You're absolutely correct! You can get destroyed by the big Premier teams which is what is happening to me. But when it does fall into place, ohhhhh my it is a nice feeling. I've got this tactic working sweet as in my Scottish First Division team. I'm close to promotion sitting comfortably in first place

Fingers crossed it all goes to plan. But my Bourney save is interesting. Turns out I focussed too much on counter rather than attacking, as a result I am fluid (for the most part) in counter attacking but pretty poor in attacking, which is where this tactic is failing me. It's not the tactic fault per se, it's a combination of me not understanding training and match prep and poor players plus a general lack of cohesion. I'm sitting in 9th spot god knows how, mostly counter attacking I guess. But I face a run of top premier teams now and I'm going to end up near the bottom again I'm sure.
I am happy to forward the save on you sir. Problem is its 165mb so I would be better off drop boxing it or something.