Thank u for your kind response

- only to clearify I am not fustrated now as it still only a game....

(during the game I am sometimes fustrated, but that is the nature of the game which makes it great!)
U are right I read wrong on the tests - my eyes are old (I'm 51)...haha...nevermind u clarified it.
But on a program interlink of the standings of the liga and the result u have in games I strongly believe that is the case. As the above decription happened not only one time and it must not be an end game - u may be in the middle of season - and autocalc - look the results of others, then take the old save and autocalc again - other result - yes - but the results of the other football clubs are modified in a way accordingly...try it.... - some can see the "fit in" results during the season...
I play now one year excessive the FM 2014 - and believe me I had payed a lot of leagues - and many times u really can watch that there is a interlink in the program. But to prove this it would need an answer from the programmers who did that code, which will probably not happen? Anyway that should be covered in another threat - sorry to spoil here....
What takes the fun a bit away is these random I "Fk u" happenings - as whatever u do in such game it has no real influence on the result - the game just makes u lose - but okay wit such I can live I just imagine that is the luck factor which happens in real live too. - And probably all the forum members know about this bug or not bug just strange programming.
Even with my smal claim (the interlink) - I still think it's a great game and I still loving it and play it!
Keep on your great testing, I appreciate it very much, as it is a lot of time and work u guys are implementing in this testing for the benefit of all forum members - thank u - GREAT JOB!