FM 2011 improvements

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Being able to have a parade if you win a league or cup

I like the idea of being able announce you are going to leave

Being able to create you background history in playing or coaching career rather than you just popping up out of nowhere
I would love to be able to start out as a coach or assistant manager first and work my way to manager i think that would be quite cool :) also i would love to be able to use the money i own e.g. by a lower league club and be the chairman aswell of that club that would be really cool :)

also as stated above being able to tell the club and fans you are about to leave would be really cool and i would love that :D
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Annouce you're leaving, build youth camps, a Penalty saving ability, more realistic Penalties and transfers
Better communication between manager and player in matches and out of them. Say like the team instructions you can issue like get the ball forward and get stuck in it would be good if you could shout to a certain player to wake up or calm down a bit.

It would be good to be able to interact with the players more ie tell them unless they start improving you will sell them.

Also pay as you play type contracts for older players and injury prone players.
* If our 'Previous Experience' in the manage profile is set to 'Professional Footballer' or 'International Footballer' we could have the option to create a list of clubs and stats like with the manager's and staff that have played football before coaching, as well as what is with the players.

* Be able to write your 'Favoured personnel' without using FMRTE and it show up. Also be able to have more than just the 1 favoured club, as a lot of the players and managers have more than one. Also, some may follow their local team, but consider themselves to be a fan of another club.

* Be able to train your players with your staff, but with the option not to train and let the other coacher do it themselves.

* The ability to tell your team exactly what you thought of their last performance, eg. if you thought they didn't keep possession well enough and gave the ball away too easy you can tell your players exactly this.

* Linked with the above; be able to tell your player what you thought of their individual performance in the last match, rather than just telling them what you think about their overall current form.

* When winning a division; be able to choose the players/staff who receive a medal, like in real life.

* Linked with the above; TROPHY PRESENTATIONS!!
I would like too see more action involving the manager for example i remember playing a game about 5/6 years ago where if the ref made a bad decision you could have the option to kick over the water bottles lol. Then when you could take the players out training and set the routine and they would perform it, but a dog would come onto the training pitch and chase them and you had the decision to chase it away or run away. Or it would thunder and hammer down with rain and you could call training off or continue. I would also like to see an improved likely hood of the lobbing the kepper this really annoyies me alot :'(
-No running a ball off the pitch when it is about to go out ALL by itself, and therefore loosing the throw-in.
-Fewer yellow cards.
-Less 'waiting-for-a-player-to-get-the-ball-for-a-corner-or-trow-in-time'.
-More realistic transfers. It is NOT all players who will go to Man City in real life.
-Actual crosses and fewer corners from blocked crosses.
-Players who are placed as AML, AMR or AMC should be able to play the ML, MR and MC better.
-Fewer injuries from kicking the ball, scoring a goal or running into a TINY AML/R.

Thats just me :)
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but I'd like to see a more detailed/in depth analysis screen. Right now it just gives you basic stats, it doesn't show you assist passes, key passes, scoring sequences, most used areas of the field (not in 3rds) etc...

I'd also like to see better crowds (flares, trash/confetti thrown, large flags), player entrances (optional, including option for important matches) celebrations, and better night atmosphere (or is the sun up 24/7 in FM world?)
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The ideas i like are:

Being able to use your career money to invest in "something"

More realistic transfers

And a 3D Stadium / not 3D training - I really would love to see a 3D stadium ! decide the look of it - change te grass, roof, structure etc etc - i really believe most of us who play this game would love to have this feature.

And maybe what i would like the best is to explain the players you use harsh talk because you want performance. (realistic answers)

And i really like the ideas typed by Mr Chelsea
I would like a tab function so I dont have to keep going back and forth through screens. I would also like the ability to browse during a match instead of it just pausing.
Goalkeeper trying to avoid ball going to corner. Currently the ball is going two inches by the goalie after hit by a teammate and the goalie will let it go to corner. The public shouts "Iiiiiidiiiiooot iiiiiiiidiiiiooot iiiiidiiiot".

Yet when it's a rival who has shot or given a bad pass and the ball is going for a goal kick, then the goalie goes to full extent to stop that, ending in sometimes getting the ball and nothing won, really, miss it and have the goal kick anyway or touch it, bein gunable to keep it and turn a goal kick for us into a corner for them, with the subsequent "iiiiiiidiiiiioooot iiiidiiiiot"
Goalkeeper trying to avoid ball going to corner. Currently the ball is going two inches by the goalie after hit by a teammate and the goalie will let it go to corner. The public shouts "Iiiiiidiiiiooot iiiiiiiidiiiiooot iiiiidiiiot".

Yet when it's a rival who has shot or given a bad pass and the ball is going for a goal kick, then the goalie goes to full extent to stop that, ending in sometimes getting the ball and nothing won, really, miss it and have the goal kick anyway or touch it, bein gunable to keep it and turn a goal kick for us into a corner for them, with the subsequent "iiiiiiidiiiiioooot iiiidiiiiot"

What ?
there is no need for major changes, you have to start with the basics, like someone above said, someone being stretchered off the pitch, more realistic transfers, kits changing every couple of seasons, and someone else said about the PA of players, they should rise slightly as they move to a different club, and 1 to 1 conversations with players to boost morale. those are the best ideas i have heard, i just hope fm read them and consider them
I prefer the behind corner view but after a you get to a certain stadium size it pretty much turn to ****. I understand that they're trying to make it as realistic as possible but come on, Was it really neccessary to make the shade cloth partially obscure the view?
Dont know if some were writing about it but i have in club some players witch are beter then ones in National team but they never get chosen :S don´t know why im managing Sloboda but when player left for villareal he played less and not so good but he got caps for national team

I´d also like to se Bosnian league :D
I meant, in my matches, not a single time my goalie or the opposition do anything to stop the ball going out to corner, not even if the ball is going so close all he had to do was do a small step when the ball is still two seconds from reaching him. They will, however, do their utmost efforts to prevent a ball going off for a goal kick, some times causing by that behavior a ball that was going to be theirs become a cornery because they touched it. With decend decision making and low eccentricities.

Note: as usual, after posting that request about not being able to search players by division, I just found there is the option to do so already. And I swear I looked for it time and again before posting that.
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When dealing with lower League clubs, there should be reasonable raise in sponsor deals when club reputation gets higher and club playing in higher league ! So far i have not seen it. Yep sponsor deals increase their value, but they are not on the same standard as other club have in higher lvls. When i got Cockfosters to Premier League and stayed there for 8 seasons sponsorship stayed for 1 Million £ through that time although club reputation increased from National to World Class ! Just one thought that if new game comes out this problem will be balanced somehow or solved.
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