FM 2011 improvements

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-I think that 3d training sessions would be too much, but instead have like ratings for each day of training, like a scoreboard that said which player scored most goals in the shooting training or which keeper saved most shots and even who was first to finish when the team jogged 10 km,

-you should be able to use your wages for something like increasing your attributes, learning new languages and plan events for your players,

-be able to interact more with your board and players, and maybe even the fans, like make a statement to the press that you are planning to fix the teams recent form, I like the idea of asking the board about money for a certain player or telling them that you need a goalkeeper and they tell you who you would be able to buy,

-and what philbus said and not just outside the pitch but also fights on the pitch and stuff.
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Option to rename training schedules. Because of naming them after the player for who I use them first, after a couple seasons and several player changes my schedules are a mess to manage.
An FM game, where Sports Interactive are concerned about us and research real football, and produce a game bugs free that you can actually play and enjoy, instead of this joke of players like Carragher who have scored 1 goal for Liverpool in last 10 years, scoring 6 goals against me in 3 games, or Obi Mikel who never scored for Chelsea,scoring a hat-trick of 35 yards in one match.

Yeh and like Danny Butterfield scoring a 6 minute hatrick in an FA Cup game... hold on a sec?
Wider range of pre-match,halftime and post-match team talks.More variety.
I think given the recent news in the papers about JT, players 'extra cirricular activities' could damage or heighten team morale then leading you as the manager to have questions to answer in the press conferences. Wouldnt it be good to answer things about speculation around your goalkeeper being addicted to gambling or cheating on his mrs. It would show in his personal page as something like 'distraught over false allegations of gambling' this would indicate he hasnt done anything wrong and just rumours or 'unhappy at true kiss and tell stories' which you could then fine him, mutual termination etc. Also an option to let him go away on compassionate leave to sort it out. The outcome from this could be good or bad as the team mates would either rally behind you and the player to give support or end up disliking him.

Manager wages on coaching badges - liking that. With the wages you could pay for the UEFA pro licences which would then either increase your stats and / or reputation making you more of an asset to bigger clubs who will be more interested in approaching you as manager. If you start the game as sunday league footballer or semi pro this would be perfect however if you start in the prem you can be defaulted or given special dispensation from the FA until the following summer when you then complete them, as with the case with Gareth Southgate at Middlesbrough

New kits every other season - liking that idea. Choice of colour for away and 3rd maybe? Then later down the line once you have been at a club for over 5 years you can recommend another sponsor to bring in more money!? All in all having a little bit more say in board matters, eg with transfer fund, if you have some left you can ask it be allocated to other areas of the club so you can improve the stadium, training facilities etc

Other ways in getting money into the club if you are lower down the scale eg let the fans pay a small amount to watch training which if done loads could effect team morale downwards? Make requests for fan days rather than be told them
It would be nice if they include alot more indepth information and more options to choose from towards the training, Like the training schedules for example take ball control it covers what? Technique, Dribbling, First touch, Flair and more etc. There should be another panel that allows you as the manager to put together a list of training regines for your players to train during the week that covers 'ball control', for example dribbling through a couple of cones in a reasonable time then rip a teammate at the end which trains dribbling/flair then another one for first touch and another for technique of course there can be more options than dribbling round some cones i just couldnt think of any.

Thats just the type of manager i am tho last years game i loved the training and everything to do with it and really looked foward to this years game as i thought they would improve it more than its current form which too me is a let down. I still love it but since everything else on the game has improved dramatically i had high hopes for it. Ah well in a rush got football today:D.
Consistency and injury proneness to no longer be hidden attributes. These kind of things would be taken into consideration when a player is scouted irl.

Improvements on the match engine - More realistic finishing during one on ones. I think the failure rate of one on ones is too high.

Coaching badges so you can also set yourself areas to train and get 5 star training. (H)
If players were to speak out more and F.A fines for them were introduced , also player drug testing and bans if they were found guilty plus in real life tv deals are some clubs main source of income
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1. The ability to set up foreign training academies
2. Better press conferences.
3. Upgrade graphics etc, obvious.
4. More realistic transfers.
5. Random occurences such as your players getting drunk or such.
6. Better transfer and contract alternatives, i.e. buy youngster and loan him back and performance-based contracts.
7. Recurring injuries.
8. Get Germany in for Heaven's sake.
9. Norwegian teams always go to Spain during winter to play as Norway's too cold. Things like that aren't always in, so a touch more detail would be appreciated.
10. Add things like exactly what closing down, marking etc is good for in the manual, it's not always obvious.
11. The ability to pick your own feeder club from the start, it's ****** annoying how things work at the moment.
Some of these are obviously mentioned before, but compiled a wee list nonetheless.
i think these suggestions pretty much sums it up!

My last poast here. Scratch it.

I can already rename the train schedules, I just missed it. Must have missclicked when I tried some time back.

Also, one can set team talk during full tactic screen sub
I recon there should be an interview process when you apply for a job. I think on CM08 or something on the PSP you have to answer some questions from the clubs board. I think this would make it a bit more realistic
SI need to sort out the stupidly retarded goalies :S
I always wanted the ability to have more say in the funds of the club. For example I adopt a very strict fund spending regime when playing with any club, and I am a great earner, and would like the ability to use transfer funds to pay off debt quicker, as I don't use all the transfer funds available.
I would also like to arrange a tribute match (or what ever you call it) for the greatest players still playing.
Better press conferences
Better 3D match graphics
An FM game, where Sports Interactive are concerned about us and research real football, and produce a game bugs free that you can actually play and enjoy, instead of this joke of players like Carragher who have scored 1 goal for Liverpool in last 10 years, scoring 6 goals against me in 3 games, or Obi Mikel who never scored for Chelsea,scoring a hat-trick of 35 yards in one match.

Name me one game that doesn't have a few bugs.. It's impossible.
Actually, SI is the first game company I find they use the higher requirements to increase the detail and options for the player to enjoy more aspects of the game better, to have more quality and they still manage it to be faster. Instead of the rest I've seen that their requirement increase seem mostly room needed by dirtier code.

Take the jump from Fm05 to FM09: I got much more, thing that required more power, yet with all FM09 was faster then FM05 in my new computer. Other companies, for that jump would be telling you'd need to wait for the second next generation of quad core computers.

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Did you say press conferences are monotonous?. Well, I don't follow sport press much, but everytime I see some interview or article I always read the same....

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Drizzt: I agree with that, I've wished the same in my Burgos FC story. What I've done in hopes it could do in that way is edit budgets to place all wage funds excess into the transfer so maybe that part will mean something.
agree with what everyone else is saying..transfers are getting ridiculous, it's impossilble (especially if your a rich club) to buy good players for anything less than £30m.. and selling players should be made much easier...and there should be better youth players coming in at your own team, I was city manager for like 6 season, but had to stop because there just wern't enough homegrown players as all of my youths sucked...and the oposition payers instuctions thingy is just pointless, you always just click ask assistant and it's the same thing everytime....better interactions with players would be good. I wish you could ask them whether they want to leave the club and that kinda thing
well alot of comments about becoming a chairman and buying clubs. They should make a "Football Chairman" game lol just a random thought but i think it would be pretty Sweet
well alot of comments about becoming a chairman and buying clubs. They should make a "Football Chairman" game lol just a random thought but i think it would be pretty Sweet

or they could make an in-game game? if you get me?
I think making FM a bit more into the personal lives of your players would be a bit better, it does get a little boring everything being revolved around the upcoming match, obviously I know that is what the game is for, but every so often something different popping up like what happened with JT and Bridge, that would be better. I love the idea like Gatid said about doing extra activities like the crossbar challenge or skill school etc to get morale up, would be pretty sweet, but then it might make the game take up more space on the hard drive.

And I think I've seen a few people talk about being a Chairman in the game, this has no real purpose. Sure, might be fun investing in different clubs etc, sacking managers, blah blah, but being a manager will be less repetitive, and you'll get bored being a Chairman quite quickly. Once again it's a bad idea in my opinion, it will take up a huge amount of space on the game, and could make it go a lot slower. Just a bad idea for the game itself really.
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