
Any specific positions needed for the FM Base team? Just taking the tour on the site, seems pretty good!
Any specific positions needed for the FM Base team? Just taking the tour on the site, seems pretty good!

Urm, we need CB's and CM's and a GK. :) Might also need a SM, unsure though.

How do I unlock my account :(

Contact the admin, if you can't unlock it, make a new one and let them know you have.
I will go CM then, defensive kind or attacking? just about to create my player

What the **** is body type? eg, tower, watch dog, conductor?

*Edit, hover over the name describes

Made my guy, name is Black Dynamite. Defensive Midfield
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I will go CM then, defensive kind or attacking? just about to create my player

What the **** is body type? eg, tower, watch dog, conductor?

*Edit, hover over the name describes ;)

We need an AMC. go AMC!
I would go conductor (Technical playmaker) if you want to go AMC.

I'll try and post a poll with some team names in the team forum section, as for the season starting on the 28th it's pretty awful. The 2nd league game will be on New Years Day as well which isn't good at all.

You sticking with defensive midfield Joe?

Montanaro's already gone DM that's all, can't believe no one wants to go AMC.

It's fine if you want to stick with DM but we'll have to go to a 4-4-2 which could make us more solid in defence I suppose.

Jadax - Do you want me to buy you out of your contract so you can reset your character?

Termination day is tomorrow/sometime this week I think where you can release players.
Also, I will be able to play the game on the 28th, but wont make the New Years day one.
If you can nip on line at 19:45 tonight, or slightly after, then don't train today.

Team training is set for 19:45 tonight, the regular training day will be 20:00 Wednesdays. Team training is basically 3x the regular training with 3 attributes trained, so if you do reset Joe and can make team training I'd hold off on training until then.

It takes 2 seconds to team train, just a couple of clicks.

And I've put in an 18 million bid Jadax with a contract, termination day is tomorrow so you can reset then when I terminate you if your manager wont release you.
We need 2 CB's and an SM then we have a full starting XI of FMB players, let me know your user/character name and I'll get a contract sent over.
We need 2 CB's and an SM then we have a full starting XI of FMB players, let me know your user/character name and I'll get a contract sent over.

Have we got a keeper yet?
I sent him a contract -

Created my player:
Name: Danny Newton
User Name: DannyI7I
Position: GK

Kenrry signed up as well as an SD but must have joined the wrong team. Bought out his clause and sent him a contract as well.

Surprised no one has chosen to go winger yet to be honest, if Vanjagl goes CD we're 2 positions short of a full lineup.
I will join if I get my player re-activated. Not sure how I go about doing that though?
gtfo bill!

also, can I be assistant manager, I suck at playing :(