Gleeful at the new changes..
So, I just finished watching the video on Youtube.. And ****, I was extremely happy with some of the changes that were present..
To start off:
Manager Training - This was a long grouse of mine that no matter how good I got in any aspect as a manager, I could never train my players. This new addition is brilliant, and long overdue. Finally, a player can also check his/her development as a manager, compared to AI managers ingame. Also, this'll really help if I don't find any good coaches available for a particular spot.
Manager - Another brilliant addition, I feel that this was needed. Multiple favorite teams and multiple language familiarity is a welcome addition. Language is especially welcome, and I'm guessing it'll help integrate new players into the squad much better (IRL, teams hire language tutors, but since you can't really do that ingame, this will help)
Tabloids - I love transfers and the stories behind it, so the news that tabloids has been boosted up is pretty good. Hopefully, this'll mean that it'll be easier to get players to submit transfer requests to their teams, so as to enable you to buy them (almost impossible in FM14)
Scouting - Didn't get too much out of this section from the video, but from what I could gather, it has been made more detailed, which is rather good. If anyone was looking in detail for scouting in FM14, it would be disappointing, because more or less, it was vague. Although, one brilliant addition is specific scouting, where you can search for players similar to the ones you have, and specify what team status you want them for too.. That's awesome, saves time, and is very realistic too..
New Player Roles - This is brilliant. Roaming playmaker and wide poacher, in particular, are welcome additions, and it'll be nice integrating them into tactics xD
Press Conferences and Team Talks - I guess press conferences are mostly the same, except with some new answers and some newer questions. A nice thing is questions based on manager history. I'm praying that it won't be as monotonous has FM14, one could 'correctly' answer conferences without even bother reading it.
A lot more options present in team and individual talks is also excellent, and hopefully, this will prevent players from behaving/reacting idiotically as was the norm in FM14.
These were the main points was happy about xD Of course, the new search bar got me to thinking that one day, SI would introduce a FM OS for literally the most complete immersive gameplay xD I never had a problem with the match engine, so news of that didn't affect me much either/./
It'd be nice to be literally involved with the training (select how long to do drills, etc, play 30-minute matches and the like and actually watch players go through it before deciding starting lineup, but I guess that'll probably happen a couple of years from now.. (yes, if it wasn't clear, I love miro-managing every aspect xD)