This is your opinion on this tactic, don't talk it down to the ground because it didn't work for you. Eventough I am playing with a big team, I still can win 0-3/0-4 against teams like Manchester City and Real Madrid.

of course thats my opinion, are you okay?

and should i take permision from you to say my opinions?

i just wrote my opinion about this tactic in my game, thats it, dude. if thats work your game, alright go on, continue to using it!
of course thats my opinion, are you okay?

and should i take permision from you to say my opinions?

i just wrote my opinion about this tactic in my game, thats it, dude. if thats work your game, alright go on, continue to using it!

I get what you are saying. This tactic is not working for some. And that is not because it is a bad tactic, but because of the club you are using. There are hundreds of clubs. Every one if them is different, with different types of players who play different roles and who have their specialties, strengths and weaknesses. So, there isn't going to be a tactic that works for every single team. If it doesn't work, you'd then have to bring in the right players and build around the tactic.

So, the tactic not working for you doesn't mean the tactic is bad. This is an absolute amazing tactic and that has been proven by various screen shots by different people. So it is without a doubt an amazing tactic. It is just that for some teams, it works right away because of the players they have. And for other teams, even though that club may be amazing, it just may not fit the style of players in currently has. You can either dump the tactic and find one that fits that team. Or you can stick with the tactic and build a team around. I GUARANTEE you that if you stick With this tactic and take the time to build a squad around it, it would do you wonders and you will be amazed.

There are **** tactics that just flat out don't work. Cyril tweak is not one of them. Just because they don't work for you, doesn't mean it is a bad tactic, especially when there is an ample amount of evidence to prove otherwise. It just simply means that the club you are using this tactic with doesn't have the players that fit this tactic. That is what the game is about. There truly is not plug and play. There is a plug and play in the sense that you can stick to one tactic and not need to make tactical adjustments depending on opponent and home/away, but there isn't an plug and play in existence where ONE holy grail tactic will work for every single team.

So, I understand you stance where you are just stating your opinion. However, the only thing your statement proves is that for the club you are, this tactic simply doesn't work day 1. But, doesn't mean it can't work a few years down the road once you built a team around. On the other hand, I also agree with the people who are calling you out. A lot of people try a tactic and then call it **** because it doesn't work right away from them, or that they don't understand that you need specific types of players for specific types of tactics. A lot of people can't grasp that for some reason and they think a good tactic is only a tactic that works for 15,000 clubs in the game.

So, you do have the right to state your opinion. But understand how little it proves since you tried this tactic once with one club. And understand that consider the previous sentence, people on here have every right to scold you since you don't know the different between a bad tactic and a tactic that requires specific players. I too have tried it with certain clubs and it just didn't do it for me, and then I try it with a club like Liverpool and I get 200+ team goals, 66+ Target man goals. There are many great tactics on this forum that can't do half of what this tactic did for me at Liverpool.

So, to sum that up LOL, it is pretty idiotic of you to say this tactic doesn't work. Especially when there is evidence to prove you wrong. What you should have said was the club you are using and that this tactic doesn't fit the default roster for that club. Because pretty much that is all that your opinion is proving. We will then take note of that club and not recommend it to someone who wants to try this tactic. But, again, just because it doesn't mean it doesn't work day 1, doesn't mean you can't build a team around it. In fact, you can. And you will see phenomenal results.
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I get what you are saying. This tactic is not working for some. And that is not because it is a bad tactic, but because of the club you are using. There are hundreds of clubs. Every one if them is different, with different types of players who play different roles and who have their specialties, strengths and weaknesses. So, there isn't going to be a tactic that works for every single team. If it doesn't work, you'd then have to bring in the right players and build around the tactic.

So, the tactic not working for you doesn't mean the tactic is bad. This is an absolute amazing tactic and that has been proven by various screen shots by different people. So it is without a doubt an amazing tactic. It is just that for some teams, it works right away because of the players they have. And for other teams, even though that club may be amazing, it just may not fit the style of players in currently has. You can either dump the tactic and find one that fits that team. Or you can stick with the tactic and build a team around. I GUARANTEE you that if you stick With this tactic and take the time to build a squad around it, it would do you wonders and you will be amazed.

There are **** tactics that just flat out don't work. Cyril tweak is not one of them. Just because they don't work for you, doesn't mean it is a bad tactic, especially when there is an ample amount of evidence to prove otherwise. It just simply means that the club you are using this tactic with doesn't have the players that fit this tactic. That is what the game is about. There truly is not plug and play. There is a plug and play in the sense that you can stick to one tactic and not need to make tactical adjustments depending on opponent and home/away, but there isn't an plug and play in existence where ONE holy grail tactic will work for every single team.

So, I understand you stance where you are just stating your opinion. However, the only thing your statement proves is that for the club you are, this tactic simply doesn't work day 1. But, doesn't mean it can't work a few years down the road once you built a team around. On the other hand, I also agree with the people who are calling you out. A lot of people try a tactic and then call it **** because it doesn't work right away from them, or that they don't understand that you need specific types of players for specific types of tactics. A lot of people can't grasp that for some reason and they think a good tactic is only a tactic that works for 15,000 clubs in the game.

So, you do have the right to state your opinion. But understand how little it proves since you tried this tactic once with one club. And understand that consider the previous sentence, people on here have every right to scold you since you don't know the different between a bad tactic and a tactic that requires specific players. I too have tried it with certain clubs and it just didn't do it for me, and then I try it with a club like Liverpool and I get 200+ team goals, 66+ Target man goals. There are many great tactics on this forum that can't do half of what this tactic did for me at Liverpool.

So, to sum that up LOL, it is pretty idiotic of you to say this tactic doesn't work. Especially when there is evidence to prove you wrong. What you should have said was the club you are using and that this tactic doesn't fit the default roster for that club. Because pretty much that is all that your opinion is proving. We will then take note of that club and not recommend it to someone who wants to try this tactic. But, again, just because it doesn't mean it doesn't work day 1, doesn't mean you can't build a team around it. In fact, you can. And you will see phenomenal results.

okay, i get you what you saying too. now, i didnt say its a bad tactic, i said its useless in my Sassuolo game, thats it. i checked a lot of pages about this tactic and a lot of thing say "its a good tactic dude". but it doesnt work in my game, thats just it. and i just said; its the best home tactic in my game.

if its working in your game, its good for you.
Another result :
okay, i get you what you saying too. now, i didnt say its a bad tactic, i said its useless in my Sassuolo game, thats it. i checked a lot of pages about this tactic and a lot of thing say "its a good tactic dude". but it doesnt work in my game, thats just it. and i just said; its the best home tactic in my game.

if its working in your game, its good for you.

People are saying it is a good tactic, because it is. And It works in your game. We all have the same game. it just doesn't work for the default roster of the club you are using. But, if you were to take the time ( a few seasons) and build a team around that tactic, it will work. Or, if you were to choose another squad that fits the tactic better, it will work. Again, there is no holy grail tactic. For every tactic, you need the right players. Some tactic, you can get away with that a little bit and other tactics you can't. Just like a tiki tactic. You can go in the editor and put all the best players on the same club and that doesn't mean you will be good. They just may not fit that tactic. That is the game and that is life.

I have tried many different tactics over the years of playing this. I have found some amazing and dominating tactics. In the past I have built teams to where every players had a 180+ CA and PA. I have found tactics that basically won me every match and dominated every match, but with all that said, there wasn't a single season out of 100+ from various saves from various clubs with world class players and club where a single player has scored 35+ league goals. Never once. This tactic is consistently giving my 60+ league goals by the TM. The 66 goal season wasn't a fluke. He reached the 60s every season. There isn't a single tactic out there that does that. Not a single one. But are you going to just DL this tactic, plug it in and get those results? Of course not. You need to build your squad around this. And some clubs fit this tactic from day one. Some clubs don't. BUt that doesn't mean you can't take that club, develop and bring in the right players and build around it. That is the fun part about a save, right?

If you are the type that wants to win day 1 and doesn't want a challenge. Then ya, you are going to need to find a club that has the players that fit this tactic. If you are the type that wants a challenge, then this is a great tactic for that.

tbh, it is not that the tactic doesn't work for your club. That is not how the game works. The tactic doesn't work for the set of players you have on your club. But that can change, right? Yes, if you keep your starting 11 for the next decade, this tactic may not be the best for you, although your players would get better at it as they develop around the tactic. But, when you start a save, your first team usually changes after a season, or even half a season when you hit the transfer market and when regens come in. If you then transfer in players that fit the tactic better, then you will see better results. That can be said for every single tactic out there. Starting a save and then trying a tactic for several matches, and then saying it doesn't work is pretty idiotic and shows you don't know how this game, and sports in real life, works.
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yes indeed , 2 matches to go and i post my results . here they are :


Won everything , with Cyrils auto tweak !

have you tried Cyril's original tweak with the AP? Do you think the change to CM Auto makes a difference?

Hey DarklinkCL, aren't you using Wolfsburg and said you can't get the Cyril tactic to work with them?
yes indeed , 2 matches to go and i post my results . here they are :




Won everything , with Cyrils auto tweak !
Lucas at right back will have to look out for him seemed to perform very well there.

Cracking season.
USMNT can i use a right footed player in the TREQUARTISTA role or is a left footed better in tha role cheers.

I never even paid attention to any of that. I don't even know what foot my players are.
ok m8 fair enough bud. Just started my 5th season with cyrils auto tweak let u no how i get on.

Ya, i really don't think it makes a difference at what foot the strikers are in this tactic. I haven't paid attention to it, so I really don't know, but I can't see it being a big difference. The other attributes and styles play a more significant role.
have you tried Cyril's original tweak with the AP? Do you think the change to CM Auto makes a difference?

Hey DarklinkCL, aren't you using Wolfsburg and said you can't get the Cyril tactic to work with them?

I have Lucas Romero at the cm auto position , last seaon : 45 matches , 22 goals and 22 assists .
Sitting at work, thinking about FM. Can't wait to get home to complete my current season. I am about 24 BPL games into the 2021 season w/ Liverpool and my TM has 56 BPL goals. One of my other strikers has like 33 and the other has like 24 or so. Definitely going to beat my Sturridge record of 66 BPL goals in a season.