i'm frensh i'm understand tweak to tHOMIEs

its cool screen or downald tweak please

Official name will be Hydra V2 and DM striker tweak by tHOMIEs :) Only change the middle striker to Target Man on attack duty.
Official name will be Hydra V2 and DM striker tweak by tHOMIEs :) Only change the middle striker to Target Man on attack duty.

lol sorry but the translator words for position changes mean nothing
possible to meter the tactic download?
I see this is not just striker tweak, you are playing on control. I guess you should not really worry about the rating of the DM, since he is 'only' doing the hard job, but not getting assists and goals. It's not a problem.
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yes i know, but i'am still trying to make it better than better ;)

Control is only home games, but when i have what i feel is very good i'll post a screen shot.
Is the anchorman different as well?

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this is second season.
first season I won the league and the cup, but lost on the CHL to Kiev!!!
I buy all my players with most of the money to be paid over 48 months.
My DMC is playing different roles atm, i'am trying to find the right formular making him play better.
thanks to Zyndar for this attractive and brilliant tactic.
Going well with Bristol Rovers first game v Forest Green



Promotion is in site to say i was 18th when i took over

2 days ago I started a discussion about a possible implementation of Bayern's 4-1-4-1. Actually we failed to do so, but as a result this tactic was made. Thanks for all the suggestion in the other topic guys! I decided to re post this here to not to mislead people in the other topic, as it is not a Bayern emulation.

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Are you just using Instant result or playing games with subs etc.

Is it a reliable test over 24 games or do tactics fall by the wayside when over 48 games?

Are you just using Instant result or playing games with subs etc.

Is it a reliable test over 24 games or do tactics fall by the wayside when over 48 games?

I am playing the games, no instant results. Since playing the games, you can see based on the stats that a tactic is particularly strong or not. I am not expecting to lose effectiveness and will be finishing the whole season today.