I think i'm going to stop putting this tactic off and just try it now.
I'm getting sick and tired of plug and play power tactics that are extremely good for one game, winning 6-0 and 7-0, and then all of a sudden getting battered by city (or dortmund at home

) by like 4-0 with no reply. I'd rather use a tactic like this which is consistent and gets you good wins all the time and the occasional realistic loss. My problem is not losing, its losing and playing like absolute **** which plug and play tactics do sometimes.
Rant Over: I think I will start to give these simple tactics a try (both woodys and raikans) and eventually use them to learn more about the tactic creator so I can make my own simple and effective tactics without having to wait for mr hough or satorox (for example) to release wonder tactics. This is in no way discrediting the works of hough and such, it's just i have lost my love for the game using SOMEONE ELSES tactics and getting angry when SOMEONE ELSES tactic doesn't work for me
okay, ill relax now