Homosexuality within sport

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So basically if you have over 10 friends that you have discussed this with, you have already more than likely made one of them completely insecure about his friendship with you, as 1 in 10 are gay. This means if you're best friend in the world is gay, you have now made it impossible for him to be completely honest with you. You will more than likely lose him as a friend or even worse, he could live through a friendship, where he accepts everything about you and he is constantly worried that his most beloved friend could end up hating him at any time if you simply find out that he puts a body part in someone, when you can't see him and dont have a clue he's doing it.

That, is simply disgusting!

fortunately i dont have 10 friends that i would consider myself close enough to in order to discuss this with them. i would say i have 5 friends that i am very close with and have been since high school. if you knew them and me you would know none of them are gay. we all have the same opinions which is maybe why we are so close
I have to be honest, been so engrossed in the debates from both sides, didn't notice went slightly OT. oops:$.

Haha, I think that's true of most people posting in this thread. Makes for a good read though!
i think they are perfectly entitled to do what they like in their own homes. just like i would feel the same way about a straight person

i never said i HATE gay people. i just dont agree with it. its my opinion and im sure there are gay people that will think my opinions are terrible(which there more than welcome to think)

i know im not alone in saying if one of my friends told me they were gay i would seriously consider stopping associating myself with him
I respect your opinion, but I wouldn't just abandon my friend if he was gay. Would you abandon him if he got a embarrassing haircut or if he looked bad? I wouldn't. If you would ditch him then he isn't your real friend, just someone you hang out with.
Surely if he's your identical twin brother it's a good demonstration that nurture or some other variable can also affect sexuality, as well as nature? At some point during his, or your, development, be it pre or post birth, something must have happened different to either of you to cause such psychological differences?

As for the camp argument, believe it or not but different people have different personalities :O Shocking I know. Yes a person's personality can change over time and they can choose to enhance traits of their personality, but lots of males are inherently effeminate.

Identical twins can be either left or right handed. Genetic mutations and abnormalities can still occur even when you share the same exact genetic make-up.
if you knew them and me you would know none of them are gay. we all have the same opinions which is maybe why we are so close
That's a weak argument. Most of my mates and I have pretty much the same views on everything, 'cept I like guys and they like girls... You literally can't possibly know if someone's gay unless they've told you.
A very interesting topic that I've never really considered too much. Reading through this thread has really taught me a few things, but at the end of the day I agree with what Aaandy said. It makes absoultely no difference to me if any sportperson is gay, and wouldn't change anything for me if they 'came out'. Unfortunately, the society that we live in seems to find enjoyment in ridiculing others and uncovering or creating a scandal. It seems the majority need to see others struggle to make their insignificant lives feel more fulfilled or feel above others. It's very sad in truth, and much of the modern day cultural flaws are enhanced by the media in the western world
fortunately i dont have 10 friends that i would consider myself close enough to in order to discuss this with them. i would say i have 5 friends that i am very close with and have been since high school. if you knew them and me you would know none of them are gay. we all have the same opinions which is maybe why we are so close

You have no idea whats going on in their heads though. They may all seem extremely anti-gay but there are plenty of gay people who have had to do this to stay in relationships where they feel safe. Nobody ever knows their friend is gay before they tell you, no matter how close you are.
I respect your opinion, but I wouldn't just abandon my friend if he was gay. Would you abandon him if he got a embarrassing haircut or if he looked bad? I wouldn't. If you would ditch him then he isn't your real friend, just someone you hang out with.

theres a slight difference between a bad haircut and being gay. if one of them were to meet me and they had a bad haircut i would laugh and slag them just like they would do to me.

if one of them were to meet me and tell me they were gay i would struggle to behave in anything like the manner we would have behaved in previous years
I am not going to say I welcome homosexuality but at the end of the day , I accept it.
No amount of abuse is going to change how a person feels so people are really wasting their breath.
Identical twins can be either left or right handed. Genetic mutations and abnormalities can still occur even when you share the same exact genetic make-up.

That was one of the points I was making, as clarified in my next post.
"They make the choice because they are clearly attracted to the same ***, not because they want to be bullied."

They make the choice to be gay, because they are attracted to the same ***? What does gay mean exactly?

"I think it's pretty ignorant that it's promoted almost as a good thing by today's media."

Promoted as a good thing? It's a fight for equality, which they don't yet have unfortunately. It's disgusting that anybody in the world still has to fight to be considered equal! This isn't the 1950's as much as you may wish it was.

Should we go and round them all up, and just batter them, and treat them like the second class citizens trhey deserve to be? How dare they like different things to you? While we're at it, lets get the blacks, Jews, Muslims, gypsies and every other lesser group, and just make a proper day out of it!

And please, please, don't try and act like those examples are different, because they're really not. If it's wrong to be gay, it may as well be wrong to be black. If you do decide to tell me why it's different, please provide evidence, preferably something a bit stronger than "they make a choice to be gay because they like the same ***."
its not a case of acting alone or acting with a pack. i have had these opinions since before i knew a lot of my friends.
I wasn't saying that your group of friends specifically were the problem, but you contribute to the general argument on this post. Everyone in the world is shaped by those around them, how we dress, what music we like etc. You will go on to spread your views to your peers, family, and maybe, but hopefully not, pass them on to any children you might have.

You will have picked these opinions up from other people and this will have shaped your view on homosexuality. My father is homophobic and he deeply resents the fact that my brother is gay, but I laugh at him and call him backward, because he was born in the 50's and I blamed his 'generation' for his ignorance.

Its easy for a person to be part of a group of homophobic people, but very hard to go against this and say that you wouldn't care if your friend was gay. If everyone stopped listening to the bad influences around them and the world was more open minded, maybe there would be no need for this post at all.
You have no idea whats going on in their heads though. They may all seem extremely anti-gay but there are plenty of gay people who have had to do this to stay in relationships where they feel safe. Nobody ever knows their friend is gay before they tell you, no matter how close you are.

trust me. their my mates and i know for a fact they are not gay. i take your point though im sure there are a lot of situations where people are hiding there feelings which is wrong. me and my mates would not have had this conversation if we were not 100% confident in each others sexuality
That was one of the points I was making, as clarified in my next post.

Ahh sorry, hadn't seen it. As shown by the link earlier though, it has been shown to be a genetic mutation that causes people to be gay, so it's most likely to be nature over nurture.
Identical twins can be either left or right handed. Genetic mutations and abnormalities can still occur even when you share the same exact genetic make-up.

That was one of the points I was making, as clarified in my next post.

Ahh sorry, hadn't seen it. As shown by the link earlier though, it has been shown to be a genetic mutation that causes people to be gay, so it's most likely to be nature over nurture.

It's not genetics (the gay gene only is a tendency, not a rule), and it is determined during the pregnancy (so scientists think). Read my above post.
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Have to say, that after reading the posts, that homosexualitity may never be accepted in football. In our lifetime anyway. The division is too deep amongst people, and some people are simply not going to accept the views of other people-whether right or wrong. Maybe it's something that may never be accepted by society either in general for generations to come (think fuelledbypassion summed it up better than me)

that was a **** about they done for the cameras they said they were doing it for gay rights or some ****
Have to say, that after reading the posts, that homosexualitity may never be accepted in football. In our lifetime anyway. The division is too deep amongst people, and some people are simply not going to accept the views of other people-whether right or wrong. Maybe it's something that may never be accepted by society either in general for generations to come (think fuelledbypassion summed it up better than me)

i dont think it will ever be fully accepted, its like when in public you see two guys kissing, everybody turns round and stares(rightly or wrongly) showing that it is not likely to be accepted any time soon
I think we've got to respect adibhoy's honest opinion, who are we to judge wither he is right or wrong or that homosexuality is right or wrong.

Personally if Steven Davis,Mo Edu or any other Rangers player "came out" today it wouldn't bother me at all, as long as they do the business on the park (not that kind of business :P) I'd still love & support them.
trust me. their my mates and i know for a fact they are not gay. i take your point though im sure there are a lot of situations where people are hiding there feelings which is wrong. me and my mates would not have had this conversation if we were not 100% confident in each others sexuality

No. There is no way of knowing (short of the obvious, like he's in a relationship with another bloke) whether someone is gay. None at all. I think this reveals a lot about you, actually: you obviously assume gay people are different, and different in such a drastic way that it's easy to tell they're gay. I would say don't be drawn in by ridiculous stereotypes depicting gay people as effeminate pansies, but you obviously already have.

Also, you're wrong with the latter part too. If you were all 100% confident about your sexuality, there'd be no need to have the conversation, surely?

I have many gay friends, as I live in a cosmopolitan and liberal area of London. I have three gay male friends, three bisexual friends of both sexes and know at least five lesbians. Let me tell you: out of all of them, only two conform to the stereotype of their respective genders (ie my male gay friend being effeminate and my lesbian friend being 'butch'". I have a friend who is straight as a flagpole but is way, way more effeminate than most of the gay ones. I mean serious guyliner skinny jeans makeup hair straighteners type **** right there. And he's not gay. Don't listen to stereotypes.

I am not going to say I welcome homosexuality but at the end of the day , I accept it.
No amount of abuse is going to change how a person feels so people are really wasting their breath.

Kudos to you for putting forward your views in a reasonable way. You may not welcome homosexuality - and many don't - but you're not impinging on anyone else's life and you're accepting it for what it is. Posts like these give me heart after ones like the above have rather destroyed it.

i dont think it will ever be fully accepted, its like when in public you see two guys kissing, everybody turns round and stares(rightly or wrongly) showing that it is not likely to be accepted any time soon

Not where I live.
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