
  • Thread starter rosenrot
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Bought Pokemon White today. Quite unimpressed though that I cannot connect to Wi-Fi as the ****** Nintendo DS won't connect to a network with WPA security.

Shame, what do you think of the actual game though?
Bought Pokemon White today. Quite unimpressed though that I cannot connect to Wi-Fi as the ****** Nintendo DS won't connect to a network with WPA security.

Yeah I hate that, the newer types do, like DS XL or whatever it's called, but not the older ones sadly.
I loved the pokemon games but these new pokemon look ****, give me blastoise charizard or the other one any day!

You see, this is the mindset the game developer wanted to change. Because there was so many Pokemon, people just screamed for originals, so they took them out until the end of the game. You have to give new generations a chance, there are always some awesome one's within a generation and some dreadful. Google Samurott, would you want that or a ******* tentacool?
You see, this is the mindset the game developer wanted to change. Because there was so many Pokemon, people just screamed for originals, so they took them out until the end of the game. You have to give new generations a chance, there are always some awesome one's within a generation and some dreadful. Google Samurott, would you want that or a ******* tentacool?

It has a weird looking spikey shell on its head :S Tentracuel any day! Isn't there a bird in the new games that had a fedora on its head? *facepalm*. Give me the originals anyday, although I am really enjoying soul silver but thats cos its an orignal but remade with some good features and decent graphics
You see, this is the mindset the game developer wanted to change. Because there was so many Pokemon, people just screamed for originals, so they took them out until the end of the game. You have to give new generations a chance, there are always some awesome one's within a generation and some dreadful. Google Samurott, would you want that or a ******* tentacool?
tentacool tbh
original pokemon ftw
It has a weird looking spikey shell on its head :S Tentracuel any day! Isn't there a bird in the new games that had a fedora on its head? *facepalm*. Give me the originals anyday, although I am really enjoying soul silver but thats cos its an orignal but remade with some good features and decent graphics

Thats Honchcrow, and that was in Diamond. Strangely, the evolution of Murkrow.

And some of them are pretty cool. Go on Serebii.net, follow the link to the Unova Pokedex and i'm sure there will be some that people like.
I've noticed some of the new ones are the old ones in a different colour... Lazy
Bought Pokemon White today. Quite unimpressed though that I cannot connect to Wi-Fi as the ****** Nintendo DS won't connect to a network with WPA security.

Change it, it's **** easy. Type your IP address into your search bar, fill in your password/name window that pops up. Inside the configuration change it
I bought pokemon black yesterday not very impressed with it and they have not been very creative with the names. For example on this game zubat becomes woobat WTH
He's cool, I'm trying to get a Sandile, his final evolution is sweeeeeeet.

The crocodile thing.. He's awesome but I haven't got him, has anyone seen the pokemon that looks like a poke ball on the floor but it's a pokemon, like Voltorb
The un-creative names don't bother me really, as I name all mine anyhoo.
The crocodile thing.. He's awesome but I haven't got him, has anyone seen the pokemon that looks like a poke ball on the floor but it's a pokemon, like Voltorb

in the original games that was so flawed graphically. They would appear as pokeballs on the floor but its stats say its 1' 08" and weighs 23.0 lb. :S XD
Yeah tbh whenever I was playing Crystal or Evergreen I would always try get Charizard or Blastoise

Played a pokemon game from every series :)

But I don't think the change will be that bad usually they release 3 for every series with third having an extra map and older pokemon