I actually thought about that but decided against it, he still has plenty of time left on his contract.

A good trick though Patty boy, will keep that one in mind ;)

Yeah not worth doing if they have ages left, but if you're planning on renewing within 6 months to a year anyway, it's useful :p
I always tell them to sack their agent, and it can actually be handy if they're near the end of their contract to get rid of the agent and then agree terms, because they always ask for less than the agent would, even without the agent fee!

Awesome. I am doing this from now on!

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Q.P.R. 1 - Aston Villa 3

Goals - Weimann (38, 43), Grealish (51), Berntsen (81)
P.O.M. - Andi Weimann (Aston Villa)


"WTF, happened here? I have no idea!

We controlled every aspect of this game but were just god awful in front of goal.

Every chance we had seemed to fall to Denis Cheryshev to either put the ball into the back of the net or make the final pass to create the goal & not once did he manage to pull it off! It was like watching a train wreck!

Easy one on one's blasted into the crowd or hit straight at the keeper, a simple cut back played straight to a defender, God it was hard to watch.

Inevitably Villa made us pay by taking their chances when they were presented.

Perhaps I persisted with Denis for to long but I was sure something would have to come off for him sooner or later. I mean he was constantly in good positions. No surprise that as soon as I sub him, his replacement (Daniel Berntsen) gets on the scoresheet!

Oh well, live & learn I suppose. Not the best way to lead into a clash with league leaders Chelsea though."



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Unlucky against Villa. Here's hoping you can pull off a shock vs. Chelsea.
Looks like a very competitive year! Only 9 difference points from 5th to 15th. If you can get on a decent run in a month you'll be back up pushing for Europe!


I am fast losing patience with Mr. Cheryshev. In the 3 matches I've started him in since his hissy fit the highest rating he's achieved has been a 6.5! He may well be goneski come January, if I can find a buyer that is.

Unlucky against Villa. Here's hoping you can pull off a shock vs. Chelsea.

Well, if our goal scoring form holds true we just might. Seems to be on one game, off the next atm.

Looks like a very competitive year! Only 9 difference points from 5th to 15th. If you can get on a decent run in a month you'll be back up pushing for Europe!

Yeah, a good run of results would definitely see us jump into contention. Just got to find some consistency!

That's fine Nicklas, I was thinking about ditching you anyway.






He does realise that I cant actually force Levante to make a bid, right?​
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As I am now receiving almost daily invites to attend interviews (I haven't shown you a third of them) I thought it might be a good time to show the jobs that might actually tempt me to leave Q.P.R.


Manchester City would give me an instant chance to be challenging for the Premier League title. A.C. Milan have a definite lure, trying to return them to their former glory. Lyon, again, would be a chance to lift a top flight European title & CSKA is just because I think it would be a fun challenge.

Krasnodar could also be interesting, but only because they are "Rich"

So, assuming I could have any of them, who would people like to see Manuel manage?

This is completely hypothetical mind. ;)

Really actually enjoying this. Russian football has bored me foreverrrrr but would be interesting seeing Manuel and JC over there!
I'd really like to see a Milan move, if they offer you an interview.

I think it'd be fun to restore their status in Europe. :)
I'd really like to see a Milan move, if they offer you an interview.

I think it'd be fun to restore their status in Europe. :)

Tbh, they are probably my choice too. Juventus are very strong in my save so would definitely be a challenge.

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Manuel's Mobile

"Hello, JC?"

"Yes Manuel, what can I do for you my friend?"

"Its this Bendtner character JC"

"Oh yes the Danish fellow"

"Yes JC, He wants out & I need you to take care of him for me"

"Oh.........Ok Manuel. I think I know a guy."

"Excellent Juan Carlos"

"It wont be cheap though Manuel."

"Umm.....That's ok mate, just get what you can for him."

".....Ah, ok.....Do you need proof?"

"Proof of what JC, what are you on about?"

"You want him taken care of, you'll want proof the jobs been done right? A photo or something?"

"What? What job? I just need you to find a new club for him."

"Oh......I thought you meant "take care of him", glad we sorted that out!"

"Hahaha, not nearly as much as Nicklas is I bet.

Wait!....What?....You know a guy? Juan Carlos I'm worried about you!"

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