Raikan007's Tactical discussion & help thread

Fullbacks to Tight Marking
Centerbacks on the last notch of Defensive on Mentality
Both Central Midfielders on Zonal marking
ST's Wide Play put it on Normal

i have adjust also this tweaks on my tactic
hey mate, just saw your message now..

fullbacks should be on support at least!

Pirlo - DLP - Support
Vidal - box to box

play balanced if not fluid (your players are good enough to defend and attack so fluid will work well) play shorter and normal, high defensive line, float crosses
Hi Mate
I have a quick question regarding the central midfielders inthe 4231 pure perfection formation. You have one central midfielder on supportand the other as a deep lying playmaker defend. You also have Tim Huddlestoneplaying the DLP defend role which looks ideal for him because he has goodpassing and creativity and can also defend. I am playing as Arsenal and themidfielders available to me are more the enforcer types that DLP.
I just wanted to check if you would recommend playing Song,Frimpong, Coquelin as Central Midfielders – Defend instead of Deep lyingplaymakers – defend.
How would you recommend setting up my Central Midfielder -Defend
Hi Mate
I have a quick question regarding the central midfielders inthe 4231 pure perfection formation. You have one central midfielder on supportand the other as a deep lying playmaker defend. You also have Tim Huddlestoneplaying the DLP defend role which looks ideal for him because he has goodpassing and creativity and can also defend. I am playing as Arsenal and themidfielders available to me are more the enforcer types that DLP.
I just wanted to check if you would recommend playing Song,Frimpong, Coquelin as Central Midfielders – Defend instead of Deep lyingplaymakers – defend.
How would you recommend setting up my Central Midfielder -Defend
yes of course you :)

if you see the roles I used on might and magic I suggest using that exactly ;) would work really well!
yes of course you :)

if you see the roles I used on might and magic I suggest using that exactly ;) would work really well!

Thanks for the reply mate. I was thinking of putting Arteta and Song as Central Midfieder Support (Carrick Role)

Would you recommend that I stick with Central Midfield Support and Central Midfield Defend roles. Also in the Might and Magic tactic the full backs or on support is there much of a difference between having them on support and automatic duty.
Just got in my mind.

Have you managed to build a solid defence on corners and free kicks? How do you place youre team on those situations? At the moment it seems that every time there is such a game situation of that manner my players panic and lose positions and markings. Getting some goals on corners is normal, panicking everytime is not, wanna solve this issue
Just got in my mind.

Have you managed to build a solid defence on corners and free kicks? How do you place youre team on those situations? At the moment it seems that every time there is such a game situation of that manner my players panic and lose positions and markings. Getting some goals on corners is normal, panicking everytime is not, wanna solve this issue

I have for my teams :) its mostly man mark on defending and attack near/far post on attack sending the ball into near/far post or 6 yard box!
Thanks for the reply mate. I was thinking of putting Arteta and Song as Central Midfieder Support (Carrick Role)

Would you recommend that I stick with Central Midfield Support and Central Midfield Defend roles. Also in the Might and Magic tactic the full backs or on support is there much of a difference between having them on support and automatic duty.

1) I would make Cm - Support for Song and Adv Playmaker for Arteta (if his tackling is above 10 then Cm - Attack)

2) Automatic (if left default) will make the defender do what is required in each area of the pitch, attack when attack and it will defend when defend :) support I feel does both!
1) I would make Cm - Support for Song and Adv Playmaker for Arteta (if his tackling is above 10 then Cm - Attack)

2) Automatic (if left default) will make the defender do what is required in each area of the pitch, attack when attack and it will defend when defend :) support I feel does both!

Now I am really confused mate regarding the Central midfieldpositions. How would set up Arteta mate. Would you have him on attack orsupport? Also what changes would you make to his personal instruction to ensurethat he also helps out with protecting the back four and keep the midfieldbalance?
I am playing a4-2-3-1 formation with an AMC, if Arteta is set up as an advance playmaker wouldhe get in the way of the AMC? I will be playing the pure perfection tactic sothe only changes I will make will be to the center midfield positions.Everything will remain the same as in your set up
attack, keep the balance, as the M&M role of the Cm, change Arteta's to run from deep, run with ball and long shots to sometimes :) thats it

yes he will if you play Amc.. I would look at buying in a player like Bertolacci/Mikel/Vukojevic/Fellaini etc as the other Cm support while having the Amc as the main playmaker
Hi mate
So what you are saying is that if I play a 4-2-3-1 formationand play Arteta has an advance playmaker he will get in the way of the AMC.Would that not make all my moves break down in the final third?
So does now mean I have to go back to the 451/433 formationplaying Arteta as advance playmaker, Ramsey has central midfield support andSong has the DMC.
I am really confused now mate because I was just going to copythe midfield settings you used in the M&M tactic into my 4-2-3-1 formationbut now you are giving me something to think about and I am really unsure whatto do. Please Help Mate
Hey mate, I was tipped by yourself to come here and ask for help. Well, I am not the best tactical maker, so I'll request some help until I get used how to make them work for my team. Basically I understood I need to create a tactic using the current squad.
Now the problem is with team instructions and player roles. I do not really get them. I mean, if I put like Attacking in team style, how narrow/wide should my team play? Things like that. Also, what does Poacher, Anchorman etc, do and what are the needed attributes.
hey raikan i play with spurs 4-2-4, and my defence is very weak, can you help me about that ? sorry for my bad english
Hi Raikan

Im kinda new to FM, but I've been playing a lot recently. I play with AC Milan a typical 4-3-1-2
Im using the perfect 4-3-1-2 you created for FM11 but with a few tweaks of course, but I still have some problems.

My team is not creating many CCC and my wingbacks (I dont use full-backs) tackle too much and get too many yellow cards, even though my tackling is on default and on PI they're are on Easy. Now Im conceding way too much goals on counter attacks.

My starting XI is:

Abate--Vertonghen--T. Silva--Cissokho
KP Boateng-----Khedira-----Montolivo

2 centre backs with Silva on Covering
2 wingbacks on support
1 Ball-Winning on Defend, Khedira
1 Deep-Lying Playmaker on Support, Montolivo
1 Trequartista, Aquilani
1 Box to Box on Support, Boateng
1 Complete Forward on Attack, Ibra
and 1 Poacher, Pato.

The team sometimes has possession way too much and does not create as many chances as it could I feel.
Later Im going to post a screenshot.

Could you help me with this?
Thank you in advance :D

View attachment 206808

PS: Kwadwo Asamoah is the one there. Bought him after I sold Flamini and Ambrosini.
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Hi Raikan,

Cheers for the tips the other day. My side seem to be doing a little better, but I think I need to get abit more from my central midfielders.

I have changed the line up to a 4-5-1 -





And I want the two CM's (Isco & Cazorla first team with Felipe Anderson and Mateo Kovacic as replacements) to run with the ball and support the attack, so I changed the focus passing to mixed and made them both play as BBM's.

Do you have any other suggestions though as they dont seem to be doing what I want. Would you have both as BBM's or have them both as a different role?
Hey mate, I was tipped by yourself to come here and ask for help. Well, I am not the best tactical maker, so I'll request some help until I get used how to make them work for my team. Basically I understood I need to create a tactic using the current squad.
Now the problem is with team instructions and player roles. I do not really get them. I mean, if I put like Attacking in team style, how narrow/wide should my team play? Things like that. Also, what does Poacher, Anchorman etc, do and what are the needed attributes.

hey bud :) firstly I would read up on these then when you get a better idea I will be able to help you much more than I can do right now :)


hey raikan i play with spurs 4-2-4, and my defence is very weak, can you help me about that ? sorry for my bad english
I need to see who you have in your defence, their settings, team instructions etc :) there are many many factors mate :)

your english is fine!
Hi Raikan

Im kinda new to FM, but I've been playing a lot recently. I play with AC Milan a typical 4-3-1-2
Im using the perfect 4-3-1-2 you created for FM11 but with a few tweaks of course, but I still have some problems.

My team is not creating many CCC and my wingbacks (I dont use full-backs) tackle too much and get too many yellow cards, even though my tackling is on default and on PI they're are on Easy. Now Im conceding way too much goals on counter attacks.

My starting XI is:

Abate--Vertonghen--T. Silva--Cissokho
KP Boateng-----Khedira-----Montolivo

2 centre backs with Silva on Covering
2 wingbacks on support
1 Ball-Winning on Defend, Khedira
1 Deep-Lying Playmaker on Support, Montolivo
1 Trequartista, Aquilani
1 Box to Box on Support, Boateng
1 Complete Forward on Attack, Ibra
and 1 Poacher, Pato.

The team sometimes has possession way too much and does not create as many chances as it could I feel.
Later Im going to post a screenshot.

Could you help me with this?
Thank you in advance :D

View attachment 206808

PS: Kwadwo Asamoah is the one there. Bought him after I sold Flamini and Ambrosini.

this tactic is working superbly for Ac Milan :) try it out.


for this tactic I would:

1) why you playing rigid? play at leat balanced/fluid
2) you need to drill crosses (if any) you have the two smallest strikers in the game :) float crossess is only used for tall strikers and wingers with good crossing ability

3) dont play Robino as CF, he is a poacher, play tow poachers, give them the same instructions as the tactic I linked above
4) dont play Alberto as a treq... play Montolivo up there as advanced playmaker - attack and put Alberto as Cm - support, Khedira should be Cm-defend/support

5) take off playmaker and target man!
6) see how that goes :)
Hi mate
So what you are saying is that if I play a 4-2-3-1 formationand play Arteta has an advance playmaker he will get in the way of the AMC.Would that not make all my moves break down in the final third?
So does now mean I have to go back to the 451/433 formationplaying Arteta as advance playmaker, Ramsey has central midfield support andSong has the DMC.
I am really confused now mate because I was just going to copythe midfield settings you used in the M&M tactic into my 4-2-3-1 formationbut now you are giving me something to think about and I am really unsure whatto do. Please Help Mate

1) it depends on player instructions :) but I have two Cm's who sit deep and do not run into space, like Carrick (the Cm roles are the Carrick roles) and plays it off to the more creative player (in your case Arteta)

2) if you play 4-3-3 (amc and aml/amr) copy the Cm settings from the M&M tactic exaclty for the two cm's in your tactic and you can work on the Amc one if you want yourself :)
Hi Raikan,

Cheers for the tips the other day. My side seem to be doing a little better, but I think I need to get abit more from my central midfielders.

I have changed the line up to a 4-5-1 -





And I want the two CM's (Isco & Cazorla first team with Felipe Anderson and Mateo Kovacic as replacements) to run with the ball and support the attack, so I changed the focus passing to mixed and made them both play as BBM's.

Do you have any other suggestions though as they dont seem to be doing what I want. Would you have both as BBM's or have them both as a different role?
those are all way too attacking mids mate :) none of them are box to box mate :)

read this...


hey mate here is my tactic
can you suggest to me some tactical changes :D