Post Your Frustations Thread

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I think working on something to be released in November 2016 would be different than working on something to be released in November 2015. But if you say it's the same amount of time, ok!

Did you miss the part where I wrote that a 14.4 could be paid if there wasn't a fm15 ?
Since you're getting your knickers in a twist when I have been quite civil toward you, let me spell it out a little better then:

Let us say SI will release FM16 in November 2015 and skip FM15 which should have been released in November 2014. You're proposing that they release an update in November 2014, paid for or not. That still means that the update (14.4) will be at the same stage of development that FM15 would have been. How do you not get this?

We would still have the SAME Match Engine in November 2014 whether it is an update (14.4) or FM15.
Your apology accepted. And there's very low probability you're more intelligent compared to me, but that doesn't mean you're dumb:-D there's guite big reserve under me.

I have no idea why you'd expect an apology. I'd never give you one and never will.
Since you're getting your knickers in a twist when I have been quite civil toward you, let me spell it out a little better then:

Let us say SI will release FM16 in November 2015 and skip FM15 which should have been released in November 2014. You're proposing that they release an update in November 2014, paid for or not. That still means that the update (14.4) will be at the same stage of development that FM15 would have been. How do you not get this?

We would still have the SAME Match Engine in November 2014 whether it is an update (14.4) or FM15.

Well, you are the one mentioning that I proposed a 14.4. in November 2014. Would you mind quoting the part I wrote that ? Because I really don't remember saying that, I guess you do.
Then, how can you assure that a 14.4. would be at the same stage of development that fm15 would be ??? Do you work for SI ??? Or you don't work but maybe you have contacts with someone ??? I don't, so I can't be so affirmative as you.
Then, how can you assure that a 14.4. would be at the same stage of development that fm15 would be ??? Do you work for SI ??? Or you don't work but maybe you have contacts with someone ??? I don't, so I can't be so affirmative as you.
Why wouldn't it be? I don't know how they (SI) work, but it is logical, if you think about it. As I said before, SI would have to get the ME in a playable state and then test the **** out of it before a public release. The process is the same, whether it's an update release or FM15 release.
Why wouldn't it be? I don't know how they (SI) work, but it is logical, if you think about it. As I said before, SI would have to get the ME in a playable state and then test the **** out of it before a public release. The process is the same, whether it's an update release or FM15 release.

So, why are people posting about bugs, sending screenshots, uploading pkm's ??? Is this not purpose to help identifying problems for SI work on it and then releasing a fixing patch with an improved ME ??? It's only the same process if you think that a 14.4 would have all the features of FM15. And of course, it wouldn't !!! I'm imagining a 14.4 with several issues being fixed, such as balls hitting the woodwork, off-side issues, some closing down improvement, things that has been largely reported and uploaded into their servers. Don't you think something like this would be an improvement ? Do you think fixing some issues really requires the same amount of time for setting an all new edition ???

By the way how do you combine that part of then test the **** out of it before a public release with fact the game has been released with so many problems (just take a look into the fix list of 14.1, 14.2, 14.3) ????
Why wouldn't it be? I don't know how they (SI) work, but it is logical, if you think about it. As I said before, SI would have to get the ME in a playable state and then test the **** out of it before a public release. The process is the same, whether it's an update release or FM15 release.

This. If SI spend the time from now till november working on the ME, it's going to be in the same state whether you release it as a patch or a new game
So, why are people posting about bugs, sending screenshots, uploading pkm's ??? Is this not purpose to help identifying problems for SI work on it and then releasing a fixing patch with an improved ME ???

Yes, that's exactly the purpose. That purpose is the same, whether it's for an update or FM15.

It's only the same process if you think that a 14.4 would have all the features of FM15. And of course, it wouldn't !!!
If the release date is the same (November 2014) then the ME will be at the same point in September/October or whenever they start testing.

I'm imagining a 14.4 with several issues being fixed, such as balls hitting the woodwork, off-side issues, some closing down improvement, things that has been largely reported and uploaded into their servers. Don't you think something like this would be an improvement ?
I agree. It would be an improvement, but it is short-sighted. Ball hitting the woodwork, is an issue, but a small one that doesn't affect everyone. Same with offsides.

Closing down is a different beast. To get the level of pressing like Barca does/did, will take a big effort. Real life teams struggle themselves! That's not something you can quickly patch.

I'd rather have a completely improved ME, including the fixes/improvements you mention, in November rather than the same ME with one or two issues fixed.
Oh. I didn't realise that we are talking about game release. Oh wait. We ARE NOT. Seriously, how old are you?

Im clearly older than you...

And if you read along, yes we are. The question is why are SI not making a 14.4 patch, and that is because they are working on FM15 (which is a GAME that will be RELEASED)
Oh. I didn't realise that we are talking about game release. Oh wait. We ARE NOT. Seriously, how old are you?

Right, either stop insulting other members on this thread or go away. This is your only warning. Your attitude stinks to high heaven, and there's no need for it. Grow up
In fact, I'm bored of this whole conversation now. There will be NO more patches for FM14. Get over it. As I said before, if you don't like it, don't play it.

If people choose to continue talking about it, I will get out my rod of infractions and start beating you with it
Yes, that's exactly the purpose. That purpose is the same, whether it's for an update or FM15.

If the release date is the same (November 2014) then the ME will be at the same point in September/October or whenever they start testing.

I agree. It would be an improvement, but it is short-sighted. Ball hitting the woodwork, is an issue, but a small one that doesn't affect everyone. Same with offsides.

Closing down is a different beast. To get the level of pressing like Barca does/did, will take a big effort. Real life teams struggle themselves! That's not something you can quickly patch.

I'd rather have a completely improved ME, including the fixes/improvements you mention, in November rather than the same ME with one or two issues fixed.

You keep using November to some how oppose my argument when I never said anything about November :D
I think it's not the case of just woodworks or just off-sides or just one or two issues. Several have been reported even regarding to some bad ME graphics, like the penalty posted a few posts, all things largely reported at SI Forum as requested by SI, largely uploaded with PKM's as requested by SI, identified and logged as bugs. So, it's not a matter of time, or a matter of 2015 and 2016 being (or not) the same amount of time, it's just a matter of policy. You would prefer that option, I would prefer my own. Are you wrong ? No. Neither am I, just two different ideas.

P.S. I would be happy if my winger closed down instead of turning is back and ignoring the opponent (literally). No need that level of pressing... although more defensive options / instructions would be great.
When constructing arguments, best to stay off the use of internet speak...

The fact that SI aren't releasing a hotfix/patch for the bugs is frustrating, and I feel somewhat cheated. However, this is a game, and to insult people really is beyond the line.

I can propose theories, show evidence and moan until I'm blue in the face, but to counter complaints with suggestions of not buying it misses the point of that we want to! We want to buy the game, we want to play it, we love it and hence our passion and long-term purchase support.

However, we still have a right to level complaints and raise concerns over how we are treated as customers, without the necessity for others to act all condescending, and still less for those who share said concerns to resort to personal insults.
When constructing arguments, best to stay off the use of internet speak...

The fact that SI aren't releasing a hotfix/patch for the bugs is frustrating, and I feel somewhat cheated. However, this is a game, and to insult people really is beyond the line.

I can propose theories, show evidence and moan until I'm blue in the face, but to counter complaints with suggestions of not buying it misses the point of that we want to! We want to buy the game, we want to play it, we love it and hence our passion and long-term purchase support.

However, we still have a right to level complaints and raise concerns over how we are treated as customers, without the necessity for others to act all condescending, and still less for those who share said concerns to resort to personal insults.

But you miss the point. It's impossible to infinitely support a game. They have limited resources.

More to the point, to complain about arguably some of the best customer interaction of any games company, is incredibly harsh and a tad unrealistic. How many games companies would have their main lead (PaulC) respond directly to you even once? Yet I can say I've had multiples chats with him, and not just him, but lots of SI staff.
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When constructing arguments, best to stay off the use of internet speak...

The fact that SI aren't releasing a hotfix/patch for the bugs is frustrating, and I feel somewhat cheated. However, this is a game, and to insult people really is beyond the line.

I can propose theories, show evidence and moan until I'm blue in the face, but to counter complaints with suggestions of not buying it misses the point of that we want to! We want to buy the game, we want to play it, we love it and hence our passion and long-term purchase support.

However, we still have a right to level complaints and raise concerns over how we are treated as customers, without the necessity for others to act all condescending, and still less for those who share said concerns to resort to personal insults.

Feeling just like you
When constructing arguments, best to stay off the use of internet speak...

The fact that SI aren't releasing a hotfix/patch for the bugs is frustrating, and I feel somewhat cheated. However, this is a game, and to insult people really is beyond the line.

I can propose theories, show evidence and moan until I'm blue in the face, but to counter complaints with suggestions of not buying it misses the point of that we want to! We want to buy the game, we want to play it, we love it and hence our passion and long-term purchase support.

However, we still have a right to level complaints and raise concerns over how we are treated as customers, without the necessity for others to act all condescending, and still less for those who share said concerns to resort to personal insults.

Those are your choices. You either accept the fact they have limited time and resources, and have to prioritise, and that includes game development, or you don't buy it. What you cant have is your cake and eat it. It just doesn't work that way.

They are already working on FM15. The things they couldnt fix in FM14, they will try and fix in FM15. What they can't do is both.
But you miss the point. It's impossible to infinitely support a game. They have limited resources.

More to the point, to complain about arguably some of the best customer interaction of any games company, is incredibly harsh and a tad unrealistic. How many games companies would have their main lead (PaulC) respond directly to you even once? Yet I can say I've had multiples chats with him, and not just him, but lots of SI staff.

Only one off the top of my head and that was a lead developer from Blizzard-Ghostcrawler. Always talking to people and answering questions on Twitter. Of course if something went wrong he got flooded with insults from the moron brigade (it's the internet after all). And you can imagine the insults he got when he went to League of Legends. These people have to have really thick skin to do stuff like this. But at least they make the effort to. I couldn't do it seeing some of the stuff people post
We're going round in circles, here.

1. I do not miss your point, I disagree with it. I do not consider expecting support 6 months after release an "indefinite" time frame.

2. I accept they are a smaller studio than most, and are going to be concentrating on FM2015. However a small portion of their time could be taken up with some relatively small fixes, without impinging too much on their development of FM2015. After all, it is likely the ME will be only a slight upgrade (if at all) on this one and plugged into FM2015. Given their statement, quoted previously, that they are happy with the ME, it is not too illogical to surmise that they will do that, with minor tweaks to allow for technological advances.

3. Support and interaction are two very very different things, Mike. In all honesty, anyone from SI can say anything they want and offer palliatives until the cows come home, but it doesn't result in the game being patched or whatever. However the line they have taken is that they are aware there are issues, but the team are happy with the ME. This does NOT suggest a lack of ability (which was argued before), but a lack of intent to do anything, because they feel nothing needs doing. This is a slightly contradictory point of view, as they admitted there are issues. That aside, my point remains the same. I find it a disappointing stand point from them, in my opinion, but there isn't anything I can do about it, other than express my disappointment and question that stance. That is my right as a customer but that is derived out of a love of the series.
As for how you are treated as customers: You raise a report. Someone from SI actually gives you an answer (**** of a lot more than many other companies) It gets reviewed, logged and prioritised. Where it falls in the list (based on many in house factors, such as degree of importance, difficulty/complexity/size of negative impact ingame) depends on when it gets fixed. Might be in the current iteration, might be in the next. But eventually there is a cut off point. That is software development. It is a world of choices and compromise.