actually, i have no idea who made them, cos i have them from here:
Mr Langvatn's Tactic Thread (Updated for 13.3.3) - Attachments
it's a list of all attachements in ur thread m8, and i found both tripletweak tc somewhere there

. but am not so sure if they work as they should, okay, am San Marino, but power of team is no matter, they should rock anyway, and they don't, unfortunetely.
am going back to Rock Classic TC then, probably the best choice for weak team in strong league. so far i had amazing adventure from Serie C to Serie A, year after year promotion, with 442 malte tc tweak v2, but in Serie A i started to losing match after match, so to break it i'll probably try Rock TC, am playing FMC, W4NKER had awesome results in FMC with it, so.. should be good
