Well - first off - we all agree FM has the best match engine on the market. Now that I have the nice part over with...
1. Give the option to disable items we just dont like - media, personal issues with players,etc.
Above is general. Given the option, there are things each of us would prefer not to be a part of the game.
I like the LLC challenge. I have noticed the following: poor design work at the bottom: should be an overall difficulty setting out of 100%. When you go through at start up and select what you want to activate at various levels... training, match day tactics, finances, transfers, scouting, Youth dev, etc... This sets the details and realistic levels of each aspect of the game. Say, if I do not want to bother with scouting, or individualized player training, then I can set this to a level that I can enjoy while still allowing my team to benefit from that setting.
The incentive to keep the realistic setting high would be the returns on revenue. So if you had it set for 80% and you win $100K, you only get $80. So, the game is easier, but you make less money which should help to keep things in check.
Promo to next league would require a realistic setting out of that 100% to be at a certain number. Thus, by the time you enter PRM league, you should be at 80% - 90%.
This offers an easy way to start up - just like any game out there that uses difficulty settings. It allows everyone to enjoy the game - new comers and veterans alike.
NOTE: the game does lack the true emphasis on revenue. You guys can really do alot with the money aspect of the game - excluding player values. I know, the game was conceived and designed around PRM league and LLC was an after thought. But, since you guys threw it in there, I thought I would offer up my two cents worth.
Thanks for the game.