FM 2011 improvements

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Players getting less injured during matches. My atleast 1 player always gets injured per match.

Also please better press releases. I mean we can easily guess which types of questions will be there...
Better 1st press confrences. Bigger range of questions. I can do the 1st PC after 210 seconds cus i know where everything is
Also it would be grt if we are given some money in game starting and we can use the money earned(through wages) to buy a football club and manage it or investing in the team currently managing. It would be fun!! 8)

+ big players less going on FREE transfers. I mean everyone can buy Ribery and Akinfeev for free, then what's the fun.

Player's reactions improved. For example: I once criticized Rafa Benitez in press but my players became unhappy as if he was their daddy...

I would like the ability to talk to the player before I sign him. Even if it generic questions like the press conference. Then they won't just say no you could sway them when they ask about how much game time, prefered position they want and number shirt. So you could tell a player look were not there yet but if you sign you can have nine play week in week out and help get yourself a bigger move after you give me two seasons etc. The beauty of this is the problems it could cause if you mess about and lie. It will also stop you from buying to many players. This would give it more of a personal touch too I think. Secondly I would love the press conference to have a revamp. There to repetative. They should refleck your character after a while of answering ie if your always confident and controversial they ask questions like your a mourinho character to trip you up and write the headlines (which could be graphics like fifa10) or you could be a Roy hodgson and just be a true gent and stay safe. Either way the press you refelct your character and call you how you are. Add that to the ability to ignore certain media and were set for a fun game full of twists and turns which adds to an already amazing way of life that has almost cost me my marriage twice..... Football Manager!!
I would like the ability to talk to the player before I sign him. Even if it generic questions like the press conference. Then they won't just say no you could sway them when they ask about how much game time, prefered position they want and number shirt. So you could tell a player look were not there yet but if you sign you can have nine play week in week out and help get yourself a bigger move after you give me two seasons etc. The beauty of this is the problems it could cause if you mess about and lie. It will also stop you from buying to many players. This would give it more of a personal touch too I think. Secondly I would love the press conference to have a revamp. There to repetative. They should refleck your character after a while of answering ie if your always confident and controversial they ask questions like your a mourinho character to trip you up and write the headlines (which could be graphics like fifa10) or you could be a Roy hodgson and just be a true gent and stay safe. Either way the press you refelct your character and call you how you are. Add that to the ability to ignore certain media and were set for a fun game full of twists and turns which adds to an already amazing way of life that has almost cost me my marriage twice..... Football Manager!!

I want this in 2011 football manager i sounds amazing about the transfers
Don't know what yous will think of these 1st one just a small one if they had a picture of a random journalist and picture of newspaper or radio or website they work for just to make it a effective. More variety in questions, transfer and to make results and final league standings a bit more realistic. But saying that if they didnt improve on all those things FM11 would still be very good.
Hello I'm from Argentine... my name is Julio... I a big history fan of this game... I played since 1994....
Sorry my English

The idea for a game is can make start season in different years...

for example.. in 1998 when France wins the World Cup, last year of Maradona, Ronaldo with injuries, Rivaldo been the best player,

when the players advance to 2005 appear Messi in Barcelona and etc..

Lo pongo en castellano porque mi ingles es malo..

La idea es que puedan hacer una version especial del FM que uno pueda elegir en que ano arrancar, por ejemplo si empezamos a jugar en 1998 esten los equipos actualizados a esa fecha, con las caracteristicas de la epoca, y los proximos jugadores que aparescan son lo que verdaderamente aparecieron.. como por ejemplo en 2005 Messi en Barcelona, creo que seria excelente idea.. Ojala la tengan en cuanta..



Thanks for your time..
For anyone wondering - he basically repeated in spanish what he said in English.. that we can have a special version of FM, where we can choose what team to play as in what year and have those players etc. sort of like an official legends database i guess, he hopes it is taken into account,

then he says:
What would be nice and very simple, i'd imagine, is that players that have been at a club all their lifes or 10+ years that they aren't transfer listed by the club, there's no loyalty from clubs in the game. Gary Neville is always transfer listed in the game:(
I think that's good... I don't know if the following has already been suggested but maybe to be able to have testimonial matches? like dennis bergkamp and ajax..
This may have already been mentioned but I could not be bothered reading through the whole thread ;)

I would like the ability to be able to set you managers past history. Like which clubs he played for ect. It would ad a bit or role playing to FM.
I want to interact with national team manager, ask them in public why your player wasnt included wheras the national team manager could reply something like "he's not good enough", "he was in our minds but didnt make the final cut", "he is no where near national team standards" and "he might have to wait a few years".
I want interaction with players before/when (ie, you should join our team because we have a good reputation" or "you should join us because here you will get first team action") buying them.
Better 3D animations and improved regen pictures, make them age and so on.
Able to manage a reserve or youth team and work your way up rather then going straight to the first team
The game needs some ability to check for cheats. It's so easy to cheat these days, whether it be the FMRTE or FM Scout etc it just makes running things like records and challenges pointless as you never know which results are genuine or not.
I think they need to listen more to the fans of the game FM 2010 lacked imagination. I think they need to add a lot more features and not worry so much about the graphics of the match, which most people don't buy it for that if they wanted graphics they would buy FIFA.

: More involvement with the chairman
: an option where you can be an Assitant manger or they could really revamp the game and have an option to be the chairman.

There is lots of things they can do but i predict they will probaly make the graphics better and thats about it : (
errm 3 things

-the ability to have testimonial matches
-be able to talk to players before u sign them so u can convince players to come to ur club
-be able to interact with national managers about your players
-be able to actually do something with your weekly wages/earnings
fm 2010 is great, tough it needs some improvment, and we're not talking drastic changes, example after 3 season, SURELY you get sick of press conference, always the same talk and same answers bla bla, would like to see millions of possible questions.
Also i would like to see the private career, where you can spend your earings on buying stuff (which you don't really need in the game but it's kinda cool), or give money to club etc etc
The editor has been a massssiivvee improvment, but if only we could edit/remove/add european or world competitions too would be great

---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

btw booby moore made a great point, improving graphics would destory the game in some time, will added some new features would improve it. Really, i've been playing it for what 10 years and since the inculsion of 3d match i've only used it what once or twice cause it sucks. Match text or 2d highlights rule! + i have fifa too :p
fm 2010 is great, tough it needs some improvment, and we're not talking drastic changes, example after 3 season, SURELY you get sick of press conference, always the same talk and same answers bla bla, would like to see millions of possible questions.
Also i would like to see the private career, where you can spend your earings on buying stuff (which you don't really need in the game but it's kinda cool), or give money to club etc etc
The editor has been a massssiivvee improvment, but if only we could edit/remove/add european or world competitions too would be great
The addition of buying stuff will never be implemented, its a clear sign of tackyness, and surely most manager would never dream of giving back their paycheck to the club, how realistic would that be? I mean we're talking Football Manager here, its not the Sims or that poor excuse of a FM replica FIFA Manager.
---------- Post added at 04:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

btw booby moore made a great point, improving graphics would destory the game in some time, will added some new features would improve it. Really, i've been playing it for what 10 years and since the inculsion of 3d match i've only used it what once or twice cause it sucks. Match text or 2d highlights rule! + i have fifa too :p

How does it destroy the game? You make my point by saying the 3d match sucks and need to be improved.
i want some new feature in FM 2011, like:
- manager's salary can be used to buy something (ex: house, car, club, etc)
- manager can rent house they have
- manager can decide to build and watch for new youth academy in other country
- manager can control the merchandise sale (sale per player and sale per week)
- players can have problems with his real life (ex: love, drugs, accident, money)
- managers can have their own family
The one thing I think would work well with Manager Earnings is pay to learn a new language. I.E take Spanish Lessons and over the course of the next 6-12 months you get Basic and then Fluent Spanish, this can help a lot if you think move to manage a Spanish club, you already know the language.
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