Raikan007's Tactical discussion & help thread

Hey Raikan, I had massive amounts of success using your CCC Heaven and Perfect 4-2-3-1 tactics in FM11 with Arsenal. I'm now starting up the FM12 demo again with Aresenal. Which of your tactics would you suggest?

hey mate :) glad they worked for you :)

This is my latest 433 I am busy uploading today! I would also suggest the two below as well:

Raikan007's "Swoop There it Is" 433 Dm tactic - Downloads - Football Manager 2012 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats

CCC Heaven (Pure Perfection 2012)


Short and Sweet: Possession!


Good luck, hope they work well for you :)
hey raikan welcome back!

so am having this problem with my Napoli team. 1)i applied the Dlf role to cavani you suggested in the beginning of the thread so he is my playmaker now (it was hamsik before). cavani () is doing alright but hamsik has just been mediocre and no way near his old form.
these are his PI:

2) i am looking to create like 5 CCC's(i.e i don't to just have posession aimlessly without scoring) or so per game how do you think i should adjust my team instructions?
and you think i should set a specific target man?

one last thing: do you think i should just untick the playmaker option because you mentioned earlier it's counter productive or something else? and if you recommend that what role and duty should hamsik be assigned to?
thank you so much in advance

thanks mate :)

1) dont select playmaker :) the settings look fine, try and make him a little more attacking and take off his free role (remember it also has to do with Cm settings and winger settings, he cant do anything if he gets **** service)

2) what style do you want to play? seems as though you want to play possession?
Hi Raikan, I'm trying to develop a 4-2-4 (with a fairly average team, Dinamo)

I can't seem to develop an effective front 4.

As I want to create a decent tactic myself, I would like it if you could explain some of the player instructions that can make an attack ineffective.

like how to make inside forwards effective: what player instructions have a negative effect

and anything else that can lead to them not being very effective.

how to create a decent deep lying forward (involved in play a little, dragging defence out of shape)

and how to create a finisher/ effective poacher type player.

I'd really like to learn how the game works rather than just using other peoples tactics (sometimes I'm fairly successful, but I still don't feel I've really got good at developing tactics).

Thanks. :)

hey mate :) that is way too much info to type out :) what I can suggest is download thing Might and Magic tactic the other tactic below to see how I set up instructions for the roles you mention above:

M&M: Dlf, Poacher and Cm's :)


433 Dm: Inside Forwards :)

Raikan007's "Swoop There it Is" 433 Dm tactic - Downloads - Football Manager 2012 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats
Thanks mate! :) At least I know what role to look for in each tactic, that should be enough.
thanks mate :)

1) dont select playmaker :) the settings look fine, try and make him a little more attacking and take off his free role (remember it also has to do with Cm settings and winger settings, he cant do anything if he gets **** service)

2) what style do you want to play? seems as though you want to play possession?

yes i would prefer to play possession but i don't want to just have it without actually creating chances and score goals so what do you suggest?
here are the PI's for my wingers:
View attachment 216887View attachment 216888
and my cm has the carrick role. and by the way i changed hamsik's duty to attack with basically same PI but i removed the free role and increased mentality. will that work or should i revert back to support?
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I'm basically having the same problem as I had in the last FM, which is that I have no problems with any team except Charlton. I just can't do well with them lol.

Right now I'm playing 4-4-2: Fluid philosophy, shorter passing, pretty much everything else default.

Hamer- GK

Solly- FB- Support
Morrison- CB- Defend
Cort- CB- Defend
Wiggins- FB- Attack

Green- Winger- Support
Hollands- BWM- Defend
Stephens- Advanced Playmaker- Support
Jackson- Wide Mid- Attack

Kermorgant- Target man- Support
Wright Phillips- Poacher- Attack

Not sure if you know anything about these players so I was just wondering if you can see anything fundamentally wrong with the roles/ duties/ tactics. My main problem is that I can't break defences down even with the creative stephens in midfield. Also Green's crossing is the best in the league but he never seems to hit either of the strikers.

If you CBA to respond I won't mind, as I'm not desperate (I'll go back to playing as another team I can actually do well as lol) :)

I'm basically having the same problem as I had in the last FM, which is that I have no problems with any team except Charlton. I just can't do well with them lol.

Right now I'm playing 4-4-2: Fluid philosophy, shorter passing, pretty much everything else default.

Hamer- GK

Solly- FB- Support
Morrison- CB- Defend
Cort- CB- Defend
Wiggins- FB- Attack

Green- Winger- Support
Hollands- BWM- Defend
Stephens- Advanced Playmaker- Support
Jackson- Wide Mid- Attack

Kermorgant- Target man- Support
Wright Phillips- Poacher- Attack

Not sure if you know anything about these players so I was just wondering if you can see anything fundamentally wrong with the roles/ duties/ tactics. My main problem is that I can't break defences down even with the creative stephens in midfield. Also Green's crossing is the best in the league but he never seems to hit either of the strikers.

If you CBA to respond I won't mind, as I'm not desperate (I'll go back to playing as another team I can actually do well as lol) :)

switch the passing to default, use the shouts to change passing length if needed, if your strikers are short drill the crosses in.

i'd have both wingers on support, and both fullbacks on automatic
switch the passing to default, use the shouts to change passing length if needed, if your strikers are short drill the crosses in.

i'd have both wingers on support, and both fullbacks on automatic

Cheers bud, I've only played three games so far, but the team managed 2 wins and a draw, which is better than I was achieving before. Along with giving both wide players a support duty, I decided to change the roles to winger and adv. playmaker and move them into more advanced positions and this is definitely yielding better results from them.
yes i would prefer to play possession but i don't want to just have it without actually creating chances and score goals so what do you suggest?
here are the PI's for my wingers:
View attachment 216887View attachment 216888
and my cm has the carrick role. and by the way i changed hamsik's duty to attack with basically same PI but i removed the free role and increased mentality. will that work or should i revert back to support?

hey mate :)

if you want to make a possession type tactic, take a look through here :) playing a quicker tempo and using the correct shouts etc will increase chances, there are so many more factors though....


Hamsik on attack is perfect!
heyy raikan
i have been playing fm for 3 years...
usualyy i used downloaded tactics...but now i am luking forward to create my own tactic
plss ans my 1 quess.....in player instructions...if my 1 option is unticked...then what does it mean??
does it mean the greyed option or sumthng mixed wid all avilable options
for eg.....i havent ticked run wid ball and it is greyed wid sometimes
so does it means sometimes.... or does it means mixed..rarely,sometimes,often...a combination of three???
heyy raikan
i have been playing fm for 3 years...
usualyy i used downloaded tactics...but now i am luking forward to create my own tactic
plss ans my 1 quess.....in player instructions...if my 1 option is unticked...then what does it mean??
does it mean the greyed option or sumthng mixed wid all avilable options
for eg.....i havent ticked run wid ball and it is greyed wid sometimes
so does it means sometimes.... or does it means mixed..rarely,sometimes,often...a combination of three???

hey bud, if its greyed it is going to still do what it says: run from deep: sometimes, its going to instruct that player to do that, its just the defualt settings SI have set for each role (each role has predertimined settings)

if you would like to make a possession style tactic, see below :)

Hi, thanks for the help before Raikan. :)

I'm using a level of pressing that you had recommended previously, (one notch below 'whole pitch'), and was wondering whether all of my defenders should be set to tight marking (my worry is that this can sometimes pull them out of shape).

My front 5 (2 mcs, Aml/r and St) are currently pressing very high (I decided that with the amount of talented MC's Dinamo have I should use a 4-3-3 rather than 4-2-4) will this make the level of pressing the defenders use less effective? (I was thinking of doing an Italian style 'broken team' thing).
Hi, thanks for the help before Raikan. :)

I'm using a level of pressing that you had recommended previously, (one notch below 'whole pitch'), and was wondering whether all of my defenders should be set to tight marking (my worry is that this can sometimes pull them out of shape).

My front 5 (2 mcs, Aml/r and St) are currently pressing very high (I decided that with the amount of talented MC's Dinamo have I should use a 4-3-3 rather than 4-2-4) will this make the level of pressing the defenders use less effective? (I was thinking of doing an Italian style 'broken team' thing).

Dont set cb to tight marking or man, leave zonal and no tight marking, they get turned so quickly :) its much more effective and only found this out recently... set their closing down to own half!

fb must be tight marking and man though!

yeah, incorporate their cm's! Kovacic/Badelj etc! no it wont
hey bud, if its greyed it is going to still do what it says: run from deep: sometimes, its going to instruct that player to do that, its just the defualt settings SI have set for each role (each role has predertimined settings)

if you would like to make a possession style tactic, see below :)


thnxx mate for ur rply
this is first tym i am creating a tactic
actualyy not realy possesion
i want to make a much attacking tactic.....wid formation 4-1-2-3 wid inside forwards
a kind of tactic wid many ccc...more ball through...dis kind of tactic
hey mate :)

if you want to make a possession type tactic, take a look through here :) playing a quicker tempo and using the correct shouts etc will increase chances, there are so many more factors though....


Hamsik on attack is perfect!

thanks for your help. i will take a look at it. btw i have a back up tactic such that my two cm's have the carrick role with basically same other instruction and i have been doing really well! lavezzi hits hattricks almost every game! but i wanted to ask you about the tactic i showed you beacuse you always say you should have back up tactics to mix things up. thanx anyway :)
Hi Raikan
Was wondering if you knew how to settup with an attacking amc (in my case Kagawa and Baptista) and a poacher style striker (Barrios and Van Nistelrooy) for my Malaga and Dortmund saves.
My main playmakes are out wide and play pretty well as do my two cms who hold the midfield and play simple passing, but cant seem to get my amc and strikers playing well together and to their strengths.
Thanks and keep up all the good work
Hi Raikan
Was wondering if you knew how to settup with an attacking amc (in my case Kagawa and Baptista) and a poacher style striker (Barrios and Van Nistelrooy) for my Malaga and Dortmund saves.
My main playmakes are out wide and play pretty well as do my two cms who hold the midfield and play simple passing, but cant seem to get my amc and strikers playing well together and to their strengths.
Thanks and keep up all the good work

hey bud, I would take a look at the settings in this tactic :) especially the Amc

Hey Raikan,

Do you know what the best way is to incorporate an Advanced Playmaker as AML?
What would be the best striker partnership, poacher for through balls?

I want to use Eriksen as AML in a 451 and I'm unsure wether to use him as IF(s) or AP(s).
I have heard lots of positive comments about him in this position.

Also (sorry if off topic): Why can't I teach him to play killer balls? Coach or player problem?

Thanks m8!
Hi Raikan,

Is it in your opinion possible to perform wel with a 4 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 formation?

The formation is with 4 defenders, 1 defensive midfielder (Defense/Ballwinner), 1 central midfielder (Playmaker), 2 attacking midfielders (1 Inside Winger and 1 Playmaker) and 2 Strikers (Poacher both).

If you need anymore information about this tactics I will send some screenshots tonight.
Hey Raikan,

Do you know what the best way is to incorporate an Advanced Playmaker as AML?
What would be the best striker partnership, poacher for through balls?

I want to use Eriksen as AML in a 451 and I'm unsure wether to use him as IF(s) or AP(s).
I have heard lots of positive comments about him in this position.

Also (sorry if off topic): Why can't I teach him to play killer balls? Coach or player problem?

Thanks m8!

hey mate,

I use Modric as an Inside forward there at the moment! it depends on your style of play! if you want him to run at defenders and cut inside taking defenders with him and drawing out a central defender to make space for the striker then run with ball often, no long shots, through balls often, run from deep always, cuts inside, attacking and creative freedom high, crossing sometimes and direct passing will be perfect!

if you play a more composed controlled game then AP would work as well, have him move into channels, cross and play through balls sometimes normal to attacking, no long shots, cross from deep etc :)

he has the PPM's runs with ball so I suggest using the inside forward settings as explained above :) he would be even better retrained to play AMR with these settings as he is left footed!

if you would like to see settings mentioned above you are more than welcome to take them off the tactic below :)
