FM Base Story Awards 2015.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lippo255
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A bit late to the party, but congratulations to all the winners.

There have been so many wonderful stories with different presentation styles, and the winners truly deserve their awards. :)

I voted in only 4 polls and that everyone I voted for won. You know who holds the key now. ;)
Thanks to everyone who voted for me to win the Good Start award! Hopefully get on updating lots now!
If we did a story of the month award, then would it make sense to only allow 1 win per user?

Ok, so its been over a week since I posted in the Mod request section & I haven't heard anything back so we will push on with our original plan for end of year awards & see what happens.


Best Story - Duh!

Quality Content - The user who creates multiple high quality stories that we've all enjoyed.

Best Presentation - as before

Best writing - As before

New comer - As before.

Sub categories such as - Best journeyman, best one club, off the beaten track (outside Europe) etc. - Open for debate/suggestions.

Best BAP - Whether to divide that into single/multi-player is up for debate.

Best Chairman
- Up for debate.

Dedicated follower - As before.

I would also like a best multi-player story because I like reading them but haven't really been many this year, maybe for the future?

Anything else I may have missed or that anyone would like to suggest chuck it up there, we'll see what we can do.

New Judging Panel

I have also decided, as a reward for their contributions, the nominee's for the Dedicated follower award will become the judging panel for the next set of awards.

So the new judging panel for the end of year awards is - xJamieWilliams, PatrickLFC, JamesScott &, making his second appearance, CantgetenoughofJelavic.

I would like to thank all the judges from the first period for their time & contributions its very much appreciated!

I think this is a fair way to decide the judges yeah? To me it seems right that the people who read & encourage us writers to keep going deserve the chance to have their say?

& who knows, maybe the lure of becoming a judge might encourage more people to get involved & offer their support? I dunno but I'm running with it anyway :P

Anyway, lets hear some opinions & get ourselves sorted for the end of year awards!


Ok, so its been over a week since I posted in the Mod request section & I haven't heard anything back so we will push on with our original plan for end of year awards & see what happens.


Best Story - Duh!​
I'm gunning for this one! :P

Quality Content - The user who creates multiple high quality stories that we've all enjoyed.

Many high quality stories out there, this one will be fiercely contested

Best Presentation - as before

I'm not giving up this award without a fight :P

Best writing - As before

Enrico Pucci is the odds -on favorite for this

New comer - As before.

A lovely section for discovering new talent! :)

Sub categories such as - Best journeyman, best one club, off the beaten track (outside Europe) etc. - Open for debate/suggestions.

I'm hoping my journeyman save will have a strong chance in this category :)

Best BAP - Whether to divide that into single/multi-player is up for debate.

I'd have it as one award. Multi-player stories have their own section.

Dedicated follower - As before.

Someone needs to make serious waves to move Cantgetenoughofjelovic off his perch. The man is a support machine! :)

I would also like a best multi-player story because I like reading them but haven't really been many this year, maybe for the future?

Myself and a few others have a multiplayer story in the works for FM16. Stay tuned.
A lot to comment on there but I am going to focus on this!

Myself and a few others have a multiplayer story in the works for FM16. Stay tuned.

I don't think I have been so excited by the prospect of a new FM in ages, any spoilers? Come on mate, I wont tell :P
A lot to comment on there but I am going to focus on this!

I don't think I have been so excited by the prospect of a new FM in ages, any spoilers? Come on mate, I wont tell :P

It will involve football teams from an undisclosed location on planet earth and feature athletes who help a leather ball fulfill it's lifelong dream of burring it's face in a net.
Silent reader of a lot of stories for the past few weeks. Reading through these awards has made me really excited to start my own story and become more prominent in the FM Base community :)
A concern has been raised with me about the judges now pretty much being responsible for naming the next set of judges seeing as though they would nominate for the dedicated follower award. Seems a bit shifty?

My first thought was to disqualify judges from being nominated for the award but, after sleeping on it, I don't think that is fair either.

So my question to everyone is, should we:

A) Make judges ineligible?

B) Make the previous winner ineligible?

C) Make the award completely democratic like the SoTY award?
A concern has been raised with me about the judges now pretty much being responsible for naming the next set of judges seeing as though they would nominate for the dedicated follower award. Seems a bit shifty?

My first thought was to disqualify judges from being nominated for the award but, after sleeping on it, I don't think that is fair either.

So my question to everyone is, should we:

A) Make judges ineligible?

B) Make the previous winner ineligible?

C) Make the award completely democratic like the SoTY award?

My solution to this problem was to not allow judges to vote for themselves but once they got nominated and it goes to public vote, it's fair game.
Also, the public nominate people, the number of likes is counted and the 4 people with the most popular vote go into the public poll. I don't see how a judge can rig that?
My solution to this problem was to not allow judges to vote for themselves but once they got nominated and it goes to public vote, it's fair game.

So, like in the other categories, the judges could nominate one another but not themselves? Which is the way I had planned on doing it but I think, & correct me if I'm wrong ? (don't want to name names), the worry was that the judges would nominate each other so as to remain judges, if that makes sense.

I don't think it would happen like that but was curious what others thought.

I'd be overseeing it all & you know us Aussies can be trusted :P
Also, the public nominate people, the number of likes is counted and the 4 people with the most popular vote go into the public poll. I don't see how a judge can rig that?

It was only the dedicated follower award I was talking about seeing as how I made the rule the nominee's would become judges next run & the judges, last time, decided who was nominated? If you get what I'm saying.
With being heavily involved with the previous one, and actually making it as one of the 3 most dedicated followers, I had absolutely no say in putting my name forward and was perfectly happy not to be in there.

As much as I love the site, I wouldn't make sure my name was in the hat for a Football games, fan-forum's story sections, most supportive follower.

I don't get why anyone would complain!
So, like in the other categories, the judges could nominate one another but not themselves? Which is the way I had planned on doing it but I think, & correct me if I'm wrong ? (don't want to name names), the worry was that the judges would nominate each other so as to remain judges, if that makes sense.

I don't think it would happen like that but was curious what others thought.

I'd be overseeing it all & you know us Aussies can be trusted :P

Oh, now I get you. Leave it as an application. let people apply to be judges, They don't need any special skills, just just need to demonstrate that that can be impartial and put the integrity of the awards before personal gain :)
With being heavily involved with the previous one, and actually making it as one of the 3 most dedicated followers, I had absolutely no say in putting my name forward and was perfectly happy not to be in there.

As much as I love the site, I wouldn't make sure my name was in the hat for a Football games, fan-forum's story sections, most supportive follower.

I don't get why anyone would complain!

Wasn't a complaint so much as an observation. Just thought it merited discussion. I'm perfectly happy to carry on as we were, as Godfish said it worked last time so why mess with it. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem for anyone else.
Oh, now I get you. Leave it as an application. let people apply to be judges, They don't need any special skills, just just need to demonstrate that that can be impartial and put the integrity of the awards before personal gain :)

Yeah that's what I'm thinking, just abandon that "rule" & let people apply in the future, thanks :)

Ok, after some brief discussion it has been decided that the winners of the end of year awards will be announced on the

1st of October

to give the winners time to bask in the glory of their victories before FM16 hits the stands.

That may sound like a long time away but this time their will be 10 (yes 10!) awards for the judges to discuss, argue over & finalise nominee's for! Add to that the nomination period for the story of the year award & the voting period for all awards & It will be upon us before we know it!

So without further delay, the categories for the end of year awards will be.....

Story of the Year

For the best story of FM15

The Quality Content Award

For the user who has created numerous, high quality stories through out the year.

Best Presentation

For the best presented story of FM15

Best Writing

For best written story of FM15

Best Journeyman story

Self explanatory I think.

Best one club story

Self explanatory.

The Off the beaten track award

For the best story based outside Europe.

Best B.A.P.

This is just for individual player stories.

Best Multi-player story

This includes all chairman games, multi-player BAP's & 2 or more player network games etc.

Best New Comer

For the best new comer to the FM Base story section.

The Dedicated Follower Award

The appreciation award for all those people out there who keep us story tellers motivated!

STORY OF THE YEAR - Pretty open, Jamie Carragher will be up there with Enrico Pucci and I feel Luis Garcia can have a stab at it.

Quality Content Award - Feel Brendn and Lippo will contest for this one!

Best Presentation - Brendn again, great work with Liverpool. Lippo again though is making waves with what he has changed with his current story.

Best Writing - Enrico Pucci is definitely the one to beat, hope to close the gap but Luis Garcia and Jamie Carragher are two very decent reading stories now.

Best Journeyman Story - Rhys Burnett, Brendn's Mendez and sure if W4NKER had one at the start of the game he'd be there too but can't remember if it was 14. And Lippo and JCs journey to embezzling.

Best One Club Story - The Rise of Fulham was definitely almost here until Mask ran off! Stonecold's stories are definitely to be thought for.

The off the beaten track - Atletico Minerio will be up there!

Best BAP - CJ Lippo, started it all really.

Best Multi Player Story - Mike's BAP was quite good. Been a few though.

Best Newcomer - Patrick will be here again! Sure we will have even newer comers come the final though!

Most Dedicated Follower - Patrick, Yeti, Disclaimer, etc!

Just my thoughts and early predictions!
