Hey m8 and welcome. I´m really glad that i helped u achieving something, that was really my idead from the beginning and this is great attitude that you have, there are others in this forum that don´t have those honesty.
Well talking about football, my idea with the advanced wingbacks and side midfieldes, was to make the team more compact, putting player close to each other, creating more superiority in all the zones where the ball is, giving more support for passing and more chances to win the second balls.
This combined with high pressing, makes the opposition trying long passes, because there are no space between lines ( Defense and Midfield).
About the set pieces, i´m going to give it a look ! :)

Yea,I have always employed a high presssing strategy coupled with a counter strategy to make sure all of my team are very focused on first not conceding. It is very consistent with my theory about football,which is basically,the opposition cannot really win if they do not score lol.But the way the wingbacks and wide midfielders together nullify opposition wingers is jsut fantastic and I would have always thought that with a high line and two central defenders,playing wingbacks would mean them getting caught out,but that has rarely happened for me.So yes kudos for you to have that idea.I am right now playing with the idea of dropping the striker to an amc role to see if that helps with making sure the opposition get nothing out of the game at all lol.I am doing great defensively anyways since the opposition rarely sees the ball and when they do its so high up,that other than shooting from long,they do not really have a lot to do. You know what,I might send you the tactic so that you can have a roll with it and tell me what you think about it since you inspired the idea for me.Afterall,this forum is all about sharing ideas to create something magical.
Those are some great results and that win against Bayern is something special. How did your team perform against them ?
Really nice bro.
Pretty even, yeah the result was the reason I posted my results up here, I have been 2nd with Köln in the first season earlier before but never been able to beat Bayern away.

View attachment 326609

Here is another great result of the 2nd matchday, the champions league team dominated by the promoted team :D

View attachment 326608

1st season, no transfers, only got some good coaching staff :)
Pretty even, yeah the result was the reason I posted my results up here, I have been 2nd with Köln in the first season earlier before but never been able to beat Bayern away.

View attachment 711330

Here is another great result of the 2nd matchday, the champions league team dominated by the promoted team :D

View attachment 711332

1st season, no transfers, only got some good coaching staff :)

Really good m8, im glad to know that the tactic is working in lower teams also, not only in the top teams, as for those top teams any tactic works. Keep it going m8 ! :)
Hey guys im using this tactic for Liverpool and I need a good ml with about 25mil to spend, any suggestions??
Hey guys im using this tactic for Liverpool and I need a good ml with about 25mil to spend, any suggestions??

Are you in first season ? If so wait a bit and get Pereyra in free transfer, trust me m8 ! :)
But i bet Coutinho could do very well in this position, have you tried it bro !! :)

So folks, my season is going good and i say again, im playing with a LOWER team, just got promoted to portuguese 2nd Division and without any money, playing with 16 years old kids and some crappy players. Yes imagine if i was playing with Barcelona, Bayern or Real Madrid, this could be the Awesome Absolutely Supreme Truly Tiki Taka. (6)

Check with your own eyes my dear friends ! ;)


Playing as HUGE underdogs, against a medium team from the top league.

















Ok my dear friends, this is enough testing for me, im going to update the OP with a set of 3 tactics.
I haven´t done many changes tbh, but i added 3 tactics in a rar file
Original, Support and More Support.

Cheers and keep those saves going ! :)
Ok guys here is my tweak:
As i have mentioned on previous posts there is no more plug n' play, sit your fvcking *** down and make right decisions for the opponent :p.
What i did here is:
I've changed the corner setup, some team instructions, team shape from highly strucred to flexible, im using OI's from Conn, removed PI run wide with the ball from F9, removed PI close down more from MCL.
Train your players for the role they are playing so that they get more familiar with that role.
I would recommend to buy fast wingers with good dribbling and crossing.
The MCL needs to have a good finishing and long shots.
The important thing is that you shuold change your D-Line against teams who plays with Long Balls, drop deeper or drop much deeper and remove offside trap.
If you're losing against a team that you are predicted to win than change Mentality to Attack or Overload (Take more risks), change your passing style to More Direct Passes.

Dont know if the tactic works for lower league teams or for teams that are predicted to finish 20th-10th because i havent tried it.

Here is the screenshot for OI's
Full scale pressure on the opponent, special thanks goes to Conn for these OI's.
View attachment 710580

Enjoy and hope it works for others like it worked for me but... dont expect a big success if you play plug n' play!!!

View attachment 710592

Where you talk about changing the D-Line vs long balls, is there anywhere pre match I can see if they usually play long ball or short passing so I can set up up my D-line pre match? Or do you just observe it visually in game and change it as it is needed?
Where you talk about changing the D-Line vs long balls, is there anywhere pre match I can see if they usually play long ball or short passing so I can set up up my D-line pre match? Or do you just observe it visually in game and change it as it is needed?

Before the match, when your Assist manager gives u a report about the opposition and the type of training u should do, u can see a graphic with stats about the opposition.

OMG ! Ok i must confess that my laptop survived this !!

Hey Lok1to

When you say you make changes during the match do you usually change player positions or player roles and instructions?
Hey Lok1to

When you say you make changes during the match do you usually change player positions or player roles and instructions?

Hey m8.
I change positions and some team instructions, the in game team talks are very important too.
I use the 3 tactics set, during matches i change between them but maintaining always the tactical identity ! :)
Hi Lokito,

I'm currently trying your tactics with Liverpool and am trying to tweak to roles I prefer to have and have ended up with something like this...


I pulled the wingbacks back to DR/DL to keep a nice back four shape and unleashed the ML to AML as an inside forward. I felt the original tactic was extremely good as keeping the shape and possession but sometimes it felt like an overkill of possession so I'm trying to find a nice balance. Changed one of the MC's to DLP so the IF has some cover in case he looses possesion. FC changed to Complete Forward so he positions himself slightly higher upfield. Only played a few matches but it looks really good, possession a little less then before but not too noticeable. I'll report back if it works out well.
Hi Lokito,

I'm currently trying your tactics with Liverpool and am trying to tweak to roles I prefer to have and have ended up with something like this...


I pulled the wingbacks back to DR/DL to keep a nice back four shape and unleashed the ML to AML as an inside forward. I felt the original tactic was extremely good as keeping the shape and possession but sometimes it felt like an overkill of possession so I'm trying to find a nice balance. Changed one of the MC's to DLP so the IF has some cover in case he looses possesion. FC changed to Complete Forward so he positions himself slightly higher upfield. Only played a few matches but it looks really good, possession a little less then before but not too noticeable. I'll report back if it works out well.

Hey bro, hmm interesting, i like to use more advanced midlfielders, but i was never able to get the team compact without space between lines for the opposition pass, so i went to the close ML /MR and WBR / WBL. You moved the MC from place too, so the IF don´t clash with the AP, Sterling must be a beast in that position, just a question, have you tried the Raumedeuter role in that AML position ? Keep it going with the testing and let me know how its going
Going to start a game with this tactic just got to decide which team to go

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Going to start a game with this tactic just got to decide which team to go

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Hmmm a team with players and that have good possession attributes.
If you are going to start with a big team, try Bayern first to adapt to the tactic as is more easy to implement.
I confirm that this tactic works for me in lower teams, but there are a lot of things to be done to achieve some sucess and a lot o patience. :)
Hmmm a team with players and that have good possession attributes.
If you are going to start with a big team, try Bayern first to adapt to the tactic as is more easy to implement.
I confirm that this tactic works for me in lower teams, but there are a lot of things to be done to achieve some sucess and a lot o patience. :)

Cheers for the advice am going to try the tactic with Napoli I think

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