hi zero sea i have used your formation in fm11 and was very pleased
i used this formation for fm12 and i dont see having the possesion in my games as i had in fm11, but i guess this switch to control tactic football after scoring a goal does not work in fm12.anyway i think my team playes very good and thank you again .
i have one thing to say about team talk before and during the match:
After saying something to people in general(pep talk) most people dont react then you have to say to everyone :"i have faith" some of them in calm and some in passionate and again some will react good and some nothing specific noted .Until now nothing new i know..
my tip is in 2nd half : to those have not reacted in passionate in first half you have to tell them in passionate again "i have faith" and will be happy and to those have reacted good in 1st half in calm "i have faith" you have to tell them now in passionate "i have faith" and will react again happy.To those have not reacted good in 1st half "i have faith" in calm you have to tell them in 2nd half "i have faith" in calm and to those that reacted good in calm "i have faith" in 1st half you have to tell them in 2nd half "i have faith" in passionate.
What i am saiyng is that players react good in random "i have faith" calm or passionate and you have to switch it from calm to passionate in every half i didnt checked if this has to be diffrent from game to game (if the queue calm-passionate contunies)
but this way you can win in psyhcology part which in fm12 plays very big role.
I'll study for team talks