From Tennessee. I do not have much of a football background, well none really. But I enjoy this franchise. Not knowing anything about professional football is really an advantage as I have very little clue the way things should be - lol I last purchased this franchise as WWSM2007 and was fine with that until I read about the real lower league options in FM10. Forced me to get off the wallet it did
I like your strategy of using seperate teams during the friendles. Do you sub the goalie as well?
I noticed you have 5% Transfer budget. Does this mean you will be buying some talent?
well FM10 arrived in the mail today, but I did not have time to install it. Soccernomics arrived as well but Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics is backordered. I know this real world stuff is mostly not directly applicable, but I do not have the from the cradle football knowledge that you guys and gals have. Heck I even have to use an English to American translator to figure out some of the screens - lol