Raikan007's Tactical discussion & help thread

Hey Raikan i'm using Ganso at the tip of my diamond as adv playmaker with Cavani as a Target man & Pato as a poacher but i really need help with Ganso/Cavani individual instructions do they run from deep/move into channels/run with ball?

Thanks man
hey mate :)

Ganso should not run from deep ever, he needs to drop into the pocket to receive the ball in open space and dictate play! ask him to run with ball sometimes, move into channels, roam from position and play through balls often with long shots sometimes/never! with high freedom

Cavani needs to be a Complete Forward attack and run from deep often to create space behind the back 4 along with Pato and have them crossing set to sometimes/often from the byline so if they are played in open space a little wide they will drag it back across for your mids arriving later (Ganso) and or Pato front/back post etc...
Need some advice on adjusting my tactic. Currently playing Spurs and here is the screenshot of it..

View attachment 202145

My aim - to make another 2 tactic (1-vs higher rated teams and 2-defend a lead) using the same formation and roles.
Have this changes to be made in mind. Your opinion appreciated..

1st Tactic - vs lower or similar rated teams
The screenshot

2nd Tactic - vs higher rated teams
(My aim is to be solid in defend, control attacking game and create ccc)
Philosophy - Balanced
Strategy - Control
Def Line, Width and Tempo - 1 click lower

3rd Tactic - defend a lead
(Make sure didn't concede and try to counter attack sometimes)
Philosophy - Balanced
Strategy - Counter
Def Line, Width and Tempo - 2 clicks lower than 2nd tactic
Time wasting - 1 click on often

* most of the players instruction are the default one...

Please let me know what you think. Thanks mate.. (H)(H)
hey mate :)

if you want to make a tactic (3rd) to defend leads and play on the counter use the following:

Balanced, counter, direct, deep defensive line, quick, wide, normal time wasting and down both flanks passing focus! (remember implementing this (time wasting) too soon can be detremental and not advantagous) use shouts like clear ball to flank and pass into space and run at defence, this will allow the attacking team to commit players further up to try and get the goals needed to win/draw etc and by doing so will get caught out on the counter and make sure you set the wingers roles to run with ball often and no long shots in order to mitigate wasteful attempts at goal!

What you should also consider is taking one of your stikers (especially Di Vaio) and dropping him into the Dm role and buy someone like Ognjen Vukojevic, Jorge Enriquez, Gojo Kacar, Fellaini to help break up plays and spread it out wide!

1st tacitc, you seem to be doing well, 1st in the league so keep it as is and make a few changes if you feel necessary...

2nd tactic: controlling games vs bigger opposition! I would implement a similar style to the 3rd tactic but instead of the Dm you can leave the tactic/formation as is... :)

you say all on are defualt, I suggest taking the time to make certain roles for each player to get them to do exactly what you want them to do :) otherwise it looks like it is working so why fix something that aint broke :)

I hope this helps a little, let me know!
Just to make sure i get it.

So while still maintaining the high tempo it would be ok to have one of the cm's Holding up the Ball? Preferably the DLP i would Think right? And have the other cm NOT Holding up the Ball.. I Will try it out.

Thanks - your the man:)

yeah exactly that mate :) make sure the Dlp has decent stats for strength but a lot of the time the opposition try and run back to their defensive positions instead of going for the ball so this will allow the Dlp a lot of time (a little more) to look for the correct pass :)
1) Hey Raikan, usede your Might and Magic tactic with my manchester United. I'm trying to make the Carrick role similar to the way Tom Cleverley played at the start. He plays opne two passes \ lot more and made our attack quikcer, is there any way I can modify the Carrick rle to suit Tom more?

2) Also I made A Barca tactic with like this

.........................................................Valdes (sweeper)............................................................
.........................Puyol (Limited defender).......Pique (Ball Playing Defender)........Abidal (full Back)........
Alves (Wing back).............................Busquets (Anchor Man).........................................................
.....................................Xavi (DlP)..............................Iniesta (Advanced Playmaker).....................
.....Pedro (Inside Forward)....................................................................Villa (inside forward)...........
.....................................................Messi (DLF).........................................................................

I'm trying to get Xavi more involved and make him get 100 passes a game, he isn't as dynamic as he is irl. In your short and sweet tactic you said that I should make him advanced playmaker, what settings should I do for my MF Trio to enable Xavi to get a 100 passes? Also I tried making Al;ves a wing back as his Averag position in Barca is just above the halfway line but I'm failing as well. Cheers mate.

the two cm's in the M&M tactic are the Carrick roles, for Tom you can set move into channels, run from deep sometimes and run with ball sometimes with a little more attacking and a little more direct passing :)

for the Barca tactic, the S&S is a classic tactic so there are no roles :)

if you use the S&S tactic, Xavi needs to be the central mid and be made target man and playmaker! Fabregas and Inieista on either side of him! Basquets/Mascherano can be rotated with Xavi in the same role :)

and if you make a new modern tactic dont make Basquest anchor man, dlp is better! Gump assisted in the Alves question :) let me know how it goes :)
I don't think I have been very clear about my strategy in my first post. Here's what I am trying to accomplish in a nut-shell.
View attachment 202099
Red respresents the movement of the players. Black the movement of the ball.

1. I want the Wingers to cut inside and the IF's to pass the ball in the space behind the defenders where the Wingers run too. I want the Wingbacks then to go deep along the sideline (Not necessary, but would be great). The striker would have to drop a bit, to create space behind the defenders. 2. In this picture I have also included the movement lines of the IF's. That movement would be possible if the Wingers would stay wide and the IF would pass the ball towards the Striker, who would then give the through ball towards the IF that goes deep. 3. Wingers get the ball and pass it into space for the striker to run at it. Is this in any way doable? I can understand that it isn't possible to do them all, but my guess is that it would be possible to create a tactic that can do one of those.

PS. The movement line of the Striker only is for #3. For the rest of them it should be that he drops a bit, instead of going deep.
your wingbacks and wide strikers will be occupying the same space and could be detrimental! I would put all three centrally and set the two wide strikers (Ballotelli/Aguero) to hug touchline and cross from mixed to push them outwide to create space if needed or even move into channels so they can create space when the wingbacks come rampaging forward!

set the IF's to play through balls often and have your central striker set to Tm or playmaker so that when he drops deep (use overlapping runs shouts) into the pocket the wingbacks will overlap the wide strikers offering alot more width (set wb to cross from byline) and with the other two wide strikers moving into channels create a lot more open space in the box...

just remember this is a very attacking tactic and if you play vs a wide 4-4-2 you may encounter problems!

does that sort of answer your question? there is a lot more to elaborate on as well though but let me know... :)
hey mate :)

Ganso should not run from deep ever, he needs to drop into the pocket to receive the ball in open space and dictate play! ask him to run with ball sometimes, move into channels, roam from position and play through balls often with long shots sometimes/never! with high freedom

Cavani needs to be a Complete Forward attack and run from deep often to create space behind the back 4 along with Pato and have them crossing set to sometimes/often from the byline so if they are played in open space a little wide they will drag it back across for your mids arriving later (Ganso) and or Pato front/back post etc...

Okay brilliant will try it out later, should all three be moving into channels also?
all can move into channels, just make sure there is enough cover behind them
Alrite so Im out of ideas right now. Im starting to think the ME aint still good enuf, but throw me ur ideas.

My formation is simply 2-2-3-2-1. (2 CB's with Stopper, 2 Wingbacks with Attack & Support, DLP S, CM S, AP S, 2 Inside forwards with attack and Trequartista up front). U probably know what im trying to accomplish, but just to remind; Barcelona style of play.

Now what Im always encountering when making these tactics, aka problems;

- Defenders pass the ball too much
- Wing backs get too much of the ball
- Midfield section doesnt move to receive the ball and they should pass the ball around themselfs more rather than flanks
- The play aint going through enough via the Playmaker (Therefore he aint getting enough passes for my taste)
- Inside Forwards try too much of their own thingie, they need to be attacking, score goals, run from deep often but still not forgetting their ''supposed tactical orders'', which is to play short passes to the playmakers/midfield.
- The ball aint moving around in the oppositions half enough

Alrite, I think these are the main problems. Sometimes I solve some of these, but then some other aint working. I try tweaking, then something stops working and something starts working. Annoying aint it?

So any tips Raikan for these?

- Movement off the ball (Getting the midfield to the centre of the play, Through the middle doesnt help with Move into channels. If Target maning Xavi, the scoreline is *****)
- Passing around oppositions half (If i set defensive mentalities to the attackers, scoreline will fail. Vice versa and passes fail)
- As I said, midfield being center of the play
- Defenders contributing less to attacking play without compromising their pressing & high defensive line priorities and when they do get the ball, they will pass it to playmakers and not receive it back from the playmakers)
- Playmakers literally BOSSING THE WHOLE PITCH.

So suggestions what shud I do? TI is Fluid with Control and the rest are basically the same as with any other Possession tactic. D-line Push up, Width narrow, Tempo slow & Time wasting rarely.

So suggestions?
Alrite so Im out of ideas right now. Im starting to think the ME aint still good enuf, but throw me ur ideas.

My formation is simply 2-2-3-2-1. (2 CB's with Stopper, 2 Wingbacks with Attack & Support, DLP S, CM S, AP S, 2 Inside forwards with attack and Trequartista up front). U probably know what im trying to accomplish, but just to remind; Barcelona style of play.

Now what Im always encountering when making these tactics, aka problems;

- Defenders pass the ball too much
- Wing backs get too much of the ball
- Midfield section doesnt move to receive the ball and they should pass the ball around themselfs more rather than flanks
- The play aint going through enough via the Playmaker (Therefore he aint getting enough passes for my taste)
- Inside Forwards try too much of their own thingie, they need to be attacking, score goals, run from deep often but still not forgetting their ''supposed tactical orders'', which is to play short passes to the playmakers/midfield.
- The ball aint moving around in the oppositions half enough

Alrite, I think these are the main problems. Sometimes I solve some of these, but then some other aint working. I try tweaking, then something stops working and something starts working. Annoying aint it?

So any tips Raikan for these?

- Movement off the ball (Getting the midfield to the centre of the play, Through the middle doesnt help with Move into channels. If Target maning Xavi, the scoreline is *****)
- Passing around oppositions half (If i set defensive mentalities to the attackers, scoreline will fail. Vice versa and passes fail)
- As I said, midfield being center of the play
- Defenders contributing less to attacking play without compromising their pressing & high defensive line priorities and when they do get the ball, they will pass it to playmakers and not receive it back from the playmakers)
- Playmakers literally BOSSING THE WHOLE PITCH.

So suggestions what shud I do? TI is Fluid with Control and the rest are basically the same as with any other Possession tactic. D-line Push up, Width narrow, Tempo slow & Time wasting rarely.

So suggestions?

hey gump, what I can suggest is is changing the tempo to quicker, I know it sound strange but if you have no one else besides the playmaker/tm (central mid) holding up the ball the ball leaves the feet quicker and you also need to instruct the players to pass and move by encouraging forward runs, movements into channels and through balls a lot more than what it seems like you are doing now.

try changing playmakers passing to mixed as well! if you have set each players attacking PI manually then give them a lot more attacking and for the forward player ask him to run with ball often and run from deep often to encourage him getting into spaces with and without the ball for more CCC's

full backs offer good possession but only if in the right area's of the field and there is not much you can do about them getting alot of passes, its a given but think about using overlapping runs (and even your IF's to hold the ball up so it allows them to overlap them and take a defender with them allowing the IF to come inside in open space) but you will need to make the mids a little more defensive..

it would be much better if the game allowed you to choose 3 primary playmakers during the game so you can set your 3 mids up in order for them to create triangles even better than they do now instead of just having the 1!
I hope this helps a little, let me know!

Thanks for the reply..

Actually its less than 10 games into 2nd season, 1D and 1L so far. So its still early to say...

About players PI, i did download your Might and Magic tactic (as it is a similar formation) and i did learn a lot from it. Tweaking my tactic PI based on yours to suit my style of play that i plan, since my current one didn't exactly perform like i want it to..

Will let you know how it goes.. Thanks man..!!!

Currently planning only 2 tactic, my normal 1st and the other one is against bigger teams..

But i don't really keen on counter attacking tactic, prefer a more controlled game where i don't lose the ball often.
What i have in mind is - Same formation, Balanced, control, short, slightly deep defensive line, slightly slow, wide, normal time wasting and down both flanks passing focus. Do you think it will work better than counter attacking.?
hey gump, what I can suggest is is changing the tempo to quicker, I know it sound strange but if you have no one else besides the playmaker/tm (central mid) holding up the ball the ball leaves the feet quicker and you also need to instruct the players to pass and move by encouraging forward runs, movements into channels and through balls a lot more than what it seems like you are doing now.

try changing playmakers passing to mixed as well! if you have set each players attacking PI manually then give them a lot more attacking and for the forward player ask him to run with ball often and run from deep often to encourage him getting into spaces with and without the ball for more CCC's

full backs offer good possession but only if in the right area's of the field and there is not much you can do about them getting alot of passes, its a given but think about using overlapping runs (and even your IF's to hold the ball up so it allows them to overlap them and take a defender with them allowing the IF to come inside in open space) but you will need to make the mids a little more defensive..

it would be much better if the game allowed you to choose 3 primary playmakers during the game so you can set your 3 mids up in order for them to create triangles even better than they do now instead of just having the 1!

Yap I know, Ive tried it but the current setting I have fails if I use normal or quick tempo, dunno why. And pass and move, indeed but U gotta remember the thing that they cant go forward too fast, they gotta take their time with their passing upwards, I dont want to go up too fast and rushy, that doesnt give me lots of passes. Regarding Mixed setting for playmakers, that is something I will try. Forward player, which is Messi obviously, if I give him too much freedom regarding running with ball and deep, he will try to do his own thing rather than pass the ball back to Xavi etc. He shud only pass the ball around and get to the thru balls and only sometimes try to dribble past the naabs.

My Wingbacks are always high up the pitch when attacking, in the same line with my midfield most of the time, IF's got Hold up ball and no need to make the mids more defensive as Ive managed to do it so that when I lose possession, the IF's will take the fullback players, midfield will prevent passes to midfield section and Messi gives pressure to the CB's, eventually causing them to either cross it away or passing to GK and he will cross it away, causing my CB's to sweep these crosses and returning it back to safety.
hai raikan..

i got a question to ask, im playing with 2 center backs, Mats Hummels and Nicolas Otamendi. any idea how to pair them up? im playing very high defensive line btw..
hai raikan..

i got a question to ask, im playing with 2 center backs, Mats Hummels and Nicolas Otamendi. any idea how to pair them up? im playing very high defensive line btw..
word :)

Hummels needs to be your covering cb or even ball player if you like, sound like you are playing a possession style tactic, set him to play through passess sometimes and normal freedom (just on the border of little and normal) ask the keeper to distribute to him as well and use the shouts play out of defence!

Otamendi is your Cb - defend! dont give him anything more than just defending to do. dont put his freedom on the lowest, have it at least on 2 notches above 0 :)

if you are playing with an offside trap I suggest making Hummels - defend instead of cover or set both to cover! as they are both good athletes and if I remember correctly Otamendi's anticpation is high (18) or so....
word :)

Hummels needs to be your covering cb or even ball player if you like, sound like you are playing a possession style tactic, set him to play through passess sometimes and normal freedom (just on the border of little and normal) ask the keeper to distribute to him as well and use the shouts play out of defence!

Otamendi is your Cb - defend! dont give him anything more than just defending to do. dont put his freedom on the lowest, have it at least on 2 notches above 0 :)

if you are playing with an offside trap I suggest making Hummels - defend instead of cover or set both to cover! as they are both good athletes and if I remember correctly Otamendi's anticpation is high (18) or so....

thank you for the quick reply raikan, i'll try using ur recomendation.. oh btw about the player instructions, is it good enough if i leave it at default? or should i make adjustment to it?

if i want to play Otamendi as CD-Defend and Hummels Ball Player-Cover without offside trap and playing abit lower defensive line how should i set their mentality and closing down?
thank you for the quick reply raikan, i'll try using ur recomendation.. oh btw about the player instructions, is it good enough if i leave it at default? or should i make adjustment to it?

if i want to play Otamendi as CD-Defend and Hummels Ball Player-Cover without offside trap and playing abit lower defensive line how should i set their mentality and closing down?
pleasure mate :)
yeah it is if it is working well at the moment dont change a thing or if you are too scared to delve too far into tweaking it just yet then leave it as is :)

you cant play the offside trap if one is cover and the other defend, you will see the flags dissapear on the tactic screen when you change it, however you can select it manually...

I would leave them as is unless you really want to start tweaking it.. you can set Hummels (if you are playing possession) to just over halfway on cover and Otamendi on pretty much full if playing defend! this will make Otamendi push out and rush defence to win the ball back while having Hummels covering him in case he makes a mistake.. still risky though as I dont play like that :) but I have done it before and it works really well
hey Raikan, is there a possibility of you making the 4-3-3 tactic again? The one that was very popular in FM 11, and extremely good?

looking forward to your answer :D
hey Raikan, is there a possibility of you making the 4-3-3 tactic again? The one that was very popular in FM 11, and extremely good?

looking forward to your answer :D
hey mate, I started it last night ;) managing Gladbach! just finished pre-season! drew 1:1 first game then won 4:0, 4:0, 4:1 and 1:0 in the others :) going to start tonight with the season! still not even close to being completed, maybe sometime next week only :) I am playing it now as a countering tactic but once I get in better players and perfected it I will upload it :) thanks mate, have a good one
pleasure mate :)
yeah it is if it is working well at the moment dont change a thing or if you are too scared to delve too far into tweaking it just yet then leave it as is :)

you cant play the offside trap if one is cover and the other defend, you will see the flags dissapear on the tactic screen when you change it, however you can select it manually...

I would leave them as is unless you really want to start tweaking it.. you can set Hummels (if you are playing possession) to just over halfway on cover and Otamendi on pretty much full if playing defend! this will make Otamendi push out and rush defence to win the ball back while having Hummels covering him in case he makes a mistake.. still risky though as I dont play like that :) but I have done it before and it works really well

well, i'll try tweaking and see how it goes!

oh ya btw, i wanna hear your suggestion on my team; how will you play this team..

FB - Sagna and Gibbs
CB - Otamendi and Hummles
Mid - Ramsey and Wilshere
Wing - Gervinho and Hulk
Striker - van Persie and Walcott