Well yeah, it's **** up anyway because people are treating the whole "00:01 19th October" thing as gospel. Cue a load of excited teenagers sat up at the computer later tonight, filling in the time with their right hand whilst refreshing with their left. When it doesn't arrive at that time (it still might, who knows) the whole internet will go into meltdown.
There is another factor though, which only I seem to be taking into account. I have dealt with beta's on Steam for several years now and any beta is treated completely differently to a normal release. Some beta's are driven from command lines and some are widespread like this one. However, all beta's are treated as a low priority and will have reduced bandwidth if the capacity isn't there. Luckily, there doesn't seem to be a mainstream new release scheduled though, so it may not be as much of an issue.
SI have never done a mainstream BETA release before, there's been GOLD BETA's for testers and press release code for reviews etc before release, but never something like this.
So i imagine like most things SI try for the first time, there will be a relatively minor hiccup. But the FM playing public at large will act like its the end of the world in the days/weeks it takes to fix it.
Bar about 1%, i don't think anyone will think for a second that this is anything but the finished game. The word BETA is completely irrelevant to most.
I've got my caffeine pills ready to answer the 100's of silly threads that are gonna pop up over the next few days.