Hello everyone.
Thank you all for your great job with this tactics and all the work with FM 2013. This tactics is so good that i had to join this forum and say something

I played it with Real Madrid and its amaizing to watch, so i tried it with my favorite AS Roma and i must say that this tactics is not for italian leauge. With Roma this tactics i a pain to watch

. It doesnt have the shots and posession, mybe at home. If you dont have world class defenders and world class AMC there is no point in using this tactics.
The maior concern of this tactics is when you attack and AMC has the ball, both DMC goes near your strikers ( too ofensive). If the AMC loses the ball its a big counter, and thats how i mosty get goals. That and defensive corners.
With RM i didnt have those problems because def was Ramos, Dede and David Luis, and AMC was mostly Isco who never loses the ball

I like the formation 3-2-3-2 beacause i love IF-s AMC and 2 strikers tactics. So i ask if you could mybe do this tactis for underdogs or mid teams like AS Roma

. I would be glad to test
Again thank you all for your great work, and please continue
P.S. sorry for bad english.