LFCMarshall's January 2011 Update

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Why have you not updated the Spanish league on the other ones Leagues? Gary Means in sevilla OR

because tbh i have no idea about january transfers in spain etc.. ive not spent much time onit recently anyways mate.. im having a break for studies/work etcc ill be back in summer
Have you included the impending Roma takeover by Thomas DiBenedetto? :)
His main position is CM but he was playing RM last night.

Some of his strengths are vision to see a pass, strength, passing, consentration
alright mate will do tonight and ill email it ya.. whats our email? should be done for about 9:30-10ish
incredible update mate! but I have a problem, with the update, the game shows me two Iturbes...

only to me?

And if is posible, updates Borja Valero's transfer to Villareal

Again,awesome update!
thanks alot mate.. and ye ai dno how to stop it :/
someone complained of two raheem sterlings yet in the editor there is only one...
but yep will do valero

thanks :)
Its cos he is using your patch with the latest patch (3) which are causing them to merge so there are two of players you created.
why is iturbe and sterling already been created in patch 11.3?

cus there the players that are doubling and if i remember there not on fm11
In the last patch, I know that Ryo Myiaichi and Iturbe had been created, and I think that they appeared as the same time as your owns

Jaja and Porto with two "potencially Messi"s uff jajaja or a Feyen with two Ryo at the wings xd

PD: Please excuse my limited English
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