I also think you should share your tweaks bro, or you could PM them to me cadchee?
i will share it guys as soon as Lok1to tells me to do it, its a bit unfair to share tactics at somebody elses thread.
i will share it guys as soon as Lok1to tells me to do it, its a bit unfair to share tactics at somebody elses thread.

Wow,you're results look incredible! I hope that LOKITO can give permission soon so you can upload this :p
i will share it guys as soon as Lok1to tells me to do it, its a bit unfair to share tactics at somebody elses thread.

no problem there :) make your thread and we will download it from there :)

Lok1to tactic very good but I am playing with very small team so any more help would be appreciated.
WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON MY THREAD ? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: BAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


Ok im calm now, of course you can post your tweak man, absolutely no problemo, this was my goal help everyone !! Hehe
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I don't know on what page but someone asked Lok1to if anyone made a tweak of his tactic and he said some thing like NOT YET, im sure he won't mind
WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON MY THREAD ? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: BAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH


Ok im calm now, of course you can post your tweak man, absolutely no problemo, this was my goal help everyone !! Hehe

LOL, i did nothing, was just looking around mate, please dont kill me :p :p :p
Ok guys here is my tweak:
As i have mentioned on previous posts there is no more plug n' play, sit your fvcking *** down and make right decisions for the opponent :p.
What i did here is:
I've changed the corner setup, some team instructions, team shape from highly strucred to flexible, im using OI's from Conn, removed PI run wide with the ball from F9, removed PI close down more from MCL.
Train your players for the role they are playing so that they get more familiar with that role.
I would recommend to buy fast wingers with good dribbling and crossing.
The MCL needs to have a good finishing and long shots.
The important thing is that you shuold change your D-Line against teams who plays with Long Balls, drop deeper or drop much deeper and remove offside trap.
If you're losing against a team that you are predicted to win than change Mentality to Attack or Overload (Take more risks), change your passing style to More Direct Passes.

Dont know if the tactic works for lower league teams or for teams that are predicted to finish 20th-10th because i havent tried it.

Here is the screenshot for OI's
Full scale pressure on the opponent, special thanks goes to Conn for these OI's.
View attachment 326935

Enjoy and hope it works for others like it worked for me but... dont expect a big success if you play plug n' play!!!

View attachment 326929