Osama Bin Laden Is Dead Breaking News

I've been invited to Bin Laden's Funeral. It's going to be 'da bomb!
President Bush tried, and failed.
President Obama tried, and succeded.

The moral of this is...
If you want something done, hire a black man...
Would love to see the winning kill-cam...
bet it was epic

Rumours that Osama Bin Laden had been hiding in Arsenal's Trophy Room were today dismissed by Arsene Wenger who angrily told reporters "There is no such place"
You just know now that the rest of his followers will retaliate some how!!

Well we think its him that was killed providing the yanks got the right guy lol
Obama may have killed bin Laden, but at the same time he may have just killed thousands of americans and brits.
Obama may have killed bin Laden, but at the same time he may have just killed thousands of americans and brits.

so far nothing has been heard, and its not like they havent been trying pretty hard while he was alive. all embassies are on high alert anyway

Image of Arab-Americans celebrating the death of Bin Laden
Obama may have killed bin Laden, but at the same time he may have just killed thousands of americans and brits.

But at the same time he may have saved thousands of lives worldwide.

Only time will tell.
America and the Western World will win this war

I would like clarification on your concept of winning. This is the kind of war that sees no victor and no vanquished.

Also, I highly doubt the reports, tbh. I wouldn't mind the guy dying, though.
I would like clarification on your concept of winning. This is the kind of war that sees no victor and no vanquished.

Also, I highly doubt the reports, tbh. I wouldn't mind the guy dying, though.

Win this war in a less than traditional sense. The Americans think if we kill enough of them, we win, but they're wrong. I agree with you, since this war is not one which can result in anything good.
I would like clarification on your concept of winning. This is the kind of war that sees no victor and no vanquished.

Also, I highly doubt the reports, tbh. I wouldn't mind the guy dying, though.

I dont, for this to be wrong would be the biggest victory for the terrorist, and would certainly kill any chance Obama had for a second presidency. No way would he say this unless he was 100% sure. Given some of the stuff coming out from other leading figures, seems very concrete
Win this war in a less than traditional sense. The Americans think if we kill enough of them, we win, but they're wrong. I agree with you, since this war is not one which can result in anything good.

talking to my friend how about this. We can't win this war by sheer military strength alone. What we need to do is kill the higher up authorities which give the organisation and leadership and also destroy the cells where the extremists are being trained. We do that and then they become a **** of a lot less of a threat
Win this war in a less than traditional sense. The Americans think if we kill enough of them, we win, but they're wrong. I agree with you, since this war is not one which can result in anything good.

In fairness the likes of Clinton believe the only real victory is through the table, but that you have to weaken them to a point they want to come there. Though there are those who never come to the table, and your only choice is to fight, even if there is no end in sight
In fairness the likes of Clinton believe the only real victory is through the table, but that you have to weaken them to a point they want to come there. Though there are those who never come to the table, and your only choice is to fight, even if there is no end in sight

Problem is, we kill some, they become martyrs, more join the cause, more to kill. It's a vicious circle.
Problem is, we kill some, they become martyrs, more join the cause, more to kill. It's a vicious circle.

very true, damned if you do, damned if you dont
Apparently, Bin Laden had a 25 million dollar price tag on his head.

What kind of ridiculous, designer turban was he wearing?!

Its also been confirmed that religious rites were peformed before burial at sea