Homosexuality within sport

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so your now saying you dont accept people with religious beliefs and thats okay but when i say i dont agree with people having homosexual "beliefs" i get an absolute roasting from you(rather hypocritical) and others

is this not a free country? can people not have opinions regardless of whether they conform to many others?

I won't reject their religious beliefs, I said it's ridiculous that religion still drives so many of our beliefs though. I'm an atheist, you're a homophobe. I base my beliefs off rational and logical decisions, you base yours off discrimination and prejudice. There's a BIG difference. I won't dislike a person for being religious, and discriminate against them for being religious.

We're not truly free, we never will. Get used to it.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY- I'm treading on hot coals with this one, to quote (poorly) Ricky Gervais, "One step wrong and I'm Jim Davidson." This one is aimed only at the homophobes...

If sexual preference (homosexuality, fetishes, anything at all) is not genetic, please explain to me why many PAEDOPHILES (oh yes, I went there) take chemical castration pills? Would you suggest that these people make a choice to be attracted to children, then make a choice to absolutely, 100% prevent themselves from acting on such desires?

I don't want to spark another debate about paedophilia, but the fact is, paedophiles are CLEARLY born with something in them, that makes them grow up attracted to children, the same way gay people are born with something that makes them attracted to the same ***! I'm no scientist, so I couldn't even begin to tell you what it is, but it's pretty obvious there's something.

And again, not to try and move onto paedophilia too much, but I have massive respect for those that use chemical castration, it's a hugely difficult thing for a person to do, and they do it because they KNOW that sleeping with children is just wrong, no getting around that. Do any of you feel that gay people should do the same? Is it so immoral to be gay that they should simply make sure they never act on it, like Stephen Fry before he had a massive nervous breakdown because his beliefs contradicted his sexuality?
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so your now saying you dont accept people with religious beliefs and thats okay but when i say i dont agree with people having homosexual "beliefs" i get an absolute roasting from you(rather hypocritical) and others

is this not a free country? can people not have opinions regardless of whether they conform to many others?

Er, since when did he say anything about not accepting people with religious beliefs? We, unlike you, are tolerant and think that anyone can be allowed to believe what they like and won't judge them for it.

This is categorically not a free country. Ever heard of laws?
Xisco is openly gay, although if he was to get abuse, he hasnt had enough playing time to get any. But i certainly wouldn't shout abuse at a player if he was gay, they don't do anyone any harm, so i am not against them. Would the same happen in Women's football if a player was a lesbian?
Xisco is openly gay, although if he was to get abuse, he hasnt had enough playing time to get any. But i certainly wouldn't shout abuse at a player if he was gay, they don't do anyone any harm, so i am not against them. Would the same happen in Women's football if a player was a lesbian?

There'd need to be a crowd there for that to happen. :$
Xisco is openly gay, although if he was to get abuse, he hasnt had enough playing time to get any. But i certainly wouldn't shout abuse at a player if he was gay, they don't do anyone any harm, so i am not against them. Would the same happen in Women's football if a player was a lesbian?

He'll start getting abuse as soon as the mistakes start coming in....

Same way a lot of Barcelona fans loved Eto'o when he was scoring, but when he missed a sitter (all too often if you ask me) he was a stupid ni**er all of a sudden.

I'm not saying that's okay, i'm a homophobeophobe, as well as a racistophobe, just an observation that people's (not yours I'm sure) opinions change quickly when players start to **** up on the pitch.
Xisco is openly gay, although if he was to get abuse, he hasnt had enough playing time to get any. But i certainly wouldn't shout abuse at a player if he was gay, they don't do anyone any harm, so i am not against them. Would the same happen in Women's football if a player was a lesbian?

Christ I've been living a sheltered life-didn't even know that about Xisco. Fair play to the lad in admitting it. Takes a lot of guts to do that sort of thing nowadays. Respect to the lad
Er, since when did he say anything about not accepting people with religious beliefs? We, unlike you, are tolerant and think that anyone can be allowed to believe what they like and won't judge them for it.

This is categorically not a free country. Ever heard of laws?

i would say calling someone or something "ridiculous" suggests he does not agree with religion. just like i do not agree with homosexuality. i myself being a religious man find his comments quite offensive

when i suggested we live in a free country i was referring to freedom of speech, which although this is not a stated law in our country it is very much presumed to be the case that people can speak their opinions

i am not saying ban homosexuality. i do not agree with it but i do accept that it exists and will always be the case
Has Xisco actually publicly came out? I had heard things but thought they were just rumours based on his appearance/attitude, did a quick google and found the photos of him and his friends kissing, but although suggestive it isn't proof.
Has Xisco actually publicly came out? I had heard things but thought they were just rumours based on his appearance/attitude, did a quick google and found the photos of him and his friends kissing, but although suggestive it isn't proof.

had a look on a NUFC forum and apparently so. Someone made light of it and got shot down in flames for it. though personally I wouldn't know as know very little about NUFC players to be honest
i would say calling someone or something "ridiculous" suggests he does not agree with religion. just like i do not agree with homosexuality. i myself being a religious man find his comments quite offensive

I don't think he was condemning religion in the slightest, simply those that are blindfolded by religion, and become intolerant as a result.

If you are homophobic because you're religious, I think he (and I for that matter) has a problem with YOU for being homophobic, not with religion.

Also religion is a loose term.... not all religions condemn homosexuality.
It's not a choice, it's just who you are. It's sad to think people still are discriminated in this way, but there's always some who do.
i would say calling someone or something "ridiculous" suggests he does not agree with religion. just like i do not agree with homosexuality. i myself being a religious man find his comments quite offensive

when i suggested we live in a free country i was referring to freedom of speech, which although this is not a stated law in our country it is very much presumed to be the case that people can speak their opinions

i am not saying ban homosexuality. i do not agree with it but i do accept that it exists and will always be the case

Read my post at the top of the page. I called the concept of religion dictating lives based on nothing ridiculous. I have nothing wrong with people practising religion, it's their choice.

Why should the atheistic homosexual be discriminated against by the heterosexual catholic? What gives religion the right to dictate how a person lives their life, when religion is a choice, not law.
Xisco is openly gay, although if he was to get abuse, he hasnt had enough playing time to get any. But i certainly wouldn't shout abuse at a player if he was gay, they don't do anyone any harm, so i am not against them. Would the same happen in Women's football if a player was a lesbian?

Another point, didn't even think of this when I first read it, but Xisco isn't openly gay. There's a big rumour floating around, but (to my knowledge, if you've seen something I haven't I apologise) no hard evidence that he has outed himself, or indeed that he is gay at all.
having read through this (missed the debate whil on the way home), it gives a sad insight into our society,and i dont believe that there will be a breakthough within the next 25 years. depressing
having read through this (missed the debate whil on the way home), it gives a sad insight into our society,and i dont believe that there will be a breakthough within the next 25 years. depressing

yeah, pretty much what i mentioned before. But like fuelledbypassion said, one day the barriers will be broken down so there is hope
Another point, didn't even think of this when I first read it, but Xisco isn't openly gay. There's a big rumour floating around, but (to my knowledge, if you've seen something I haven't I apologise) no hard evidence that he has outed himself, or indeed that he is gay at all.

I always thought he was openly gay, and your right when you say its a big rumour, because ive just searched on google, and he isn't completely out about it, but there is definitely a chance that he could be, by looking at some photos of him.
Read my post at the top of the page. I called the concept of religion dictating lives based on nothing ridiculous. I have nothing wrong with people practising religion, it's their choice.

Why should the atheistic homosexual be discriminated against by the heterosexual catholic? What gives religion the right to dictate how a person lives their life, when religion is a choice, not law.

are we going to get in a religion debate? we could go on all night if thats the case
I always thought he was openly gay, and your right when you say its a big rumour, because ive just searched on google, and he isn't completely out about it, but there is definitely a chance that he could be, by looking at some photos of him.

Not suggesting you're actually wrong, of course we'll never know until he does come out if he is gay, and obviously it doesn't matter either way, but I saw some of those pictures and there are pictures of me doing similar things, and I'm not gay....

Unless there's some rather more raunchy ones than I've seen.
I'm a christan i try to go to church every week i don't really have a problem with people being gay but i will accept it i won't stop being someones mate if they decided they were gay i would treat them like i do all my friends. personally it means less competition for the ladies :)
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