Nezza now that you have perfected your 3331 I think you should try creat a 4231 and improve this one
I see so many 3-3-3-1 updated and v3 in op etc. so which one is best? Maybe update ur op to be more clear? :/
Hi nezza. I see your tactics and all ur tactics good results. WHat tactic u recomended for 13.3.3, which tactic is best?\
sry for my bad english
Guys you should look at right screenshot of the post number 572 and know that Eltonde make a run until 2051!!!! lol
Great job mate!!!
Hi nezza. I see your tactics and all ur tactics good results. WHat tactic u recomended for 13.3.3, which tactic is best?\
sry for my bad english

it'll be the 3-3-3-1 or the 4-4-2, iv'e had more success with the 3-3-3-1
Nezza now that you have perfected your 3331 I think you should try creat a 4231 and improve this one

when i have time to go back on FM i'll give the 4231 a go, saying that i might go for a 4231 narrow and wide

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Using a shout based tactic based on version 3. Ima thinks I broke the game by winning the German Cup FINAL with Rostock. This is incredible! I don't think I've ever managed to do this in any FM version! Schalke was managed by David Moyes for some reason. I used the Rock when I was playing teams from Division 2 and below. But switched to the shout based tactic with Division 1 teams. It worked incredibly well.

At the start, I used the shouts I talked about earlier in the thread.

If I go 1 nil up I usually used Drop Deep, Retain Possession and Pass Into Space