TFF dont know if you can answer this.
If i change WMs to Wingers or other role (that fits my left footed players on the left and vice versa) and use NO OIs, will it effect the good defence structure of your tactic very much? Or the good defence is affected more by duties, mentality instructions etc.
I would be greatfull for just an opinion because i dont have much time to play so not much time to test.
Koke is too slow to play ML/MR positions and he doesn't have enough dribbling for that.This tactic has been made for Atletico.
tff, how do you rate emre can first season (from liverpool)?
i can't decide if i want him as backup for bbm or cm d, he has a very weird set of attributes, no positioning/off the ball, high determination but low work rate, low decisions, very aggressive and brave, can't decide if he'd be better as the b2b or the cm-d
i'm thinking jordan henderson is better box2box and emre can is better cm d
Is it ?
(Right corner: DR)
(Left corner: DL)
(Right corner: DR / Right corner: DL)
(Left corner: DR / Left Corner: DL)
- I'm just asking you this because I know from previous experience that some tactics depends on every little detail to work a threat.
And would it ruin the tactic if the Wide Midfielder (Right) is Right Footed (With ''Reasonable'' or ''Weak'' Left Foot) ?
And the Wide Midfielder (Left) is Left Footed (With ''Reasonable'' or ''Weak'' Right Foot) ?
- If not, what is the lowest ''Acceptable'' rating for the opposite foot?
- Is it any type of player who fits some of the positions/roles better than others?
Thanks in advance!![]()
TFF, there's a thing that i love in yours tactics, that there're 3 version for confusing the ME... there's a possibility of a waste time and an overload version for that 4-4-1-1?
TFF OI? Thanks because i am French
he says in OP to take OI's from here
OI Jacky?
yes, from the opening post of executioner tactic.
That's correct it doesn't matter which of full backs takes the corners... just pick the one of them who has the highest "Corner" attribute.But again, it doesn't matter which of the fullbacks taking the corners?
tff, how do you rate emre can first season (from liverpool)?
i can't decide if i want him as backup for bbm or cm d, he has a very weird set of attributes, no positioning/off the ball, high determination but low work rate, low decisions, very aggressive and brave, can't decide if he'd be better as the b2b or the cm-d
i'm thinking jordan henderson is better box2box and emre can is better cm d