
AFC FM-Base? :)

Good win tonight, I know its a friendly and all, but a 5-0 win cant be sniffed at :) just need a few more active players :)
AFC FM-Base? :)

Good win tonight, I know its a friendly and all, but a 5-0 win cant be sniffed at :) just need a few more active players :)
Which team is this? I will be creating a new SD soon so will give you a shout!
i've just signed up as a cm

my player name is Chris Robinson
my user name is sammyt1993

i can't gauruntee i'll be on much until febuary as i'm busy wednesday nights until then and a couple of sunday nights in january but i'll get online when i can
Which team is this? I will be creating a new SD soon so will give you a shout!

Its our Sunday/Weds team in Belgium!

If you want to join, just let jamie know :)
Racing FM-Base

Sporting FM-Base

Real FM-Base

Pro FM-Base

Unione Sportivo de FM-Base (USFMBASE lol)

International FM-Base (Inter FM-Base)

Juve FM-Base

Athletic FM-Base

Arsenal de FM-Base

FM-Base Juniors

Tigres de FM-Base

Olympique FM-Base

FM-Base Legion
I'll accept my contract offer now, but since the release of ToR, I can't guarantee I'll get to many games at the moment.

Me and Dunc will pwn up front.
Just went with FM-Base FC for now and edited a basic badge from the FM-Base logo.

Not that many variations of team name, not any puns anyway. AFC FM-Base/FM-Base FC are the best options I've heard so far.

I think we have another 5/6 days to confirm a team name for the season so if we do get a better suggestion by then we'll change it from FM-Base FC. Still need a SM/CD/CD/SD/GK, any other position will be backup.

Next meaningless friendly is Thursday, team training is set this week for 19:45 tomorrow. Alfie/Dunc let me know what attributes you want me to set for you to train, at the moment I think it's accuracy/speed/anticipation as a default.

Couldn't change the training this week because a change wouldn't take affect until next week so I'll set the training attributes today/tomorrow ready for it to be set in next week.

The friendly on Thursday will actually be against humans from our division so it will be a good test to see how we compare.
Should we create a dedicated thread to the team? Might get some more sign-ups that way.
i think it should sound fairly belgian if we're in the belgian league so maybe we could copy antwerp and go for royal fm-base.
Just went with FM-Base FC for now and edited a basic badge from the FM-Base logo.

Not that many variations of team name, not any puns anyway. AFC FM-Base/FM-Base FC are the best options I've heard so far.

I think we have another 5/6 days to confirm a team name for the season so if we do get a better suggestion by then we'll change it from FM-Base FC. Still need a SM/CD/CD/SD/GK, any other position will be backup.

Next meaningless friendly is Thursday, team training is set this week for 19:45 tomorrow. Alfie/Dunc let me know what attributes you want me to set for you to train, at the moment I think it's accuracy/speed/anticipation as a default.

Couldn't change the training this week because a change wouldn't take affect until next week so I'll set the training attributes today/tomorrow ready for it to be set in next week.

The friendly on Thursday will actually be against humans from our division so it will be a good test to see how we compare.

I can't make thursday as I will be out. sorry

I like FM-Base FC anyway
Its our Sunday/Weds team in Belgium!

If you want to join, just let jamie know :)
I'm still waiting on my manager to terminate my SD's contract so that I can make a new SD :S
Just Created my player
Player Name: Kenrry Valderrama
User Name: Kenrry_10
Position: SD
I will be on Thursday, and that training sounds fine. :)
Created my player:
Name: Danny Newton
User Name: DannyI7I
Position: GK
Sent out the contracts, FM-Base Sportivo and Royal FM-Base?

5 days before the team name is locked in for the season, still open to suggestions...
Sent out the contracts, FM-Base Sportivo and Royal FM-Base?

5 days before the team name is locked in for the season, still open to suggestions...

While not completely fussed about the name, I think something relatively simple would be best, but if everyone wants a funky name it's all good. Maybe you could do a small poll in the team forum on FiD. Have you given us all forum access in our main forum space?

Also, how long till the season starts, I think we need to start looking at potential players to bring in that aren't FM-Base members a week or so before the start of the new season, as bots suck massive balls. :)

PS. Me and Alfie will pwn. :)
If im free saturday, and i figure out what the **** this even is, I may join!