Lung Jr. He stats grow immensely but he never seems to perform. Not to mention that he will feel the "media pressure" on a monthly basis.
Signed him in my Wolfsburg game for £4M after him being amazing on FM09, and he was poor.. scored once in a season and made just 2 assists in like 30 matches.
Sold him to Bayern for £4M the next season, broke even off a flop :)
Matias Fernandez for £12m 0 goals 1 assist in 1st season, sold to inter for £8m next season.

Just a fail signing - Lukaku for £22m August 3 seasons in, chairman sold to Tottenham for £11m January the next year..
I got Leigh Griffiths for 4m when i got huddersfield into premier league and he was shocking. Also , I couldn't get rid of him as clubs thought he was viable XD
Worst Signing

In my four seasons at arsenal:
i.) Philip Mexes( 70m $)
ii.) Now i am yet to start off but i payed 86m $ for aguero. And e is yet to find a rhytm.
I hope he finds it soon. Otherwise he will definitely be my worst signing ever.
Signed a Dutch guy called Hedwiges Maduro in my first season at Celtic...valued at 3.2 million, got him for 2.5, but he was garbage, the fans were questioning all season why I bought him...oh, and he won worst transfer in the league at the end of the season
Sakho for 28million in my Valenica Game and he has a average rating of 6.1
Walcot played bad for me
buyed him for 39M
played 2 and a half games,score 1 injure 8-14month
i also signed Landon Donovan for £8m when i was Liverpool and he was ****
he scored 4 goals in 15 games then got injured for 14 months

i signed donovan for liverpool aswell 26 goals in 36 apps and 15 assists (18 goals in 22 apps and 9 assists in the premiership)
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but back on topic i bought milner for 32m on another save 16 apps ad.rating was 6.2 then he got injured for 8 months.