Homosexuality within sport

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Have to say, that after reading the posts, that homosexualitity may never be accepted in football. In our lifetime anyway. The division is too deep amongst people, and some people are simply not going to accept the views of other people-whether right or wrong. Maybe it's something that may never be accepted by society either in general for generations to come (think fuelledbypassion summed it up better than me)

Keep in mind, I'm a football fan as I'm sure everyone arguing against this tedious homophobia is, but a (very) large portion of football fans don't even know anything about football, more or less moral/political issues.

There's a lot, and I mean a LOT, of fans out there who "support" their team as far as turning up to a match and making loads of noise goes, but actually have very little knowledge of what they're seeing.
I think we've got to respect adibhoy's honest opinion, who are we to judge wither he is right or wrong or that homosexuality is right or wrong.

Personally if Steven Davis,Mo Edu or any other Rangers player "came out" today it wouldn't bother me at all, as long as they do the business on the park (not that kind of business :P) I'd still love & support them.

You mean who are we to judge that sexual orientation is right or wrong? How can it possibly be wrong in any sort of way, it affects no one or society in any way shape or form, so who are we to say it's wrong, and who is he to say it's wrong?
Have to say, that after reading the posts, that homosexualitity may never be accepted in football. In our lifetime anyway. The division is too deep amongst people, and some people are simply not going to accept the views of other people-whether right or wrong. Maybe it's something that may never be accepted by society either in general for generations to come (think fuelledbypassion summed it up better than me)

Barriers will be broken down eventually, just as they have been with racism. Unfortunately there will always be areas of the world that are behind the times, so I cannot see it happening within my generation. The scientific studies mentioned on here will certainly help speed the process along though
It's not genetics (the gay gene only is a tendency, not a rule), and it is determined during the pregnancy (so scientists think). Read my above post.

It was in reply to people saying that it's a choice, when there is clear scientific evidence that there at least biological forces driving it. They sound like some evangelical Christian's from the Bible belt, that homosexuality is evil and against God's will.
The scientific studies mentioned on here will certainly help speed the process along though

Unfortunately I don't feel they will. Science can be a very vague field with such things, and whilst there will always be someone willing to prove it's natural, there will always be someone willing to prove that it is a deformity in the same sense that downs syndrome or autism are.
Keep in mind, I'm a football fan as I'm sure everyone arguing against this tedious homophobia is, but a (very) large portion of football fans don't even know anything about football, more or less moral/political issues.

There's a lot, and I mean a LOT, of fans out there who "support" their team as far as turning up to a match and making loads of noise goes, but actually have very little knowledge of what they're seeing.

True. I have trouble with the offside rule sometimes lol. But seriously, that is a fair point. Would just be great if there was general acceptance if everyone regardless of ***, creed, sexual preferences etc. Then maybe the human race would never have experienced so many terrible abuses, and so many conflicts based on prejudices based without foundation.
No. There is no way of knowing (short of the obvious, like he's in a relationship with another bloke) whether someone is gay. None at all. I think this reveals a lot about you, actually: you obviously assume gay people are different, and different in such a drastic way that it's easy to tell they're gay. I would say don't be drawn in by ridiculous stereotypes depicting gay people as effeminate pansies, but you obviously already have.

Also, you're wrong with the latter part too. If you were all 100% confident about your sexuality, there'd be no need to have the conversation, surely?

I have many gay friends, as I live in a cosmopolitan and liberal area of London. I have three gay male friends, three bisexual friends of both sexes and know at least five lesbians. Let me tell you: out of all of them, only two conform to the stereotype of their respective genders (ie my male gay friend being effeminate and my lesbian friend being 'butch'". I have a friend who is straight as a flagpole but is way, way more effeminate than most of the gay ones. I mean serious guyliner skinny jeans makeup hair straighteners type **** right there. And he's not gay. Don't listen to stereotypes.

Not where I live.

i am not suggesting it is easy to spot and i also dont base my opinions on stereotypes, there are very few homosexuals that are actually like that. i have known these guys for over 10 years now and i suppose there is a possibility of someone being bi-sexual but i am 100% certain they are VERY attracted to girls(i wont go into the details)

dont know where your from but glasgow is very mcuh like this.... guess we never got the memo
I think we've got to respect adibhoy's honest opinion, who are we to judge wither he is right or wrong or that homosexuality is right or wrong.

Personally if Steven Davis,Mo Edu or any other Rangers player "came out" today it wouldn't bother me at all, as long as they do the business on the park (not that kind of business :P) I'd still love & support them.

You mean who are we to judge that sexual orientation is right or wrong? How can it possibly be wrong in any sort of way, it affects no one or society in any way shape or form, so who are we to say it's wrong, and who is he to say it's wrong?

I actually agree with Broxi's post...we are criticizing adibhoy for not being tolerant, when we are the ones are being intolerant of his views. Just because we disagree with his opinion doesn't mean we should tell him that he can't have that opinion. What if he was religious and said homosexuality was wrong because that's what his religion told him? How would we be tolerant in that situation? It would be hypocritical IMO.
Barriers will be broken down eventually, just as they have been with racism. Unfortunately there will always be areas of the world that are behind the times, so I cannot see it happening within my generation. The scientific studies mentioned on here will certainly help speed the process along though

would you really say racism has been tackled(sorry to open up a whole new can of worms)(i hate racism by the way) i would just say a lot of people have taken their racism into the closet
Like Gareth Thomas said "If you don't tolerate racism why would you tolerate any other kind of prejudice?"
Unfortunately I don't feel they will. Science can be a very vague field with such things, and whilst there will always be someone willing to prove it's natural, there will always be someone willing to prove that it is a deformity in the same sense that downs syndrome or autism are.

Whether natural or a genetic deformity, it still makes the arguement that it is not a life choice to be attracted to the same ***, so homosexuality is somewhat uncontrollable. Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't really looked into the scientific stuff
i am not suggesting it is easy to spot and i also dont base my opinions on stereotypes, there are very few homosexuals that are actually like that. i have known these guys for over 10 years now and i suppose there is a possibility of someone being bi-sexual but i am 100% certain they are VERY attracted to girls(i wont go into the details)

dont know where your from but glasgow is very mcuh like this.... guess we never got the memo

I know of two married men, both with children who are now openly gay. So making reference to any sexual exploits shouldn't make your friends seem straighter to you.
I actually agree with Broxi's post...we are criticizing adibhoy for not being tolerant, when we are the ones are being intolerant of his views. Just because we disagree with his opinion doesn't mean we should tell him that he can't have that opinion. What if he was religious and said homosexuality was wrong because that's what his religion told him? How would we be tolerant in that situation? It would be hypocritical IMO.

Because if we are tolerant with the intolerant then society is never going to advance?

Why should religion dictate our lives and their decisions. It has contributed little to society compared to Science, and it dictates people's lives; makes people live with being miserable based on what? A few lines in a book with no proof to the author, with zero evidence to support their claims. It's ridiculous. But this belongs in the "Do you believe in God?" thread. It's a shame the debates in there never got to the condemning of homosexuality, would have been interesting.
True. I have trouble with the offside rule sometimes lol. But seriously, that is a fair point. Would just be great if there was general acceptance if everyone regardless of ***, creed, sexual preferences etc. Then maybe the human race would never have experienced so many terrible abuses, and so many conflicts based on prejudices based without foundation.

Keep in mind, that wasn't actually a dig at those people.

It's not as though I meant to suggest that anybody who goes to a stadium, but isn't knowledgeable about the game is ignorant and likely homophobic (upon reading my post back, that seemed to be the tone)

I really meant that some of those people consider themselves the biggest and best fans because they never miss a game, but still know nothing about football, which I do think is ignorant. With people like that in football, there is always going to be people who have the same approach towards moral issues, thinking they know it all and that their beliefs are final.
I actually agree with Broxi's post...we are criticizing adibhoy for not being tolerant, when we are the ones are being intolerant of his views. Just because we disagree with his opinion doesn't mean we should tell him that he can't have that opinion. What if he was religious and said homosexuality was wrong because that's what his religion told him? How would we be tolerant in that situation? It would be hypocritical IMO.


Because if we are tolerant with the intolerant then society is never going to advance?

Why should religion dictate our lives and their decisions. It has contributed little to society compared to Science, and it dictates people's lives; makes people live with being miserable based on what? A few lines in a book with no proof to the author, with zero evidence to support their claims. It's ridiculous. But this belongs in the "Do you believe in God?" thread. It's a shame the debates in there never got to the condemning of homosexuality, would have been interesting.

Succintly put.
Because if we are tolerant with the intolerant then society is never going to advance?

Why should religion dictate our lives and their decisions. It has contributed little to society compared to Science, and it dictates people's lives; makes people live with being miserable based on what? A few lines in a book with no proof to the author, with zero evidence to support their claims. It's ridiculous. But this belongs in the "Do you believe in God?" thread. It's a shame the debates in there never got to the condemning of homosexuality, would have been interesting.

so your now saying you dont accept people with religious beliefs and thats okay but when i say i dont agree with people having homosexual "beliefs" i get an absolute roasting from you(rather hypocritical) and others

is this not a free country? can people not have opinions regardless of whether they conform to many others?
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