How do I know? Because I raised the bug issue myself. When you post in a constructive manner, you tend to get a good reply from them. If you are rude, you'll probably get ignored.
Well if you accuse SI of sabotage, you're highly likely to have your posts removed, and thats no real surprise. You couldnt get away with that in a shop, what makes you think you could do it just because you're on the internet?. Dunc on here works for SI. If you were to say that to him, he'd probably kick you from this forum, because frankly its incredibly rude, and attacks his integrity.
The funny thing is. They have repeatedly said they are fixing it in fact they are working on an update, but it wont be ready for the next few days at least, because he is getting it prepped for their internal testers to stress.
They have done about 6 or 7 clear updates on where the game is. They have an entire feedback thread on this. You cant miss it, its about 25 pages long.
Learn to play isn't mutually exclusive to having bugs tbh, I could say that to about 40% of the complaints on here.
There will always be bugs in games. Total war 2 has has 7 patches. SEVEN. Still got issues. Battlefield 4 is just a lolfest at launch. If things like that annoy, don't buy them at release.
Firstly, I wasnt rude, I simply raised the question and removing an entire thread because of my post, seems weird. You said you raised the issue yourself, so what was their answer? Because, honestly I still think they intentionally changed it, trying to temporary balance the game out. Hence me asking about it. Else its some coincidence. But nwm, lets not fight about it, im just looking forward to a game update. Ill keep my theory though