Raikan007's Tactical discussion & help thread

and what formation and roles would you recommend? S&S is short n sweet one? the 4231?
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Thats ace, will give it a go tonight and let u know how i get on. Its actually the same as what i played last season, but sanogo was a bit hit and miss as lone striker probably because of his age, at least he should have better support on the flanks now though. Cheers!
raikon, just seen this thread after i sent you a massive pm.. Upto you where you reply or if you reply, any help will be greatfully received.

Thanks in advance
done mate :)

just in case it did not work!

hey mate, welcome to FM-base
there are many great tacticians here and more than just two in Fm

If you like possession tactics the only one I have made is the Short and Sweet (link below) for this I suggest dropping the amc into the central cm position and dropping one of the cm's into the dm position and doing what I have suggested on the OP (in big red writing) to increase chances

Short and Sweet™

you may also look here for your own creation of a possession tactic

Raikan007's Possession tactic discussion & creation centre: Hints & Tips

For training and youth development:

Raikan007's Training Regime Fm12
The Complete How to train/tutor my players thread
Raikan007's Wonderkid Shortlist

for stats that depends, for the Short and sweet you can read the OP, it does explain the type of players that are needed
if you need more in depth suggestions let me know

I am just about to leave the office so I would have like to have helped you a little more but need to run! have a good evening and I will back in the morning (then I am on holiday until the 11th Jan)

have a good one

Sorry... *dumb newbie wondering in to the forum alert*...

Been a pretty consistent, and successful FM player for years now, but mostly through instinct rater than knowledge. One thing I'm keen to find out about, though, is re-training players, and whether it genuinely affects their PA? Bale, for example... if I work him up to a natural LB, or AML, will this affect his PA? If so, dramatically, or not really? I don't often play with an AMC, but there are some seriously tasty AM out there, so would be looking to maybe retrain them in to MC, and use appropriate tactics around them, as advanced playmaker etc, but again, would this affect PA?

Preference is always to develop talented young players, so would be good to know!


Sorry... *dumb newbie wondering in to the forum alert*...

Been a pretty consistent, and successful FM player for years now, but mostly through instinct rater than knowledge. One thing I'm keen to find out about, though, is re-training players, and whether it genuinely affects their PA? Bale, for example... if I work him up to a natural LB, or AML, will this affect his PA? If so, dramatically, or not really? I don't often play with an AMC, but there are some seriously tasty AM out there, so would be looking to maybe retrain them in to MC, and use appropriate tactics around them, as advanced playmaker etc, but again, would this affect PA?

Preference is always to develop talented young players, so would be good to know!


hey bud, yes it does use PA points! depending on how familiar he is already will determine how many points it will use! I do not know the exact amount as I never use any tools etc...

that is not much of a problem, 80% of them are already accomplished as cm's anyway :) but the older the player the less it will affect the PA due to the CA and PA being quite close already..
please note, I am on leave until 11th January 2012 and will not be accessing the forums during that time. I wish you all a good festive season and a merry christmas!
Raikan, welcome back! How you doing bud?

How was the holiday?
Welcome back Raikan! Have a good holiday?

:) Planning on making anymore new tactics be they posession or other things soon?
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hey guys, great thank you!

I am actually, have not played more than a couple of hours (need to get back into it) but am busy with a 4-3-3 (like last year) with the Dm! hopefully be out end of next week!
Great! Take your time, no rush in my opinion. Hope the tactic is as great as the others you've made.
hey raikan welcome back!

so am having this problem with my Napoli team. 1)i applied the Dlf role to cavani you suggested in the beginning of the thread so he is my playmaker now (it was hamsik before). cavani (View attachment 216167) is doing alright but hamsik has just been mediocre and no way near his old form.
these are his PI:
View attachment 216159

2) i am looking to create like 5 CCC's(i.e i don't to just have posession aimlessly without scoring) or so per game how do you think i should adjust my team instructions?
View attachment 216166and you think i should set a specific target man?

one last thing: do you think i should just untick the playmaker option because you mentioned earlier it's counter productive or something else? and if you recommend that what role and duty should hamsik be assigned to?
thank you so much in advance
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Hey Raikan, I had massive amounts of success using your CCC Heaven and Perfect 4-2-3-1 tactics in FM11 with Arsenal. I'm now starting up the FM12 demo again with Aresenal. Which of your tactics would you suggest?
Hi Raikan, I'm trying to develop a 4-2-4 (with a fairly average team, Dinamo)

I can't seem to develop an effective front 4.

As I want to create a decent tactic myself, I would like it if you could explain some of the player instructions that can make an attack ineffective.

like how to make inside forwards effective: what player instructions have a negative effect

and anything else that can lead to them not being very effective.

how to create a decent deep lying forward (involved in play a little, dragging defence out of shape)

and how to create a finisher/ effective poacher type player.

I'd really like to learn how the game works rather than just using other peoples tactics (sometimes I'm fairly successful, but I still don't feel I've really got good at developing tactics).

Thanks. :)