FM 2011 improvements

  • Thread starter Thread starter WiganAth
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i think it would be good if you could select yourself as part of the coaches in training and have training attributes.

and you use your wages to go on courses or whatever to get your attributes better
for roles and duties id like to see a ball-winning defensive midfielder, there is one for central midfielder, but i feel there should be an option for this for the defensive midfielder position, this would make the most of players with high work rate who are def mids :)
I would like a few things
1. when swopping teams mid sesson when getting a offer froma bigger team
the players you left that like you would consider a move with you / its like you dont exist after your more :/
2. more options on what you can say to your players
when knocked outs the cup the team played good apart from 2 players i bollocked them and took two weeks wages of um thay went on one so i put them in resurves
what i would like is more ressons y you did it and what thay have to do to get back into team
3. i think i read back a few posts about makeing a quality youth player buy consentrating on hom building him up
that would be a good idea
and the transfers to be put right its stupid atm imo
an option to let the youth and senior teams train together (i dont know if they train seperately or whatever) but it could further improve the youth players mental atts. and make both team have each other in favoured personnel?
Better interactions with the players, especially on moves. You only have a limited list of what you want a player to do i.e. run with the ball more, stop play etc. Having more options would be good. When I play as Man Utd, Anderson always shoots and misses, when he could have passed and created a goal. That ****** me off. I always want him to stop doing it, but can't. So yeah better interactions with players. (Y)
The thing that annoys me the most about FM10 (and it was not like this with the previous editions) is that your board only find you affiliations with clubs in England (when I play with Arsenal), or clubs to overcome work permit issues for example clubs in Belgium or Holland. Even after a few years of managing and the board ask you for your preference, and you say to look for a club to have first choice, the board will come back and say they have not fond a suitable club. So I cannot get a feeder team in Brazil, Argentina etc, and expand my scouting knowledge. SIGames must please change this in FM11.
When you are picking a team it should show you their transfer and wage budget before you take control of them
I haven't read all suggestions, so maybe this suggestion has been mentioned before.

Alright, at real life managers and scouts judge players differently.
I mean, two scouts can rate players differently.
For example, consider two scouts A and B and a player C.
Maybe A rates C's finishing as 16, while B rates C's finishing as 19.
On the other hand, it might be according to A, C's crossing is 14. But B says that C's crossing is 17.

So, in FM2011 it would be great that when I look at Messi profile, I can see 6 or 7 different sets of attributes (taken from different scouts). The real attributes from the game engine are still fixed, but I think it should be hidden and we can only see the attributes taken from the scouts valuation.

Something like this :
Lionel Messi, by Roberto Bettega :
Corners 14
Crossing 15
Dribbling 20
Finishing 18

Lionel Messi, by Wolfgang Dremmler
Corners 11
Crossing 14
Dribbling 18
Finishing 15

I don't know whether the programming will be hard, but i think this suggestion is good as it adds realism into the game.
1) On Player History don't just show there league History but in all comp's, ie League,Cup,Europe like in the Old CM's,

2) Bit More Manager detail, like Place of birth more than just one favorite club and get rid of that stupid age thing were it sets ur age as 30!

3) More Feedback on how your training is doing
Better interactions with the players, especially on moves. You only have a limited list of what you want a player to do i.e. run with the ball more, stop play etc. Having more options would be good. When I play as Man Utd, Anderson always shoots and misses, when he could have passed and created a goal. That ****** me off. I always want him to stop doing it, but can't. So yeah better interactions with players. (Y)
you can actually teach him to look for the pass instead of the shot
For SIGA to buy out codemasters, and merge with a new LMA:P
It would answer most of the improvements put on this thread.
I haven't read all suggestions, so maybe this suggestion has been mentioned before.

Alright, at real life managers and scouts judge players differently.
I mean, two scouts can rate players differently.
For example, consider two scouts A and B and a player C.
Maybe A rates C's finishing as 16, while B rates C's finishing as 19.
On the other hand, it might be according to A, C's crossing is 14. But B says that C's crossing is 17.

So, in FM2011 it would be great that when I look at Messi profile, I can see 6 or 7 different sets of attributes (taken from different scouts). The real attributes from the game engine are still fixed, but I think it should be hidden and we can only see the attributes taken from the scouts valuation.

Something like this :
Lionel Messi, by Roberto Bettega :
Corners 14
Crossing 15
Dribbling 20
Finishing 18

Lionel Messi, by Wolfgang Dremmler
Corners 11
Crossing 14
Dribbling 18
Finishing 15

I don't know whether the programming will be hard, but i think this suggestion is good as it adds realism into the game.

it alreadt does that i think, dependin on which scouts i use, depends on the players star rating, one player was 3.5 stars, n then i use 2 or 3 more scouts and hes only 2, so i think thats already covered
I think it would be pretty cool to see your players warming up before the game in the background whilst you are going through the match analysis etc. and to see the players come out of the tunnel onto the pitch.
Get rid of when the player runs after the ball on set pieces :@ waste of 10 seconds, always annoys me why is it showing someone getting a ball for a corner for 10secounds why cant it just skip to the corner, would hardly say someone picking up a ball or running back to kick it to the goalkeeper a highlight!
bankrupt option, new nation rules (for example you cant sell players in foreign countries unless they are 27 or more like in ex-Yugoslavia), building training camps, marriage status, female refeeres like in Croatia,
better press confrences..
personally i would like to become an assistant behind a top manager or have the chance to be national assistant manager so that you could learn from top managers. also taht way if they retire or get sacked they could offer you the job. also if you are an assistant then you could have the actual manager going on holiday or having some injury like a heart attack or a broken leg so you have to take over for a while. that way you can improve your managerial abilities whilst getting job offers from other clubs.
also you could have it so that more assistant managers get jobs like caretaker managers getting the job permanently.
Option to move a player anywhere on tactics field (like in old CM's), ability to start at lower rank e.g coach.
when a team in a higher league than you play you in the cup, it would be good if the team recognises that it is the cup and put's out a weaker team. just a thought
It would be nice if the chairman came to you with recommendations over player's and staff signings,and they will fund the move without it affecting your budget..
Another good addition would be you have the option to ask a retired player to reconsider their decision but not just from International retirement.Player's who have retired altogether can come back,for example Arsenal could ask, say Dennis Bergkamp to start playing again.Although they wouldn't be very good because of their age they could improve your finances through shirt sales.This could be extremely useful if your a small team or struggling for money.
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