I'm new on this forum, and I have to thanks Koflok for this amazing tatic... I'm using to play with Sporting and win everything, and playing another game with louletano, a portuguese last league week club, were I expect to win the champions league win 6 or 7 years

Thats only possible because of your tatics and a program I write that uses the informations tha GS11 provide (to the ones o doesn't aprove the use o GenieScout, I don't criticise you) and calculate the best player to buy for my team. Unfortunatly it uses the rating values defined by eugene (creator of GS11) to classifie player, and on this tatics we need players with some diferent atributes than the regular (the AML and AMR the best exemple, they nedd finishing and normaly they don't). So, can you create some sort of rating for the atributes to each positon? Someting like in GS11, but for this tatic?
I'm not familiar with the rating system of GS but I do get what you mean.
I can't write one by one the rating system but what I'm about the explain should be simple enough and prolly answer your problem.
Basically the players needed stats have been arranged from importance. They are all important though. But here is a 'complicated' rating system that you want. I use Wingbacks for example which has "Acceleration, Pace, Work Rate, Marking, Tackling, Crossing".
Now the
first stats mentioned (Acceleration) worth
100 rating, the next one (Pace) 95, after that 90.. just
minus 5 per stats.
That's for the 'priority' stats.
Next is the 'needed' stats which basically are the
'highlighted' attributes when you click your player on the tactic that has not been mentioned in the 'priority' stats.
One of wingback's highlighted attributes for example is 'Stamina'.
Give stamina
50 rating. Same goes to the other attributes that are highlighted but not yet 'rated'.
Next is
all mental attributes and first touch and stamina. All of mental attributes that has not been rated, as well as (if) first touch and stamina has not been rated - give them
30 rating points.
remainder attributes just give
Gonna 'wall of text' you abit, but as i have read through all of the OP i think you owe me one
Been using this tactic with a few teams to good effect and seeing as though im kinda new to this game i have enjoyed the success it brought. But, with regards to real life football, I love seeing amazing strike partnerships (Bergkamp/Henry, Cole/Yorke etc) so i want a tactic using the big strong/small speedy strike partnership, using your tatics as the core to it. I was thinking maybe a 4-1-2-1-2 diamond wold be best. Would you be able to kinda start me off as to making a successfull tactic, which i can then test/tweak?
Sorry but that's basically asking me to create a new tactic of 4-1-2-1-2 - which unfortunately I can't because I'm about to move abroad for my study.
So my schedule is going to be hectic from now on.
If you really want a 'core' then use the basic 4-1-2-1-2 with wingers attack, treuqatista, deep lying striker and poacher. For team instructions use more direct, high pressing and wide (around 17-18 notch) width and quick tempo (15-16 notch from left).
That's all I can give. I've tried something similar and works pretty well.
Hello, I am looking forward to test this tactic.
But is i correct that the two backs is up in the wing back position?
Can someone please send me the download link door V3.0 and 3.1???
I like to try those 2 versions.
Tanks a lot!
I will prolly upload it but if anyone have it can upload it for me.
I thought I will write first post here in forum to thank you for your tactic.

Been playing with Arsenal, I used 4-2-3-1 tactic, putted fabregas in AMC, but he was doing ****, because of accomplished position, not natural. Of course I was winning, 15 games, 10 wins, but all games about 1-0, 2-0. And then I thought that I want more! I came here and found your tactic, first 3 games 1 win 2 draws (****..), but maybe its match preparation guilty, because all ankward ^^) but when all stats progressed to FLUID, first game 12-0 (against Bolton), van Pierse 5 goals, Arshavin 4 goals, Fabregas many assists, they all are proud of my league position (first) and Pierse say in his general hapiness that he loves the tempo of your tactic |) So just wanted to thank you.
Bye bye, sorry for bad english, not englishman 8-|
P.s. oh by the way Im using your first tactic, where is written OLDER VERSION
Glad you're having a good time with this tactic.
I'm not englishman also. So chill. My english sucks.
Im just wondering,
what roles do you have your DMCR and your AMC at?
I am Man Utd and have a pretty decent squad. Im only in 2013 atm though. but ive just started using this tactic and its fantastic..
But ive added the AMC and DMCR like gravy
Just a rough guess DMC is just moved to the right so that he's not in a straight line with the MC which is moved left.
Therefore it's still anchor man with my settings.
AMC.. he said he had a great AMC therefore he maybe use often run with ball, and through balls with lots of creativity and some long shots as well as roaming. I don't know what that role is.. either supporting advanced playmaker or supporting attacking midfielder.