i am not new to football manager - i played FM 2010 a lot. I am reading some threads about tactics, player skills and what and how it works again to refresh. This will be longer - i hope you finish reading and provide me some help.
I never seen much sense in playing for best teams in Europe, i just wanted to build SOMETHING from not exactly nothing, but from weaker clubs. I chose my favourite team from my country - Žilina - they were playing European League, or Champions League and when i quilified i got better players and in final i was Champions League regular, beucase when my players got good, someone bigger bought them and there were no way how to resist or how to buy some better players.
Right now i was really happy to hear, that in new FM 2012 there is some kind of league rating i can make better with my successes and increase reputation so it will be easier to hold good player and maybe even buy some (can you please tell me if its true?).
But i moved to new city and country (just around the corner) - to Brno, Czech republic. I came up with idea, that i want to build team out of it.
BUT - i wont have funds in second season for European league or CHampions league - so i cant build up team around tactics i want to play (when i choose one).
I realized, that Brno is is 2nd league (i am not familiar if 2nd league in CZ is in FM 2012). They totally sold out their squad, so its woth mid-table.
So i need tactics that i can outplay better and also worse teams. I need some trick how to find adequate-fitting player that can help, but wont be expensive. Should i focus on primary skills and just check, if there is some level of secondary? Or balanced?
I was thinking about trying out with youth talents, but i wont have adeaquate coaches for them - to improve effectively.
Thanks for help