
  • Thread starter rosenrot
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  • Replies 1K
  • Views 85K
ive just been playin pokemon black,its well wierd to the original lot
in the original games that was so flawed graphically. They would appear as pokeballs on the floor but its stats say its 1' 08" and weighs 23.0 lb. :S XD

Lol thought they would of though about that
They should make a Pokemon game where the money you earn can buy you a house and you can live a life in the Pokemon world like Animal Crossing, maybe have a family?
You can buy a dongle which can allow you to connect online no matter what security settings are used.

Look around for them and you will find them and they can be cheap. Seen ones for a fiver, just look around.
The crocodile thing.. He's awesome but I haven't got him, has anyone seen the pokemon that looks like a poke ball on the floor but it's a pokemon, like Voltorb

i got that pokemon but forgot its name.. its a mushroom/spore type pokemon....
sandile is cool.. and i love the round-looking fire pokemon, in japan name called harumakku, i guess....
i got that pokemon but forgot its name.. its a mushroom/spore type pokemon....
sandile is cool.. and i love the round-looking fire pokemon, in japan name called harumakku, i guess....

Emboar? Darmanitan? Volcarona? Heatmor?
darmanitian.... its so powerfull.... ^^)

some of the new pokemon looks alike the old one, like woobat, pidoove, tauros-look-alike, but it just like the real life animal, each continent/region maybe have same type of animal but different spicies, u know like tiger, there are white tiger, himalaya tiger, and others... like whale also... so its not that they dont have anymore idea to create this new pokemon.... ^^)
Quick question/request
I have a kadabra on my team in soul silver. Obviously to get it ot evolve into alakazam i need to trade it. So if one person on this thread swapped a pokemon for my kadabra and then we swapped back with the same pokemon so I had kadabra again would that work? Would that allow me to evolve my kadabra whenever it gets to the required level?
Yeah when you trade he will evolve and you can trade back straight away,i have done this plenty of times when i still had my gameboy. :)
Would anyone mind doing that with me?
I will but I cant get on my DS for another hour or so, piled up with homework
cheers Sam, doesn't have to be right now. Send me a PM when u can. I know you like rep so you may get some if you do it :p

lemmi find my ds.

PM when you can do it
Started playing Sapphire again the other day, pretty weird getting used to all the names and stuff again, sadly enjoying it though :)
Is the game any good (Pokemon White). I've played every single generation (including a few remakes and hacks) apart from the new generation. I just ordered it off game today and was wondering if it was worth the money :p