I signed Camacho first season, he got injured 4 times in the first season, he played 4 matches and got injured all 4 times.

Second season I signed Sakho and though his stats are great he plays like ******* Titus Bramble and it really really doesn't make sense.
Vorinon, All the praise he gets through out the world and i bought him for 35million, turned out he was rubbish. Thanks Carlo Ancelotti

From Liverpool Manager...

Joke asides. This regen (striker ) scored 45 in 50 at the age of 18 and beat Pato into the Milan squad... I got him for 32million... He scored 12 in 30.. So basicly. I did a Robbie Keane. I sold him for 24million in the end.

Then the ******* score against me in the champions league and knocked me out on away goals
kenwyn jones 4 me paid 12 mil and he scored 8 goals in 2 seasons for west ham :(
David Silva - Valencia (1st signing ever on Fm10 with my Man Utd save, paid close on 38 million for him)

cant even remeber how shocking he was, but it was bad! but to be honest, most of the players i buy, i get the best out of them ;)
David Silva - Valencia (1st signing ever on Fm10 with my Man Utd save, paid close on 38 million for him)​

cant even remeber how shocking he was, but it was bad! but to be honest, most of the players i buy, i get the best out of them ;)
Thats odd. Ive always had great experiences with Silva. Where did you play him?

Another one for me - Franck Ribery - Inter Milan second season for 37mil. Sounds like a bargain but he was woeful
Thats odd. Ive always had great experiences with Silva. Where did you play him?
i played him all over hey, mostly as Aml, he was not utter ****, he just did not come close to earning his price tag and as well as not really playing properly, was just messing around too, i would probably get him to kill now (as i have become a much better manager as well as know more :D)
Hes not a signing but on my Chelsea game, Drogba constantly gets injuried, and is currently being out scored by Franco Di Santo in 2nd season....

Luckily my second striker is Oscar Cardozo who scores for fun!
I've been quite lucky with the players I've bought in all of my FM manager saves.

The worst I can think of is probably Joao Moutinho on my United save, due to the price. Needed a back-up CM for Fletcher and Gourcuff and spent over £30m on him, so a poor decision from the start. After an awful first season he improved in the second.

rafinha. for united, never settled, gave away lots of fouls in the games he managed to play. useless
He never exactly lit up the league on my United save, either.
I bought Zvjezdan Misimovic for Derby County in 2012/13 season on a free, so at least I couldn't lose money. Worst signing ever, in 6 months his physical stats dropped so much and had an average rating of 6.2 at the end of the season. He spent the whole next season in the reserves.
I signed Milner for Liverpool for £20million and he was absolutely shocking!

I did this in the second season but for £21million and his average rating was around 5.40... Gave him a year and he didn't improve so sold on for £15million. Lost a lot of money but he was so bad!
Luis Suarez for me, he never settles, always gets injured and doesn't score much
Had pretty much the same story, tried playing him in different positions and different roles all season and nothing worked

Ozil has done well for me one of my best attacking players i play him in left wing although it did take him a season to adapt which is understandable for a young player who doesnt speak english.
Definitely Darren Bent for Eveton. Needed someone to partner Cardozo after my first season, i paid £18.5 million for Bent, and ended the season playing Cardozo as a lone striker...says it all.
Luis Suarez for me. I buy him several times, trying to see if it was just in that game, and he always disappoints. For Real, got injured 5 months and scored 2 goals in 15 games. Sold him to Roma and he started scoring every game...

Classic mate!!!! Happened to me with a couple o players, generally strikers.... they are doing so well in their teams, I buy them they do nothing, I sell them they start scoring again...
Usually when I buy a player (any position) they suck at the beginning (I play Argentinian league most of the time) but after a couple of seasons (or maybe 1 depends on the player) all start to respond (I guess they adapt).... but not strikers!!!
Scott Vernon. I forked out 120k on 10.2 for that fat useless ****
over all i have been lucky only two or three players have flopped
Otementi is one player i have had probs with
1st sesson in prem with QPR bought danny wilson from fulham for 9 mill
Hes was so **** i sold him 4 half that and i was happy only bought him 4 one save never again
the player i have probs with is huntalar hes so inconsistant one game he scores next games hes totaly pants
Best player i bought for all my saves Sandro
For me it has to be neymar on my fulham save.bought him at start of second season for 17.5.Already had lacina traore and valcac kadlec so was just making more options for myself.played him for two years.made about 50 apps and only managed 8 goals.sold him to Real madrid and he scored the winner in the europa league final against me two years later...:'(
José Reina For Me.
Let In 4 Against St.Mirren
Forked Out 43 Million For Him And If Things Could'nt Get Any Worse He Lets In A Forty Yard Backpass.
Finally Got Rid Of Him In Second Season Selling Him Back To Liverpool For 14 Million:(