Hahah, how much to they pay you to defend the state the game is in at the moment?
I admit they're not playing well. But that's the consequence of trying to find a tactic where there is a realistic amount of goals compared to chances created. You can admit that right? There is something wrong with the game, something that shoud've been taken care off before people paid up to 50€ for it.
Another possibility is of course that the AI have invented magnetic-like gloves for their goalkeepers, so every ball magicly comes straight at them.
Silly first sentence. Dont embarrass yourself. I dont work for SI.
If the AI can do it, its not an match engine issue. That's what you fail to understand. Bug and issues affect the user and AI equally. There is no such thing as a human sided bug.
Incidentally I've spotted and reported more bugs than you even realise exist