Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Breaking News

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If they haven't retaliated within a week, they won't.. Supposidly, they have bombs hidden all over the west, why haven't they gone off already? Trying to catch us off guard? Our state of emergency alert has risen now so even less chance of this happening. One bad man gone, 1,000,000+ to go, this has only made matters worse and the hundreds of franchised terrorists groups have a big decision to make in the next few days. Props to those brave navy seals that put their lives on the line to go into enemy territory on what could have been a suicide mission. My thoughts go out to all the families of the victims of the terror attacks in the last 15 years. **** off Osama!
I think Portal - Still Alive, is very fitting here.
Hahha, one down, 500 to go. Anyway, I wouldn't be too happy about this, another, more crazy, terrorist is going to replace Obama and he is going to be a threat to American Democracy. Obama will give him 3 months of grace period to hide, and then he's going to chase him just like he chased Osama.
Two big military choppers have just gone over my work, they were dark green and it looked like they had weapons on them.. Something going down in the UK?
TBF, Osama has been hiding for 9 years. That basically means ne has spent the last 9 years training his repacement(s), so no doubt the new leader has been put in place, and will probably be more sadistic than Osama.
Two big military choppers have just gone over my work, they were dark green and it looked like they had weapons on them.. Something going down in the UK?

Might be exercise. I'd guess SAS is on high alert there for some time.

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Fortunately, some of the views you see are from a small small sample of internet posters.

I can assure you that many people are glad that the "West" finally has a beautiful feather in their hat after all of our hard work.

---------- Post added at 09:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

I honestly think Afghanistan had just as much influence on Usama as did the 1st gulf war. I'm sure he was ****** at some CIA backhanded dealing that left him high and dry.

What had most influence in Osama beginning to target US was that US didn't leave Saudi Arabia after Gulf War ended. He issued his first fatwa in 96. And in 98 was the US Embassy Bombing which was if i remember correctly first attack he targeted against US. Previously he had targeted "corrupt islamic governaments".

And Mike I didn't mean by what I said that US is responsible for Osama's extremist views. I was bit tired last night and what I wrote came out wrong. They are only responsible of fueling those with their own actions in Near East.
Wikileaks is toilet paper? Human race = hate what you don't understand.

I would post my views on this, but seeing the amount of abuse some took, I'm afraid my views would be mocked and dubbed 'ridiculous' in front of the posting community. It's amazing how some can act like they know so much, yet so little true information comes out. 'the revolution will not be televised'
Don't believe he is dead for a second. The fact he's been hiding for 10 years and has now only suddenly been captured just doesn't add up.

Also, dumping his body at sea? Really? Come on. Saddam Hussein was captured and paraded around and then his death was filmed. They also took pictures of his body when he was captured and showed images of doctors doing tests on him etc.

Why would Saudi Arabia deny his body? He's a legend over there for following his faith and bringing a new muslim extremist view and disregarding authority.

Also, there's a video on YouTube of a man showing facts of CIA Agents claiming he was dead in 2002 and saying that it would be used in the future when confidence and popularity was low with the American Government. The Dollar is low at the moment, and Obama's popularity is at it's lowest since his reign began.

Also, maybe just a coincidence - but on May 1st 1945, Germany announced that Adolf Hitler was dead. On May 1st 2011, America announced that Osama Bin Laden was dead... Hmmmmm?

YouTube - Exclusive: 'Bin Laden Dead' Hoax Exposed
Honestly, I think he died a while back but it's just being announced now just because of the upcoming elections. I also don't think that's it's a coincidence that Osama has suddenly been caught, just as Obama is down in the polls. My view is that he definitely didn't die within the last few days and that he has either been dead for years, or that he is still alive - But surely he would've released a video damning these claims that he's died.

Call me a conspiracy theorist all you like, this is just my view on whats going on. It all seems to be far too convenient for me.
Honestly, I think he died a while back but it's just being announced now just because of the upcoming elections. I also don't think that's it's a coincidence that Osama has suddenly been caught, just as Obama is down in the polls. My view is that he definitely didn't die within the last few days and that he has either been dead for years, or that he is still alive - But surely he would've released a video damning these claims that he's died.

Call me a conspiracy theorist all you like, this is just my view on whats going on. It all seems to be far too convenient for me.

Watch the video in my previous post..

American's have claimed that he's died 9 times since 9/11 oO)
He could possibly milk this as an oppurtunity to launch a massive attack. If people think he's dead, why would he want people to think otherwise? It would give him more time. I want to believe he is dead, and I do.. Can't be bothered with all these conspiracy theories.
Stop looking beyond what the media says, Mike doesn't like it... As if the government would ever mislead the people, especially not at a time which would prove to be of significant benefit to any ulterior motives.
Couldn't give a stuff about conspiracy theories, because they are just that. Theories.
What I'm curious about, is the fact that ol' Osama was able to live 60-70 miles from the Pakistani capital for 5-6 years. And no-one in the country had an inkling about it. Thats what I find interesting
Stop looking beyond what the media says, Mike doesn't like it... As if the government would ever mislead the people, especially not at a time which would prove to be of significant benefit to any ulterior motives.

oh grow up, and like i said keep the ridiculous theories somewhere else
We all know the Pakistanis knew about it but they will never budge and tell us the truth, they are too scared as it is without divulging any more information. Who cares anyway? He's dead and hopefully, finger crossed, the extremists will realise that they can't hide forever and give up.
We all know the Pakistanis knew about it but they will never budge and tell us the truth, they are too scared as it is without divulging any more information. Who cares anyway? He's dead and hopefully, finger crossed, the extremists will realise that they can't hide forever and give up.

Extremists never give up. Only way to make them give up unfortunately is to take them out.

TBH...Whether he died at the weekend, or four years ago, he is dead. That is the main thing.
Two big military choppers have just gone over my work, they were dark green and it looked like they had weapons on them.. Something going down in the UK?

Chinooks move across the country fairly often, if there was something going down (ie SAS) you wouldnt know becuase they use Dauphin helicopters painted in civilian colours to move across the country

---------- Post added at 01:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:30 PM ----------


TBH...Whether he died at the weekend, or four years ago, he is dead. That is the main thing.

Still have plenty of extremists out there so it it's not like its over