[FM11.3]Zero Sea's Fairyland --Gorgeous,Let Weak Teams Play like Strong Teams!

Just like to say thanks for this fantastic tactic and tell you how I am getting on.

Started a game as Leverkusen and only made one signing - Adil Rami from Lille.

So my starting lineup was:

GK - Adler
LB - Kadlec
RB - Castro
CB - Rami
CB - Hyypia
DM - Rolfes
CM - Ballack
AML - Barnetta
AMR - Augusto
CF - Kießling
CF - Helmes

It is now the 13th of March 2011 and I am:

In the last 16 of the Europa League, wherein I got a maximum of 18 points in my group (CSKA Sofia, Partizan and Fenerbache) and beat Liverpool in the last 32 4-0 on agg - 4-0 at Anfield, 0-0 at the BayArena. I am now playing Celtic, who I beat 3-2 in the first leg at Celtic Park.

In the final of the German Cup, where I will play Wolfsburg. I got there by beating:

Ingolstadt (H) 6-0
Kaiserlautern (H) 3-0
HSV (A) 2-0
Hannover (H) 2-0
Dortmund (A) 2-0

Top of the Bundesliga after 26 games. 59 points. 19 wins, 2 draws and 5 defeats. 69 goals scored and only 22 goals conceded. Best defence and attack in the league. 3 points clear of FC Bayern, who are 7 points clear of HSV. Highlights in the league include:

Beating Schalke 5-0 at home and Nurnberg 6-0

9 league games to go. 2 last games are FC Bayern at home and finally Stuttgart away, which I imagine will be difficult. On the hunt for a treble, and hope to get it, but it will be hard. If all i win is the Cup and a place in the CL for next year I will be happy.

Star performers have been Sami Hyppia and Barneta. Barnetta has 32 assists and 11 goals in 29 games

Just to update:

Bundesliga - Won! Finished in 1st place, 1 point above FC Bayern :)

German Cup - Won! Beat Wolfsburg 1-0 in the final. Didnt concede a goal in the whole tournament

Europa League - Won! After beating Celtic in the last 16 I beat CSKA Moscow in the 1/4, Real Madrid in the semis (4-2 away leg win) and Juventus 3-2 in the final

Stunning tactic. Won every contest I entered and only made one signing.
sorry if this had already been asked but, you said that we should change to control formation when winning to avoid other teams to get used to it, but what about if i draw or lose the whole match? should i switch anyways?
Hey guys. Still chugging along with my blackburn team. Now in my fourth season and doing well. I've been scouring this tactic's pages to see what tweaks people have made to improve the tactic (not changing positions just tweaking instructions). I just wanted to have a post where people can check in to see what improvements people have made that work.

If you have an improvement that you've tested that has consistently worked for you, please post it quoting the above few lines so I can put it into one post.

second season with Arsenal on a 43 game unbeaten run, teams so over confident going into games i can feel a loss coming on.

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 05:24 PM ----------

Anyone else found it frustrating how many shots and CCC's it took to score goals sometimes and how poor your CM performs? Well finally in my game its all changed. All ive done is change the left sided striker to deep lying forward from Adv forward and unticked swap position with my other striker. I play Van Persie there and in the 6 games since i changed this hes scored 17 goals and got 9 assists. Also what ive noticed is that my inside forwards used to waste chances and shoot from acute angles but now Van Persie is always available for a simple pass and tap in. Plus in the first season Fabregas in CM averaged 6.90 and had no goals and only 6 assists. Well he know links up with Van Persie and hes averaging 7.50 and has 3 assists and a goal in the last 6 games.

The football is alot more fluent and doesnt break down with players running into cul de sacs and theres always passes available where we used to get stuck with everyone in and around the box and it too crowded.

Give it a try its breathed new life into my Arsenal side.
second season with Arsenal on a 43 game unbeaten run, teams so over confident going into games i can feel a loss coming on.

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 05:24 PM ----------

Anyone else found it frustrating how many shots and CCC's it took to score goals sometimes and how poor your CM performs? Well finally in my game its all changed. All ive done is change the left sided striker to deep lying forward from Adv forward and unticked swap position with my other striker. I play Van Persie there and in the 6 games since i changed this hes scored 17 goals and got 9 assists. Also what ive noticed is that my inside forwards used to waste chances and shoot from acute angles but now Van Persie is always available for a simple pass and tap in. Plus in the first season Fabregas in CM averaged 6.90 and had no goals and only 6 assists. Well he know links up with Van Persie and hes averaging 7.50 and has 3 assists and a goal in the last 6 games.

The football is alot more fluent and doesnt break down with players running into cul de sacs and theres always passes available where we used to get stuck with everyone in and around the box and it too crowded.

Give it a try its breathed new life into my Arsenal side.

Can you upload it (filefront, megaupload, anything else..)?
can I set the two forwards as poacher and complete foward, also the mc set as adv.playmaker?
is there any big change to this tactic?
second season with Arsenal on a 43 game unbeaten run, teams so over confident going into games i can feel a loss coming on.

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 05:24 PM ----------

Anyone else found it frustrating how many shots and CCC's it took to score goals sometimes and how poor your CM performs? Well finally in my game its all changed. All ive done is change the left sided striker to deep lying forward from Adv forward and unticked swap position with my other striker. I play Van Persie there and in the 6 games since i changed this hes scored 17 goals and got 9 assists. Also what ive noticed is that my inside forwards used to waste chances and shoot from acute angles but now Van Persie is always available for a simple pass and tap in. Plus in the first season Fabregas in CM averaged 6.90 and had no goals and only 6 assists. Well he know links up with Van Persie and hes averaging 7.50 and has 3 assists and a goal in the last 6 games.

The football is alot more fluent and doesnt break down with players running into cul de sacs and theres always passes available where we used to get stuck with everyone in and around the box and it too crowded.

Give it a try its breathed new life into my Arsenal side.

agreed with this. im playing as empoli on serie B first season, and Davide Moro (CM) is supposed to be the star of the team, but many other players get much more assists, goals and rating than this guy, it seems im not the only one :p
Before my PC trash crashed during a save operation and lost my entire season, I had just downloaded this tactic. I was in 4th with Liverpool, with my away form my problem.
Match prepared with this tactic for 3 days then played Man City away, won 3-1, could've been 5.
second season with Arsenal on a 43 game unbeaten run, teams so over confident going into games i can feel a loss coming on.

---------- Post added at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 05:24 PM ----------

Anyone else found it frustrating how many shots and CCC's it took to score goals sometimes and how poor your CM performs? Well finally in my game its all changed. All ive done is change the left sided striker to deep lying forward from Adv forward and unticked swap position with my other striker. I play Van Persie there and in the 6 games since i changed this hes scored 17 goals and got 9 assists. Also what ive noticed is that my inside forwards used to waste chances and shoot from acute angles but now Van Persie is always available for a simple pass and tap in. Plus in the first season Fabregas in CM averaged 6.90 and had no goals and only 6 assists. Well he know links up with Van Persie and hes averaging 7.50 and has 3 assists and a goal in the last 6 games.

The football is alot more fluent and doesnt break down with players running into cul de sacs and theres always passes available where we used to get stuck with everyone in and around the box and it too crowded.

Give it a try its breathed new life into my Arsenal side.

What exactly did you do?
The left forward already is a deep lying forward.
So you mean changing it to complete forward?

Did you uncheck all the player settings?
I'm actually trying this 4-3-3 version of Zero Sea that seems to be more effective...but I'm testing only in Italy leagues. There's no control version, neither OI (except against very TOP PLAYERS)
See the attach

Of course, 99% of credits to ZERO SEA |)

I gave it a try. I would say it is a very safe tactic for my team. I am not losing goals, my team is more resistant to counter-attacks but that's it. I do not score many goals with it. I had the longest series of game in which I haven;t scored (4) with this tactic. But my players may be the reason. I think this lone forward should be more of a complete striker that a fast one, shouldn;t he? What kind of actions give you goals in this tactic?
I used this tactic as a good 'result keeper' instead of the Control version of Ghost tactic. And it was a very good idea, so thanks for adding it here :)

I am experiencing some problems with the usual Ghost Tactic. Last season I had to (temporarily, I am already back to original set-up) swith my CM to be playmaker as I was really really angry that my 55mln Eur player does not perform (I sold him, this CM players really need to have 'dictates tempo' ability to perform well). This worked a little, but in my opinion it was better to find a player that suits the orignal tactic. I was also doing some other changes (into player roles) but it didn;t provide good results for me.

My team is now 3-times in a row CL and Serie A champion (no S&L of course), but this third season was very very difficult. I think that somehow succesful players lose their hunger for trophies. My mistake was to buy only one new player to the first team. Still he was the one that saved the season for me. He had around 20 goals and 15 assists (plays right wing). But my strikers, which I was so proud of performed well below my expectations. I had to rely on my youngsters and wingers to score goals... So my advice is not to stick with the same squad for too long :)

This summer I tried to offload my strikers, but both were injured during the transfer window and no-one wanted them. But still, after i told them I want to sell them they responded that they didn;t want to leave the club and...started to perform again to show me they;re worth playing for me :) we will see how will it end, but this might be a solution (buying new players of proper calibre is so expensive in 2018. Agents want 9mln EUR from me...)

To sum it up for those who do not like reading too much:

1. 4-3-3 is a good 'result keeper' tactic in my opinion but is definitely worth giving it a try, possibly your players suit it better :)
2. Never stick to the same squad for too long, especially strikers (my DM is performing very well for 5th consecutive season)
3. If your player loses hunger and you are one of the best managers in the world make him think you will get rid of him, he will try to do his best :)
very disappointing tactic.... It seems that with this tactic, the strikers NEVER shoot, with the winger (inside forward) attempting every shot. I have not score in 5 straight games...
Hello..I use the Tactic with Napoli... And the tactics is great but somethimes i have a problems..My MC is Marek Hamsik and in 70 % in matches.. He have a too bad form.. from 6.0 to 6.7 and i dont now why... because the other players have 7 and more... it's not every time but in more matches ... Can you tell me where is the problem...
Awesome tactic.Very effective against good teams.With my team Verona (Serie C) I'v reached the quater finals of Italian Cup.I beat Ascoli, Siena, Bologna and Inter :O. I've lost against Napoli in overtime :S
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well tactic seems to work well, started with empoli (serie B) now got promoted to serie A, 2nd in serie B, with like 10 points difference from 3rd place, all i bought at the begining of the season was some free agents (800k budget)
Hello..I use the Tactic with Napoli... And the tactics is great but somethimes i have a problems..My MC is Marek Hamsik and in 70 % in matches.. He have a too bad form.. from 6.0 to 6.7 and i dont now why... because the other players have 7 and more... it's not every time but in more matches ... Can you tell me where is the problem...

just change his role from central midfielder to advanced playmaker and duty attack it will helps a lot:)
just change his role from central midfielder to advanced playmaker and duty attack it will helps a lot:)
would this work on a just-promoted empoli? my fear is that due to the low quality of players ive got i may lose the ball too much if i modify the tactic
would this work on a just-promoted empoli? my fear is that due to the low quality of players ive got i may lose the ball too much if i modify the tactic

i hope it works for every team,it wont change your game so much but it will improve hamsik´s game a lot and i didnt play in empoli ,i was in everton but i bought him, and i played this tactic 4-1-1-2-2 but i played sometimes also 4--1-2-2-1 with one DM,2xMC-one playmarker-hamsik and second worker-sissoko ,2x inside wingers and ST when my attackers were injured and it works good even sometimes maybe better ,,sry for bad english i am from hamsik´s country:)
just change his role from central midfielder to advanced playmaker and duty attack it will helps a lot:)

That's what I did too and it does help.
The other thing I did was changing the strikers.
I unchecked everything from the left striker except shooting from distance and set him to advanced striker.
For the right striker I changed only the crossing to sometimes.
I was a couple of months into a season in the BSP when i converted to this tactic. I was struggling on the lower half of the table, conceding a lot of goals, losing games, and having a lot of players on the injury list. 10 games after i converted to this, i still haven't conceded a single goal, and have 8 victories and 2 goalless draws. Climbing the table like a rocket.

Awesome tactic, and not only that; you've taught me a lot about how the AI actually works, and how to counter it. Absolutely stunning, can't wait to try this on a new save!
This is a good tactic, but also a bit meaningless.

U made it, but what is the meaning of 10 players on the pitch are also holding up the ball, whole team same mentality and same creativity freedom.

You have a good tactic, you find it works, but i dont think you could explain how it works.