
To be fair, it took me a while to get into it ;) ahah
Not sure you can get it re activated, if it's banned you might have a chance by messaging a GM. I think you have to pay to have it reactivated, you might be better off just making a new user and if you have another user message them that you have a family member joining or something like that to stop it being banned.

Assistant would be great Giggles.
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Black Dynamite, the attacking midfield dynamo has joined the club ;)

Remember not to train today, until 7.45, when you can do team training by going on your player profile and at the top under 'next game' the team training text will turn to a link, which you click and confirm to do team training. You are unable to do this if you have already trained that day.
I did train the last guy before I retired because I didnt know any of that at the time. I wont train this guy until then though, hopefully shouldnt count my old guys training as im in a new position etc
I wasnt banned though, I just didnt go on for a few months.
PM me your account name and I'll see if it's banned ingame or not - otherwise if it's just inactive, when you log into FID it will ask you to activate the account by checking an email the game will send you etc. etc.
Hope I can do the training on my phone as I will be in the pub lol. HTC Desire so im expecting it to be fine!
my favorite formation. The sidebacks should be excited to play in that system.

Btw, what does the "blackboard" do?
Who all have we got from on here on the team?

Jamie = Alain Perrin - Manager

I7IDanny = ? - GK
Vanjagl = Phil Jones? - CD
Jadax = ? - SD?
Kenrry10 = Kenrry Valderrama - SD
Montanaro = Kyle Strother - DCM
Shay Given = Emilio Izaguirre - SM
Brian = Nathan Redmond - SM
Average Joe = Black Dynamite - ACM
Redrup = ? - CF
Dunc = Dunc Greenwood - CF

sammyt = Chris Robinson - CM (should change his position?)
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yep I'm making a SD on the 22nd (in a few hrs) after my current team gets promoted and my manager releases me. I'll update this post with my SD's name.