Everyone, Mr Langvatn was not at all the first person to make the Balanced-Overload tactic like the Rock. He copied it form fanteceleandre's Amen tactic. It is so similar to the Rock tactic. And that tactic came out in march. The reason why Nezza's tactic is so similar is because he and fantelceleandre made an tactic together here
http://www.fm-base.co.uk/forum/foot...ining/117961-nezzas-amens-3-1-5-1-tactic.html. That tactic came out in april. Nezza only used similar stuff from their 3-1-5-1 tactic in his 3-3-3-1 tactic. Sure, the rock tactic gives people great success with some teams, but it is only tweaked version of the Amen tactic. Mr Langvatn should get so much credit for this. I tried the Rock tactic and it was not good for me. And i tested the 3-3-3-1 tactic and it was great !
What i am saying is the Rock tactic is nothing more than a cheap copy tactic of fantelceleandre amen tactic. He probably worked very hard on this tactic and he doesn't get any credit.
Mr Langvatn, create your own tactic or admit that you only tweaked the Amen tactic. This is not your tactic.