Repair Uruguayan league. Now it's ****** up - as there are two stages (opening and closing), it shows in your profile you have won it twice (e.g. you win both stages in season 2011-12 and in your biography it says you have won in 2011 and 2012). BUT! Rules of Uruguayan league say "After 1994, the competition was divided in two stages, called the Opening Championship (Torneo Apertura) and Closing Championship (Torneo Clausura), with an end-of-season two-legged final match between the winners of these two tournaments." So if you win both of the tournaments, you are Uruguayan champion of season 2011-12. It does now show in your profile as champion of season 2011-12 and it does not count to the Hall of fame as domestic title (that cost me 60 points in the HOF :X)
I'd also like to see improved interactions with players and media and interactions with staff. (Including talking to player e.g. about transfer speculation or why you have rejected an offer for him.)
+Also improve interactions with MANAGERS, so you can comment on previous match, their playing style in last match (one time I played against team with 5 players in defender line and 4 players in DM/WB line - so after the match I could comment on manager critisizing his defensive approach) etc.
I'd also like the option to add a small note to a view in tactics (so I could have name, picked status, position, morale etc. and the small note).
Also, occassionally a player could state a desire to move to his native country / favorite club at the end of his carreer, even playing for a lower wage (e.g. Forlan could move to Uruguay etc.)