NewGAN Facepack

NewGAN Facepack v1.3

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So i'm also running into problems with certain players not updating and also now players who had a face all of a sudden losing it
I also noticed this in my config file, when i hit preserve it looks in the 'Caucasian' folder for Central European images.

Further to my issue above i appear to have now resolved it, not sure if it was an issue specific to me or related to issues other users have been having but just in case it helps, here is how i resolved it.

Issue 1 - Newgens no longer receiving faces
I noticed my config file had duplicates entries and tried to assign different faces to the same player, i noticed this after importing the data into Excel and sorting it, i immediately thought it could be causing new faces to not be generated as the duplicates were causing all the faces to be used, leaving none left for new players. I also noticed that the .rtf file i generated did not match up with the config file (the config file is generated in the same order the players in the .rtf file are listed) so i went to the bottom of my .rtf file and copied the player id and searched for its location in the config file, i could see by reading upwards that the player ids in the config file matched the ones in the .rtf file, i didn't read them all obviously but the assumption was that the .rtf and config file matched up to a point then for some reason extra/duplicate entries were added to the bottom of the config file, removing these gives us space to add more without hurting our current faces. So i deleted all the entries in the config file underneath the id i had just copied from the bottom of the .rtf file, in an attempt to match both files and delete the duplicate entries in the process.

Now i have my config file clear of duplicates, i went ahead generated a new .rtf file using the normal tutorial and hit preserve, went into my game and the majority of my newgens now had faces, some outside of player search did not but i'm assuming there's no way round that?

But now i had a new issue...

Issue 2 - Players losing faces after hitting preserve

Basically if you look at my screenshot above, i noticed after hitting preserve and losing some player faces that the tool was trying to map some Central European faces from the Caucasian folder and vice versa. To solve this i simply did a find + replace in the config to change all "Caucasian/Central European" to "Central European/Central European" and all "Central European/Caucasian" to "Caucasian/Caucasian".

I now have all my previous faces intact and new faces (for now)

These fixes might be specific to me and issues that were caused by me, but all i know is that doing the above fixed everything.

TL;DR - Check your config file for duplicates / Check your config file for incorrect mapping
Hello, How can I remove the added faces so that they return to their original state?
Hi. I've managed to get the Newgan pack to work ,except for Kosovo, those still have the prerendered faces. Does anyone have aa workaround for this? A mod on the discord suggesting changing all instances of KOS in the RTF file to KVX but my RTF file won't parse when i try that option
I'm running a custom database that replaces Gibraltar with another country. More information here.
For some reason, all regens from Cartagena (ex Gibraltar), don't get a new face. I made sure they are included when I select all players for the .rtf yet they don't get a new face. Is there something I can do about it?
I'm running a custom database that replaces Gibraltar with another country. More information here.
For some reason, all regens from Cartagena (ex Gibraltar), don't get a new face. I made sure they are included when I select all players for the .rtf yet they don't get a new face. Is there something I can do about it?

Hey there
I actually have the exact same issue, playing with a Yugoslavia database (Yugoslavian nationality replacing many countries)
I checked the files and the software skips the player because it doesn't recognize the nationality

So I assume we would have to add the nationality manually to the software but I have no idea how to do that 😂

Maybe the question was already asked but can we just put our own pics of players in an ethnical folder?

example: if I want Lebron James, can I put him in the african folder and thats it ? No need to change the config.xml?
Some faces are not beeing changed by NewGAN. Until 2027 in my save everything was ok, but the last two generations no one have new faces. I am playing FM22.
Hey there
I actually have the exact same issue, playing with a Yugoslavia database (Yugoslavian nationality replacing many countries)
I checked the files and the software skips the player because it doesn't recognize the nationality

So I assume we would have to add the nationality manually to the software but I have no idea how to do that 😂
I finally figured out how to do it!

So basically, follow almost every step, but when you get to the player search and you add your filter in
1. Add -> Nationality:Your custom nationality, in my case Cartagena
2. Make it OR instead of AND
3. Export your RTF as you usually would
4. Edit your RTF using whichever software you use, notepad for example
5. Find and replace -> Find the three letter of your country, in my case CRT, and replace it with the three letter of the country you initially replaced, in my case GIB
6. Do it for all the cases in the file, so replace all
7. Use newgan as you normally would
I finally figured out how to do it!

So basically, follow almost every step, but when you get to the player search and you add your filter in
1. Add -> Nationality:Your custom nationality, in my case Cartagena
2. Make it OR instead of AND
3. Export your RTF as you usually would
4. Edit your RTF using whichever software you use, notepad for example
5. Find and replace -> Find the three letter of your country, in my case CRT, and replace it with the three letter of the country you initially replaced, in my case GIB
6. Do it for all the cases in the file, so replace all
7. Use newgan as you normally would

Oh well it actually worked, you a genius :D

I actually didn't even try to open that rtf file before

Thanks mate !
Hi, the NewGen app cannot launch in Laptop gaming. any way to fix it? I tried to uninsstall again, still not work. thanks bros
Hey I am running FM20 on windows, does anyone know if this facepacks will work?
Ive got a issue where the newgen app wont let me locate to the correct folder and will only let me see the desktop anyone know how to fix it?
EDIT: I fixed this, I did not have the right view selected for exporting to RTF!

Hi, I got this to work and things seem like a breeze!
I have an issue with Asian face assignment, however.

While the folder is there, the faces look distinctly non-Asian. No idea why - how can I fix this?!

Rest of the racial assignment seems fine.

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Hey, so I downloaded the face pack (I’m on MAC) needed and when unzipping the document it always stops at a .png file called YugoGreek9999.png and the program just freezes and subsequently crashes. It worked fine before and had no problem unzipping the other pictures.
Any advice?
I need help, ASAP. I can't browse for the graphics folder when browsing for the image directory