Post Your Frustations Thread

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It's just humour. I don't think your forum users are so sensitive as to be offended by me and I haven't insulted anybody directly. I will reign it in. But first, let's be honest, here: You're the only one complaining and I have consistently contradicted your arguments on the last few pages of this thread with what I, and I think several other readers, would regard as superior logic, a better applied understanding of your own statistically based claims and with a greater clarity of language (I'm a proofreader with aspirations of copywriting, so that's something of a loaded deck, I'm afraid).

My God. Lads, we found found him. It's the most smug person in the entire world.

Perhaps next time wait for others to laud you before blowing your own trumpet, eh?

If you look a few pages back, i wrote a few "nice" words about FM14 too. Things have changes. Yes, i still lose the occasional game, but most of the time i win 3-0, 4-0.
What changed? Tactic. (Same patch as frustration post before).
I used an attacking, short passing possession based tactic before, that worked superbly for me in FM13. It was easier to just complain that the game hates me, and the AI is set to Nightmare difficulty. I went from attacking to standard, removed the possession aspect (even though my board wants to play possession football). So far i lost 3 games in like 25, which is good.
My biggest mistake was trying to recreate something that worked with a different team, with different players. With the defenders i have now i can't play a high line, or use an attacking mentality, because my defenders are slow. My strikers are at best, ****. Yes you guessed, i play with Chelsea. It might not be the hardest team to play in FM, but lets just say my first attempt resulted in me deleting the save file after 6 months, because i couldn't link 2 wins.
What i am trying to say is, even if you see 100 people saying "OMG this tactic is so great!", it doesn't mean it will work for your team. I always created a tactic, then adapted my team to it. FM14 changed that, and now i adapt tactic to the team.
Hope it helps.

This is something that needs to be stressed. Plug and play tactics aren't like they were. They still work, but it needs a great deal more work, and you can't use one tactic for one team and expect it to work for everyone anymore.
I'll post my set up later on today.

I finish late tonight, so will have a quick look at work, but give you a much more detailed break down either late tonight, or tomorrow (day off).

Also post in the style of play you think you want as well.

Although as a different experiment, do no throw away the set up you will post. Hopefully there will be an update round christmas, be interesting to see how it would perform in that update vs the current version.
In fact, I'll just do now.

Last season I was 2nd in the League (Auto Promotion spot) with around 7 games to go. At this crucial time, a massive form dip just hit me and I couldn't buy a win.

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Naturally, I was very frustrated. The team just didn't know how to play anymore. I suspect this is down the the opposition completely changing how they play against me (i.e Parking the Bus).

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A game from the back of last season.

This season I'm still using the formation I ending last season with, which is this:

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My thinking behind this tactic.

Sweeper Keeper (D) used to mop up balls over the defence (although I don't think he works in the way on FM) and play passing balls out to players instead of aimless hitting it up field.

Basic back line with one Fullback on Support and one on Attack. People have said that it's good to have one Attack in defence as it creates "movement in between the lines".

Craig Eastmond as my BWM (D). Because I'm playing a high line, I thought it would be better to play a Ball Winning Midfielder instead of a CM (D) as he'll be closing down a lot more. I've also purposely placed him on the same side as the FullBack on Support, meaning there's always an option for Eastmond to pass to. Instructions: Play Fewer Riskier Passes.

Gilbey as the Attacking CM. I'm a firm believer of having a avid runner who's prepared to get in the box, and sometimes beyond the striker. I've given him instructions: Get Further Forward, Roam from Position.

Joao Texeira, the Playmaker (sometimes swap with Howard). I've always read an Advanced Playmaker on Attack Duty in the AM role is practically useless, as he'll be to far away from the midfield to make a significant impact. And I can see the thinking in this. While Gilbey runs beyond him, he'll stay in the hole (sometimes drop a little deeper beside Eastmond). Instructions: Sometimes More Direct Passes.

Wingers is where I have a massive problems with this game. As explained earlier on, they just don't see to be able to get consistent crosses in. They'll just rather play the ball off the defender to win corners (A problem which has been in the game for a long time). I firmly believe this is a problem within the ME.

I want them to simply beat their man and get a cross in for Morgan, Gilbey and whoever may be in the box to attack.

Striker. I play an Advanced Forward. However, I'm not quite sure whether a Poacher would be better this scenario. But the striker conversion rate in this game I feel is pretty bad.

I play a high line with pressing (Hassle Opponents).
Play out of defence with my Keeper distributing to defenders.
Look for overlap to give my options and width.
Float crosses, simply as I think this is the better option.
Work ball into box.

Most recent game.
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I dominated pretty much every highlight in this game. It says I created 1 CCC, but I'm pretty sure I had more than that as I remember two headers from close range somehow going over the bar and two one-on-one's. 15 Shots, 3 were Long Shots. Players just didn't know how to finish. The obligatory woodwork to add insult to injury.

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Simple clearance over the top, one-on-one, goal with his 10 Finishing and 6 Composure. Meanwhile my striker with 13 Finishing and 11 Composure couldn't finish. I understand that this is the dangers of a high line with defenders who aren't fast but I've always liked a high line.

I've never claimed to be a FM genius, but I've haven't tried a downloaded tactic since FM 2012 and tactics I make I always try to think through them. In my head, I create decent tactics from time to time but in the game they start off good but then always decline.


I've always like high lines with pressure on the opposition.
I like short passing, not necessarily "possession football".
Always want my defenders playing out of defence, instead of aimlessly hoofing up field.

I just feel at times the game doesn't reward positive tactics

Another example of pure domination, but left without the win:
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Alternate tactics I sometimes use:
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I've only used this one once.
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There is some pretty good stuff there:

Wingers is where I have a massive problems with this game. As explained earlier on, they just don't see to be able to get consistent crosses in. They'll just rather play the ball off the defender to win corners (A problem which has been in the game for a long time). I firmly believe this is a problem within the ME.

Yup that part is certainly a bug Liam, though crossing itself is quite good, hopefully addressed soon.

You are a tad one dimensional though, and you midfield is very open and susceptible to the counter.

Lets start with a with a few small adjustments first, as your results suggest you have a decent core here.

First one: turn the right winger into an attack role, and play a few games from there.

Few addtional questions:

How well is your CM/A playing? (you might want to consider a BBM as a midfield runner

How well is the AP/S playing? this quote
Joao Texeira, the Playmaker (sometimes swap with Howard). I've always read an Advanced Playmaker on Attack Duty in the AM role is practically useless, as he'll be to far away from the midfield to make a significant impact.
Isnt quite true, but I understand the logic you are using here in combination with your midfield runner

Have you watched the BWM during the game, as i can understand why you are being caught out by balls over the top?

How involved in the game is Morgan up front, and can I get a screenshot of him (advanced forward is a better fit than poacher as a lone forward, all things being equal).
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Hundreds of CCCs does not a good tactic make, not at all.

Just to join in on the fun <)

I enjoy attacking tactics but people are too focused on the shots and the CCCs created instead of how they were created and under what circumstances they popped up. Having 30 shots a game and putting together 5 CCCs is all good and well but if only one of those CCCs is one you'd realistically say a striker would put away 99 times out of 100 then it's 4 wasted chances.
Being able to batter a team with attempts on goal is all good and well but I'd happily stick with creating a third of those shots and making sure my players were able to put the chances away.
Sergi Roberto was available for free and Rafinha for 775 and they both rejected to join my team :(
Think you're wasting Eastmond as a BWM Liam, he's got a lot more in his game technically than that (Playing as Colchester too!)
My frustration, I finished fourth as brighton in the premier league on my second season. (crazy last 5 weeks in prem league got me from 11th to 4th, last game against spurs and I lost 4-2 and they ended up third, chelsea lost so I overtook them. Anyway, half my squad bailed on me since I couldn't afford their wages anymore (board only allowed up to 70k) So I tried signing new players and EVERY SINGLE transfer story leaked and every single player got scooped up by ManU Arsenal and City. Some got instantly sold again I bought ramirez and was waiting for work permit application, ManU bought him up and then sold him for 5 times the price to southampton.

Anyways It's almost preseason, I have 6-7 players who could pass for a starting squad and a 77M transfer budget, I can almost only sign domestic since I fail to get a work permit on any player and everything gets bought up by the rich clubs.
@Mike: Like beauty, offence is in the eye of the beholder. Again: I have not written anything with the intention of causing offence, to you or anybody else. I'll reserve comment on your statistical based post until I have had time to study it more carefully.

@LiamOT: In a largely possession based set-up like yours, the lone forward who is instructed to attack can often end up simply standing next to the opposition's centre backs and engaging them in occasional foot races. Perhaps you should consider giving them roles such as:

False Nine_Support
Deep Lying Forward_Support

This will encourage them to drop deeper during build-up play and then run from deeper positions when they return to the front line of your attack, making them more difficult for defenders to track and mark. If your Attacking Midfielder were a Shadow Striker, with instructions to run the channels and shoot more often, he would look to exploit the space vacated by the lone frontman. Everything depends on the attributes of your players, of course.

In my game, Rickie Lambert was the original Deep Lying Forward and Jay Rodriguez the Shadow Striker. They linked up very well and laid on chances for each other. They are both also good in the air, which obviously made them a potent threat when my wingers got to the byline and decided to cross (rather than kick the ball out for a goal-kick).
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Here's another example of how the game frustrates me. This is a perfectly understandable question, were it not that Castaignos went from Feijenoord to Inter and then to Twente, rather than directly. In other words, this is the sort of thing where you run into the limitations of FM's algorithms and are reminded it's just a game after all...
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Here's another example of how the game frustrates me. This is a perfectly understandable question, were it not that Castaignos went from Feijenoord to Inter and then to Twente, rather than directly. In other words, this is the sort of thing where you run into the limitations of FM's algorithms and are reminded it's just a game after all...

Thats still a very pertinent question in my book. For example, there were a few rumblings when Adebayor went to Spurs from City being a former Arsenal man. Just because he's had another club in the middle doesn't mean fans will forget that in real life and in the game.
My Frustration is that I just put the final touches on my new tactic, came to post it on my thread and just read there is a new patch out! :O
@GodCubed - "Hundreds of Clear Cut Chances does not a good tactic make?" The sheer nonsensity of that comment is tempered only by the fact that you almost certainly do not exist!


Which teams in the Premier League create the most CCCs? The teams who score the most goals. The aim of the game is to score goals. Clear Cut Chances are those chances that are easiest to score. The teams who create the most CCCs score the most goals, win the most games. If you think this is not true, then I question your definitions of a) a Clear Cut Chance, and b) "thinking". Most goals are not 30-yard worldies, which is why it's so impressive when they do occur.


Clear cut chances are sometimes a byproduct of a good attacking tactic. They do not MAKE a tactic good. Having thirty thousand CCCs is no good at all unless you've got the players to put them away and the defence to shut up shop after. So viewing CCCs in isolation as the holy grail of tactics creating isn't the way to go at all. Frankly, most peoples' fixation on them is borderline ridiculous. You'd be better off looking how they were created and where your players are shooting from, shot types, where the shots went and so on and so forth.
Unfortunately I don't have the players for that way of playing (no Second Strikers).

Do you think I should then just play a 3 man flat midfield instead? If so what roles..
Pointless threads and questions in the wrong section, but could be i just feel like a grumpy ******* today. but yey! new patch for xmas :)
Unfortunately I don't have the players for that way of playing (no Second Strikers).

Do you think I should then just play a 3 man flat midfield instead? If so what roles..

How did it go with the winger?

An advanced forward is a good choice in a 4-2-3-1.
How did it go with the winger?

An advanced forward is a good choice in a 4-2-3-1.

Pretty well actually... I made both Wingers have an Attack Duty.

I've made Gilbey a B2B instead of CM (A) and removed his roam from position instruction. Instead I've given that instructed to my Advanced Playmaker.

Teams seem to pack their midfield and sit back against me, I managed to combat that by simply switching from Standard to Counter with Pass into Space, Run at Defenders and Stand Off Opponents.

At the moment it's going well again.

Recent results (start from Blackpool):

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Yeh I couldn't see how a Support Duty up front would work with my current formation, so I left that how it is.