Hi Raikan,
Sorry I was actually reading all the posts, I gave up on page 27
but until there I found some answer's to what I was looking for.
Anyway, going on to my Tactics creation:
1: Hold the fort
2:Creat CCC's
4:Win games (@ least most of them)
layer's requirements on to minimum
The big thing here is that if we watch RLF football and exclude team's like RM/BARCA/MU/BM and some other major European Teams w'll see a lot of football where the main focus of the team is to not concede and in the process score goals. It's like seeing Barça vs RM all over again but without the quality of the players.
I'm now playing a 433 or 4321 it depends on how you see it, I see it as 4-5-1
I already got the possession, above 60% in 90% of the 10 games I played, and I'm glad that have won all, until know
I getting what I want in the back, my MDF is working ok, but the ******* that sit's alone in front is usually not there wen I need him, by this, I mean that I've tried all sorts of wide play and he just doesn't get it.
This striker should convenient be a Poacher, cauze they are the easiest ones to find (and that makes part of my mentality for this tactic) but I really would like to put him doing this:
Whenever he runs with ball, he either goes wide and cross or go trough the middle and score (@ least try) or if blocked hold the ball, come deep get them to the mdf's and run to the back of the defense, when not with the ball sit there so he can get the crosses from the wingers.
Never happened, the only 2 or 3 goals that he (or they) scored, came from stilling balls up in the front, so that part is sorted out.
Just a note: if possible I would like an insight that doesn't involve buying a better striker, the main point is for him and the rest of the team to be average.
Once I finished this 1st season, I'll leave here the results and the team, btw I'm actually managing in 2B league in Spain with Real Madrid Castilla.